MAST What's New
- New HLSP: COS-GAL (Zheng et al. 2019). A collection of continuum normalized spectra for 401 QSO's taken from the Hubble Spectroscopic Legacy Archive, combined with radio survey data when available. Spectra and preview plots of a number of Milky Way absorption species are available, as well as the catalog of QSO's. See the MAST project page for more information and to access the data products: https://archive.stsci.edu/prepds/cos-gal
Mission Update: Multi-Sector DV Products for Sectors 1-2 and 1-3.
- Mission Update: TESS multi-sector data validation products out now. These come from runs where Sectors are stitched together.
Read Data Release Notes and get lists of TIC IDs with MSDV files: http://archive.stsci.edu/tess/tess_drn.html . Bulk download the MSDV products: http://archive.stsci.edu/tess/bulk_downloads/bulk_downloads_ffi-tp-lc-dv.html .
Mission Update: TESS Postage Stamp Products From Sector 4 Now Available
- Postage stamp products for Sector 4 (light curves, target pixel files, data validation products) are now available. Be sure to read the updated Data Release Notes before analyzing these data.
Mission Update: TESS FFI Data From Sector 5
- Mission Update: Data for Sector 5 FFIs (Data Release 7, Part 1) are now available (Portal, Astroquery, TESSCut, Bulk Downloads). Read the Data Release Notes for more information about data anomalies during this sector. The FFIs are easily accessible through TESSCut or bulk downloads .
- New HLSP: KEPSEISMIC, light curves optimized for asteroseismology. For each pixel in the pixel-data file, a reference weighted flux value is computed as the 99.9th percentile of the flux divided by its error representing a measure of the signal-to-noise ratio. The resultant light curve is processed through the implementation of the KADACS software, which corrects for outliers, jumps, and drifts, properly concatenates the independent Kepler Quarters in a star-by-star basis. It also fills the gaps shorter than 20 days in long cadence data following in-painting techniques based on a multi-scale cosine transform. The resulting light curves are high-pass filtered at 20, 55 days (quarter by quarter) and 80 days (using the full light curve at once) yielding three different light curves for each target. The team has provided the detrended light curves, the power spectra, and preview plots for more than 28,000 Kepler stars, and more will be released soon. See the MAST project page for more information.
HLSP Update: New TESS-DATA-ALERTS From Sector 4
- HLSP Update: New TESS-DATA-ALERTS from Sector 4, identified from the Sector 4 Full Frame Images by the MIT Quick Look Pipeline. Since these are FFI-based, no 2-min. cadence data are provided as part of the HLSP update. The Sector 4 FFIs are publicly available at MAST.
Mission Update: PanSTARRS DR2
- Mission Update: MAST released the second edition of data from PanSTARRS (Panoramic Survey Telescope & Rapid Response System). This second release, PS1 DR2, contains over 1.6 petabytes of data, making it the largest volume of astronomical information ever released. DR2 includes detection-level warps and catalogs for the first time: https://panstarrs.stsci.edu/ .
There are a number of improvements to MAST interfaces that PanSTARRS users should be aware of: - New web form to query both the DR1 and DR2 catalog databases https://catalogs.mast.stsci.edu/ - New API structure https://catalogs.mast.stsci.edu/docs/panstarrs.html including an example notebook to easily interact with API http://ps1images.stsci.edu/ps1_dr2_api.html - Access to single-epoch ("warp") and stacked images via the PS1 image cutout server https://ps1images.stsci.edu/cgi-bin/ps1cutouts - Retrieve stacked image data through the MAST portal, with warps coming soon https://mast.stsci.edu/ - Users can continue to use Casjobs for larger, more complicated queries http://mastweb.stsci.edu/ps1casjobs/home.aspx See also the HubbleSite news article here: http://hubblesite.org/news_release/news/2019-12
Mission Update: TESS Data For Sectors 3 and 4 Now Available
- TESS data for Sectors 3 and 4 now available. Sector 3 is a full delivery (FFI and 2-min cadence data). Sector 4 is FFI-only (2-min. cadence will be at a later date). Read the Data Release Notes for important info about data characteristics. See the Archive Manual Summary Page to learn more about the various ways to access TESS data at MAST.
- New HLSP: GALEX-FLUXCAL (Bohlin & Bianchi 2019), a collection of 18 IUE spectral energy distributions (SEDs) on the CALSPEC scale that provide a correction to GALEX spectral fluxes. This HLSP also includes the correction in 50 Angstrom bins from 1300 - 3000 Angstroms. While GALEX spectrophotometry is repeatable to only 10-20% in regions of good sensitivity, the average flux correction presented here has a precision of ~3%. See the project page for more information and data access.
Mission Update: K2 Campaign 0 Reprocessed Data Now Available
- The Campaign 0 reprocessed data are now available, including mission-produced light curves (the first time for this Campaign), for both long and short cadence modes. See the updated C0 Data Release Notes for more information. See the MAST K2 homepage for data access: http://archive.stsci.edu/k2/ .