Historic, Archive Document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. Ae: 64,7 | DELPHINIUM SEEDS 7igi,e" Here is a valuable and popular group of seeds merchandised in a new way. It’s easier for you to estimate your needs, and the pricey are the most attractive you’ll find in this Average production is about 500 to 800 plants per 1 de: GALAHAD: The finest all white Delphinium ever produced. LANCELOT: Clear lilac self, white bee. SIR PERCIVAL: Clear white with black bee. THESE THREE: 1/10 oz. $1.25; per ounce $12.50. BLACK KNIGHT: The darkest blue. BLUE BIRD: Clear medium blue with white bee. BLUE JAY: Clear medium blue with dark bee. CAMELIARD: Lavender self, white bee. Very fine. GUINEVERE: Light pinkish lavender. Exquisite. KING ARTHUR: Royal violet. ROUND TABLE: A mixture of all these named varieties. SUMMER SKIES: Light blue, white bee. THESE EIGHT: 1/10 oz. $1.05; per ounce $10.50. NOTE: The 1/10 ounce price is same as ounce rate so no matter what your needs you’re not penalized for buying in small quantity. HARROLD’S OTE SUMMER 1951 BOX 929 GRANTS PASS, OREGON Smee Sec. 34.66 P.L. & R. U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT 22 Mr. Ralph R. Shaw The hibrarian S Of Agriculture TERMS: REMIT WITH ORDER. NO STAMPS. epner i ‘ re ev 7 ‘Peg 4 F ° 7 % A = : aye ‘ ' y i] * byy f a nw yl - at on | pa De K A j EARLY FLOWERING SPENCER Greenhouse Sweet Peas ALL THE SAME PRICE - 30¢ Per Ounce; $4.80 Per Pound. THE OUNCE PRICE IS AT THE POUND RATE. APOLLO: Light salmon cerise. BOON: Large, deep salmon rose. BRIDESMAID: Deep silvery pink. COQUETTE: Coral pink. HIAWATHA: Deep rose self. LADDIE IMPROVED: long stemmed SEQUOIA: Rich golden cerise. SHIRLEY TEMPLE: Soft rose pink. TOPS: Kine rose pink. ORANGE SHADES. Sweet Peas still available for spot delivery or we will ship from new harvest as quickly as possible. Cineraria Seeds FIESTA: Orange-cerise. TREASURE ISLAND: Golden orange. VARIETY Price per 1,000 seeds j,4-0z. ;4-0z. CRAMERS PRIZE: (Reselected) Very large heads, medium amall) Howers in rich) shades s mixes este cee cess eee $1.25 $2.50 $9.00 Cc. S. & M. MIXED: A universal blend of Cramers, Sitters & Multiflora that meets a general average need. ................- 1.25 2.50 9.00 HOWARD & SMITH CALIFORNIA SUPER GIANTS: Outstanding large flowers often 4 inches across in large basal branched heads. Plants 12 to 16 inches tall and the color range is brilliant and most varied. ..............-------- 1.25 2.50 9.00 MULTIFLORA NANA HYBRIDA: Attractive flowers of medium size in large heads with yellow centers. Mostly self colors. A compact, good shipping plant. —.................. 1.00 2.00 7.00 SITTER’S RAINBOW MIXTURE: Immense heads of med- ium flowers with white eye and small foliage. .................. 