Reveals how modern science and technology have made possible the development of new artificial fibers for making textiles -- specifically rayon and nylon. Portrays some of the processes used in making these fibers, ways in which they are useful to man and characteristic of the textiles made from them.
Reviewer:Dodsworth the Cat
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December 7, 2023 Subject:
Many years ago, there was TV show called "Mr. Wizard," where Don Herbert would explain science to young people at his lab desk in the studio. That's kind of what happens here, except two boys shout at Mr. Scientist. Their acting is as wooden as the rayon the scientist is showing them. There's a lot more stock footage here than in any episode of Mr. Wizard. But Mr. Nordan gives an explanation that would likely be intelligible to children watching. Personally, I prefer Bob and Ray as Mr. Science and young Jimmy Schwab.
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July 21, 2012 Subject:
Huzzah for chemicals!
Two bad acting boys act a bad acting science teacher about how rayon and nylon are made. The explanations he gives are quite interesting. I mean, who knew? I sure didn't. Nice shots of the two fibers being made, maybe the process has changed... seems the chemicals are a bit more "open air" than they should... Also, the science teacher sure has every known chemical at his disposal! Yikes!