Report unethical behavior
The Archdiocese of Seattle has a longstanding commitment to transparency, accountability and assistance to people sexually abused by clergy or by anyone working on behalf of the Church.
We also expect everyone to work within established archdiocesan policies and procedures set forth in Many Gifts, One Spirit.
Please report any suspicion of abuse or individuals who are violating policies or are involved in unethical conduct.
To report any suspicion of abuse by any Church personnel, please contact local law enforcement. In addition, anyone who has knowledge of sexual abuse or misconduct by a member of the clergy, an employee or volunteer of the Archdiocese of Seattle should call the
Victim Assistance Helpline at
- 1-800-446-7762
- email [email protected]
The Catholic Bishop Abuse Reporting Service (CBAR) has been established to receive reports of sexual abuse and related misconduct by bishops, and to relay those reports to proper Church authorities for investigation. Where a report includes a crime, such as the sexual abuse of a minor, it will also be reported to civil authorities.
- Call 1-800-276-1562
- Visit for more information.
Call the EthicsPoint hotline or report online to identify any ethical violations or violations of archdiocesan policies in Many Gifts, One Spirit, our pastoral and sacramental policies. EthicsPoint is an independent third-party company that provides a confidential hotline so anyone can report concerns about suspected financial or human resources misconduct while remaining anonymous.
- Call 1-844-815-8236
- Link to more info