1.25 2.25 9.00 See woewrerswsrese ss somes se ree as Ss Primula Polyanthus-Veris Hybrids HARROLD’S PEDIGREED GIANTS Developed in our breeding department after many years of intensive work we believe this to be the finest in this type. The plants are pleasingly compact but of robust growth, usually from 8 to 10 inches high under good culture. Flower stems are 12 to 16 inches with flowers well above the foliage. The flower heads, composed of many florets which are often individually larger than a silver dollar, are often 8 inches or more across. Coloring is the most brilliant of any strain available in this type. While available in mixed colors only, the blend contains yellow, red, purple and white in the more common shades plus pink, flame and bronze shades in pastel and poly-chrome combinations that are rare. A few blue shades are in the mixture. Marking of the flowers is just as outstanding with selfs blotched and laced markings in the flowers. FRESH TESTED SEEDS Price per Trade Packet about 300 seeds, $1.00; 3 for $2.50; +, 0z., about 1500 seeds, $4.00; 1% oz., $7.50; 4% 0z., $14.00; Y%oz., $25.00; 1o0z., $50.00; 2 ozs., $95.00. SEEDS OF OTHER HARDY PRIMROSES VARIETY Price per Pkt. y,0z. Ygoz. Yoz Yeoz. 1oz. OREGON GIANTS: (Polyanthus) A giant strain from an outstanding Ore. specialist. A wide color range in the soft light shades. OLYMPIC GIANTS: A giant Polyan- thus strain from the collection of a Wash. State breeder. Basically from Pfitzer’s Colossea and English strains. Good + ColOr, Sires cd ncsssccncncceseceocsccsaccnessens CASHMERIANA: Denticulata. Small florets of lilac in large, dense heads. Plants about 10 inches high and free flow ering reps secs ence nena AURICULA: Popular alpine for shad- ed rockery. Requires alpine situation and rocky soil with free drainage. Flowers are large in medium clusters. Coloring most varied and exclusive to this group. Each floret invariably with center blotch of contrast shade to rest of flower. 1.00 2.00 3.25 WE SUPPLY FREE CULTURE SHEET WITH ALL PRIMROSE ORDERS. $1.00 $3.25 $6.00 $11.00 $20.00 $35.00 3.25 6.00 11.00 20.00 35.00 6.00 11.00 20.00 a cultural leaflet sent with each order, Will bloom in about 8 months, PINK, ROSE and SALMON SHADES. BALL ROSE QUEEN: Large rose pink. BALL ROSE SUPREME: Bright silvery rose pink. DAPHNE: Soft salmon pink on cream. MRS. H. S. REDDICK: Robust salmon pink. BALL ORANGE IMPROVED: Clear bright orange. minded and fancier. These seeds from one of the finest collections in the country. SUPERLATIVE MIXTURE: All from DOUBLE & SINGLE MIXED: Quite BLUE, LAVENDER and PURPLE SHADES. AMETHYST: Royal purple. AVALON: New mid-blue. HARMONY: Clear lavender. RHAPSODY: Rosy-lavender. TAHOE: Fine mid-blue. TOP HAT: Deep bright violet-blue. TRIUMPH: J.ong stemmed lilac-mauve. TWILIGHT: Giant clear lavender. SCARLET and MAROON SHADES. BACCHUS: Rich red-maroon, MISS ALABAMA: Deep chocolate-maroon, PRIDE: Long stemmed deep cerise. RED WOOD: Fine crimson. WHITE and CREAM SHADES. BALL WHITE: Large white. W. S. HOPE IMPROVED: Pure white. B. S. ORIENTAL: Rich cream. B. S. WHITE CHAMPION: Giant pure white. W. S. Larkipur Seeds FINEST AMERICAN GROWN SEEDS About 14,000 seeds per oz. Average production about 500 plants per .1 ounce. giant rose. MINIMUM QUANTITY SOLD \%, OZ. PRICE PER \ one VARIETY COLOR ounce ounce SUPER MAJESTIC: DEER SALMON (PIN Kes NO VET Yee A Bm atl 6 Cerca $ .25 $ 1.00 GLAV-ENDER:S Medium, rosyvo lav.end exces sre eee ee ree ea neeesoee .20 .80 ROSERPINE< Oreamiy, rose pinks Polen emer secre eee eee eee .20 .80 WHITE Secure wilite. saree. otto Wer OC cms. eases renee see eee .20 .80 SUPREME: DARK BLUE SUPREME: A rich deep blue. ..............--..2.-22--2--2------ .30 1.20 LILAC SUPREME: Clear lilac. 