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- Create an inspiring presentation with project photos, drawings and videos
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“ is the fastest growing community for architecture, over 36,000 firms use Archello to share their work. “
Share Spec Knowledge
- Share spec knowledge with others and learn from the choices other architects make
- Projects with spec sheets will have a higher visibility and will more likely be published on Archello’s homepage and social media channels
Port House by Zaha Hadid Architects
“Projects with product spec sheets will reach a larger audience, and have a greater chance of being featured on all our channels”
Build a Community
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- Show who you worked with: connect involved brands to your projects
- Grow followers, keep the architecture community up to date by publishing your latest work
- Discover real time brand insights and interactions
“Some of our firms have over 10,000 industry followers and receive on average 10 new followers per day“
Find Products for your Next Project
- See what products are used by architects in projects. Discover thousands of product spec sheets connected to projects
- Use Archello’s Product Selector to find the best products for your next project and connect directly with the manufacturer
- Save Products in your collection for future use
- Follow manufacturers to keep informed about new product releases
- Download product brochures, BIM files, find reference lists of other architects who worked with the manufacturer.
“Archello is built from the ground up to connect architects with manufacturers.”
Trusted by industry leading firms in Architecture & Design
“Use Archello to showcase your portfolio to the global architecture and design community”
What our clients say
Archello for Architects
Publish your projects and feature your work to the global architecture & design community.
Free- Publish unlimited projects
- Firm portfolio page
- Build a community of followers
- Connect your team members
- Add multilingual content
- Insights analytics
- Curate your own collections
- Follow your favorite brands
- Find products for your next projects
- Download Product Brochures and Bim Files
- Connect Directly with manufacturers
- Chance to get promoted on Archello’s Social media Channels, Homepage and Newsletter