30 =6.1.20 PINK SUPREME: Rose pink. ............... .30 1.20 ROSEGSUPREME: = ©leate deeper 10 sess eete teere eee pe te ae .30 1.20 SALMON SUPREME: True salmon. .30 1.20 WHITE SUPREME: True clear white. .... .30 1,20 MIXED: All colors. ..............- HE REM IC WEN (uo SURE Ee en eee share 30 1.20 GIANT IMPERIAL: BLUE BELL: Azure blue, lavender tinge. ................-.-.-----------00+------ -20 80 BLUERSPIRED Verve deep rvi0let@bl ype: aera cece acre, eee -20 80 CARMINE KING IMPROVED: Carmine rose shaded cinnabar. ...... .20 -80 DAZ ZLERhichycarmines SCarletcn see ae ee ee .20 .80 EXQUISITE PINK IMPROVED: Soft pink shaded salmon. ............ -20 .80 GLOBTAT SD cepmsalmonp rose. see ee eee .20 .80 LIGACT KING: | Rich slilac, fully. double; c=. .2- ee eects .20 80 DILACLQUBENssicilac blues mee ee eee ee ee ee ee -20 .80 LOS ANGELES IMPROVED: Brilliant pink on salmon. ................-- -20 -80 MISS CALIFORNIA: Deep rose on salmon. ...........-..----------20--00--0--== -20 -80 PINKSRING Se Softesalinon: Tose me ces ee eee ae een ee .20 .80 ROSELIND: Salmon rose. Shatter-proof. ...............--.-----:--+2+-00+000-00--- .20 .80 SWEET LAVENDER: Lavender blue. Medium deep. .20 80 WHITE KING: Huge glistening white. ...........-...-.0..-------- .20 .80 WHITTESCOCKADE:) Hine puree wilitary ee ee ee ee -20 .80 FINEST MIXTURE: All shades in a popular blend, ..........-.---...------ .20 .80 REGAL STRAIN — NEW: REGAL DARK BLUE: Florists deep violet blue, ...........--..-------.----- .40 1.60 REGAL LIGA Ota Clearalilacamectee-ssse eee ee en) ee .40 1.60 REGAL PINK: Brilliant pink on salmon. .40 1.60 REGAL ROSE: Rich florists’ rose. .......-.2-22220200c0--ceeeeeeee- .40 1.60 REGAL SALMON ROSE: A rich Color, .......-----0----c0cec-cecececeeceseeeceesee .40 1.60 REGAL WHITE: Pure. Superior to white king, ............-----2.-00------ .40 1.60 REGALIMIXED <3 As formula, blends ee ee .40 1.60 SEEDS Interesting for the experimentally crosses of top show varieties. Many pastels. PER PKT., about 150 seeds, $2.00; 1,000 seed, $11.00. choice. PER PKT., about 150 seeds, $1.50; 1,000 seed, $6.00. Fractional ounce prices on request. CULTURE Is relatively simple and covered by YOU CAN’T BEAT THIS DEAL Our offer of this selection of specialist bred and grown Stocks is the best you’ll find this year. Our seed are from the cultures of two of the most famous specialists and this coupled with our pricing formula that makes available “1/10 ounce of a variety at the same price as a full ounce gives you an economy never before available to the smaller grower. Order 1/10 ounce for each plants needed. MINIMUM QUANTITY SOLD 1/10 OZ. PRICE PER 1/10 VARIETY COLOR ounce DOUBLE GIANT COLUMN: (Improved Excelsior) BALL NO. 1 LILAC LAVENDER: Large flowered. .................. $ .85 BALL NO. 3 BLUE: Medium lavender mauve. .85 BALL NO. 6 AMERICAN BEAUTY: Deep carmine rose. ........ 85 BALL NO. 7 MALMAISON PINE: Long stemmed blush pink. .85 BALL NOM SeRUB Ye Taller somatic dee acer eee sere ree 85 BALL NO. 9 CHAMOIS PINK IMP: Rosy buff. .....................- 85 BALL NO. 11 PINK: Rose pink, lighter than No. 22. —............ 85 BALI NOW 14 ROSE PINKS Deep rose pike ce-eceeee ne ee -85 BALL NO. 16 WHITE IMPROVED: Fine florists white. -......... 85 BALL NO. 20 APRICOT: Large creamy buff. Late. ........ side Des 85 BALL NO. 21 PURPLE HEART: Tall blue-purple. .................... .85 BALL NO. 22 SUPREME: Silvery rose. Outstanding. -............- .85 BALL NO. 24 DEEP APRICOT: Deeper than No. 20. ...............- .85 AVALANCHE: NEW. Barllest giantw white, seems ete ee .90 CHAMOIS ROSE: NEW. Fine florist color. Deeper than No. 9. .85 CREAM PINE: NEW. Soft rose on cream base. Very fine. ........ .85 GARDINIA: Huge, glistening white. .............. BRR ies RRO Fe Pee -85 TLLUSIONs 2 Deepascanlets te esccc cet cee ees 85 ROYAL PURPLE: True deep purple. Deeper than No. 21. ........ .85 SILVER LILAC sBest) lavender ces ccnte ee ee eee .85 WHITE GIANT: NEW. Very early Giant white. Six in. taller. -. .90 YELLOW WONDER: The finest cut-flower yellow, ~.................. -90 FLORISTS MIXTURE: A blend for the professional grower, ..... «.85 DOUBLE GIANTS OF CALIFORNIA: Similar in type to the Bismark group but heavier. Closely set they may be made to produce one large spike similar to column varieties. GOLDEN GATE: A good yellow, ............. .32 MOJAV Bice Riclhe velvety PUL De ieee. eee rae ee eee ee ee eee soe MONTEREY? A: wvery useful shade of (pink cosecc sees sreeeeee eee soe PACIFIC: A very attractive shade of blue, ........... Ep Eee Aree. .o2 REDWOODS: The deepest blood: redyeeces--s-e ee eee -o2 SANTA BARBARA: Chamois. Pink overlaying buff. 32 SANTA MARIA: Probably the best Branching type white. -....... 32 SEQUOIAS Rosy carmine: Very Stra kon oop cee eee eee .32 TAHOE: A most valuable lavender shade. 32 YOSEMITE: A shade of rose that is mose useful, -....................- .o2 EXQUISITE MIXED: Blended from the above group in balance. 32 EARLY COLONIAL: Ease Branching of improved habit. MAYFLOWER: Crimson-rose. Bright, especially under light. -... .40 PRISCILLA: Silvery lavender. A very useful color, .................. -40 PURITAN: Many heavy spikes of purest white. -.............. -40 ROSE STANDISH: Bright rose of fancy hue. ...............2.....2-.2..--- .40 GROWER’S BLEND: Well balanced in all shades. ...................... .40 CUT FLOWER Stochs 1,000 one ounce $8.50 8.50 8.50 8.50 8.50 8.50 8.50 8.50 8.50 8.50 8.50 8.50 8.50 9.00 8.50 8.50 8.50 8.50 8.50 8.50 9.00 9.00 8.50 3.20 3.20 3.20 3.20 3.20 3.20 3.20 3.20 3.20 3.20 3.20 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 GREENHOUSE FORCING STRAIN Snapdragon Seeds The turnover in Snapdragon varieties has been so terrific the past few years one can hardly keep up with it. What has become of so many of the highly publicized sorts? Here we list a group of the old standby sorts that have proven good over the years and we still be- lieve that most of them have appeal to a lot of our florist friends, at least our demand for them would indicate this to be true. QUANTITY DISCOUNTS - Order 5 regular Trade Packets and deduct 10%; 10 to 25 pkts. 15%; 25 pkts. or more 20%. No discount on the 4% packets. TRIAL PACKETS - (\% pkts.) For the convenience of the smaller grower we have supplied these smaller packets for many years. Not less than FOUR may be ordered at a time but you may order any quantity above that to meet your needs. They contain approximately 4% of .the seeds of a standard trade packet. t VARIETY Price per }pkt. Tr. pkt. ;; 0z. Afterglow: Popular standard early bronze. ....................:--..- $ .30 $ .75 $ 4.00 Bertha Baur: Orchid.lavender of fine shade. ................--.----- .30 .75 4.00 Bronze Christmas Cheer: Bright copper. Very early. .......... .50 1.50 10.00 Brorze Queen: (Somerset) Fine salmon bronze. .................- 70m 00 8.00 Beaulah: (Smith) Rich olden! pronzewc-.-.- sts. ee =e eese ee -50 1.60 10.00 Ceylon Court - Standard: Popular early canary yellow. ...... .30 75 4.00 Ceylon Court - Dark: Darker yellow than Standard, ............ .30 ae 4.00 Cheviot Maid Supreme: Darker than regular Maid. Popular. vo0 at 4.00 Cheviot Maid Yellow: Very popular early yellow. ................ .30 at As: 4.00 Cheviot Maid White: An excellent commercial white. ......... 235 1.00 5.00 Daybreaks) Wicorous soriarcluy WROse pink oes cree eee .30 Ata) 4.00 Early Yellow: (Schlegel) Quality and a long season. ........ 40 1.25 8.00 Ethel? ‘Golden cellowe Panniy (earl wages eee ss eae cece 39 1.00 6.00 Glorious: (Frank) Reddish copper, yellow lip. Early. ........ 30 ©61.00 7.00 Harrold’s Red Improved: Deep wine red. Fairly early. .... .05 61,00 6.00 Kirkwood Beauty: Attractive glowing bronze. ...................... 35 1.00 5,00 Klondike Supreme: Late flowering deep yellow. .................- 35 1.00 6.00 La France: (Windmiller) Ruffled, satiny pink, -................... 40° 1,25 8.00 Lucky Strike: Probably the best all-time white. ................. .30 .75 4.00 Marie Louise: (Raasch) Strong growing sea shell pink. .... 50 1.50 10.00 Naomi: Rose pink, light touch yellow. Early and prolific. .. 50 1.50 10.00 New, Deal: Very early golden orange. --..c:...2.2<.ccs.ccsecesctecnocess .35 1.00 6.00 Peggy Schumann: Quality rose pink. Large. .......................- ,50 1,50 10.00 Pink Supreme: (Rockwood) A fine cutting pink. ................ 50 1.50 10.00 Portland Pink: A grand rose pink of early habit. -............. -50 1.50 10.00 Roman Gold: Gold shading apricot. Fairly early. ................ .35 1.00 5.00 Rose Orange: A very finely colored early sort. ...........02..2-..- 40 1.25 7.00 Rose Queen: (Witterstaetter) Deep rose. Long a standard. .30 .75 4.00 Sara. Lous) A vers fine, commercial syellow. 2.....2.oe---e----0-a-- 50 1.50 10.00 Schumann Yellow: A large early yellow of nice shade, ...... .50 1.50 10.00 Snow White: (Olsen) A very useful florist white. .............. robe L000 8.00 St. Louis Early Pink: (Rowe) A quality silyer pink. .......... 35 1.00 8.00 Sun Tan: Extra early orange tan. Very popular. ................ .30 VED 4.00 Terry Surprise: Rich orange shading rose. A good color. .... .30 .75 4.00 Velvet Beauty: Rich American Beauty crimson. .................. 30 .75 4.00 Westover Fringed White: Fairly early white. Finely fringed. .30 75 6.00 Yellow Perfection: (Coates) Fine mid-season yellow. .......... .30 .75 4.00 Yellow Wonder: (Bezdek) Good. Early and free flowering. 40 1.25 8.00 Florist Cut-Flower Blend: Best cut flower formula. ............ .30 75 3.00 Outdoor Snapdragons We carry a full line of these which will be of especial interest to our cus- tomers in Southern States for winter culture. See our January Harrold’s Review or ask for list of these.