The university Licensing Program exists to protect the brand, image and reputation of the University of Arkansas. Its mission is to ensure the public can identify with and trust the quality of any product bearing an official university or athletic department mark. To do so, the Licensing Office works to
•Protect the University of Arkansas’ image and reputation to ensure that anyone using university trademarks are licensed thus helping to preserve the value of the brand;
•Promote the brand and reputation of the University of Arkansas through quality, licensed products;
•Provide funding for a variety of athletic programs through royalties from the sale of officially licensed products. When purchasing University of Arkansas and Arkansas Razorback items, always look for the “Officially Licensed Collegiate Product” hologram on a sticker or tag attached to the product!
Thank you for your support of the University of Arkansas and the Arkansas Razorbacks. As a reminder, University marks, logos, phrases and intellectual property cannot be used to advertise a business without written consent from the University.
This includes Ticket Giveaways.
Tickets shall not be used for or in conjunction with, whether directly or indirectly, any advertising, promotion (including contests or sweepstakes), other trade purposes or any other activity without the express prior written consent of the University of Arkansas Department of Athletics.
Complete rules for ticket use can be found here.
College sports is in the midst of its most significant changes in a generation. Current athletes, the NCAA, state legislators and members of Congress have all proposed rules that would provide athletes with varying degrees of new protections and opportunities to make money by selling their name, image and likeness (NIL) rights while playing in college.
What does that mean for our licensing partners? Much of that is still to be determined but here are a few items that might provide answers to some of your questions. At this time, current and former student-athletes may not use any University intellectual property for commercial purposes. Please direct all additional questions to the Director of Licensing at the University.
State of Arkansas Bill
State of Arkansas Right of Publicity
University of Arkansas Flagship program
In 1987, The University of Arkansas implemented a licensing program in order to preserve the use of its emblems, logos, and verbiage. This program has helped in providing a successful relationship between the University of Arkansas, its licensees and retail partners. The U of A has partnered with The Collegiate Licensing Company (CLC) as its exclusive trademark-licensing representative to develop and expand the program.
Athletics Marks
The university, like virtually all other institutions and businesses in the United States, has developed policies controlling the use of trademark verbiage and logos because these marks symbolize its purpose, values and traditions. The university owns and controls its names(s) and other marks, logos, insignias, seals, designs and symbols which include the use of, but not limited to: “UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS®”, “ARKANSAS RAZORBACKS®”,“ARKANSAS®”, “HOGS™”, “WOOO PIG SOOIE ®”, “NEVER YIELD ®” the University of Arkansas with the Old Main silhouette ®, any Razorback marks or images, and the University of Arkansas Seal. An “®” emblem must appear on all products that have the University’s registered marks and verbiage, otherwise a “™” must be present on all products pertaining to any of the University’s marks that are not registered. These marks are used for sale, promotional, and advertising purposes and are well known and recognized by the general public and associated with the University of Arkansas in the public mind. The official mascot of The University of Arkansas is the Razorbacks. While the official colors of the university are cardinal and white, the official colors used in the University of Arkansas logo are cardinal, white, and black (as an accent color). The official Pantone color of the Razorbacks is 201. The official name of the institution is “The University of Arkansas.” The initials UA may be used to reference the University of Arkansas. Any reference to the University or trademarks adopted hereafter and used or approved for use by The University of Arkansas shall be subject to the policies and procedures of the Office of Trademark Licensing. Any derivations (including caricatures) of the University marks, which would cause consumers to erroneously believe that the product originated from, was or is sponsored by or authorized by the university, shall also be covered by the trademark licensing program policies and procedures.
Arkansas Razorbacks Brand Style Guide
Campus Marks
No one will know that the University of Arkansas solves problems, builds futures and transforms lives if we don’t communicate our strengths in a consistent and unified way. The unifying themes we created together are closely connected to our mission and help communicate our identity. They are how we explain our goals, what we do and why it matters.
The unifying themes, style guides and brand standards and policies should be a useful aid to all those who communicate about the university, helping us develop consistent and unified messaging. Your participation is essential and appreciated.
Athletics Marks
The official colors of the university are cardinal and white and the official colors used in the University of Arkansas logo are cardinal, white, and black (as an accent color). The official Pantone color of the Razorbacks is PMS 201C.
Cardinal | White | Black | Anthracite | Dark Green (baseball only) | Cream (baseball only) |
Pantone 201C | Pantone White 10A | Pantone Neutral Black C | Pantone 447C | Pantone 560C | NA |
C24 M100 Y78 K17 | C0 M0 Y0 K0 | C72 M66 Y64 K72 | C00 M00 Y08 K00 | ||
#A41F35 | #FFFFFF | #222222 | #FFFDED |
Click HERE for official University of Arkansas color options.
The wordmarks “ARKANSAS” and “RAZORBACKS” are not fonts. The style of these wordmarks should not be imitated with fonts that look similar to these marks. The University of Arkansas Athletics Department also uses wordmarks for “WPS”, “HOGS”, and “GO HOGS”. These are for internal use only unless written permission has be given by the licensing office. The Interstate font family is used as a bold headline font.
The University of Arkansas logo uses Trajan Pro. It is not necessary to use that font for other purposes. Please click HERE for more campus font information.
What Not To Do
The following categories are prohibited (collectively, “Prohibited Categories”, or each a “Prohibited Category”):
• Tobacco products, tobacco-related products, services or usage;
• Alcohol, alcohol-related products, services, depictions or references to alcohol consumption and/or abuse;
• Endorsement of a commercial product or service;
• Drugs, drug use or drug paraphernalia;
• Sexually suggestive or oriented products, services, conduct, imagery or inferences;
• Religious affiliations, beliefs, events, persons or organizations;
• Political campaigns, parties, beliefs, events, persons or organizations;
• Gaming, games of chance, gambling or gambling related products or services;
• Profanity, racists, sexist, xenophobic, hateful, demeaning or degrading images, language, symbols, imagery or statements;
• Inherently dangerous products, firearms, explosives or other weapons;
• Laxatives, intimate apparel, male enhancement, hormone replacement or restoration, birth control or feminine hygiene products; and
• Products or services that combine another entity’s tradename, mark, logo or other intellectual property with UA Marks to form a unitary mark or use of a derivative of UA Marks.
The UA Marks shall be used only in the exact form, design color, manner and context specified herein, and shall not be modified for any use without the prior written approval of UA. In exercising its rights under this License, Licensee shall not use the UA Marks in any manner that UA determines, in its sole discretion, is reasonably likely to embarrass or derogate UA, its trustees, employees, students or alumni or the integrity, distinctiveness, goodwill, value or strength of its rights in the UA Marks. UA reserves the right to alter or amend this section at any time.
The following descriptors are a few of the protected wording for the University of Arkansas and require approval for use in promotional or marketing purposes. Please contact the Director of Licensing with any questions:
The University of Arkansas works with licensing partner Collegiate Licensing Company (CLC) to identify and cultivate new consumer product companies that can bring value to college consumers through licensed merchandise. Companies can pursue a license in one of two categories:
Retail – Allows a company to produce products bearing the trademarks of collegiate institutions for sale at retail in approved retail channels and direct to consumer, as well as university departments and related entities.
Internal – Allows a company to produce product bearing the trademarks of collegiate institutions for university departments and related entities for internal consumption only; cannot provide product at retailer direct to consumer.
To download a quick reference guide to CLC license types, click here.
NCAA/Bowls/Conference Licensing – CLC has a separate licensing process for “hot market” events, including NCAA tournaments, the College Football Playoff, bowl games, and athletic conferences. Existing CLC licensees may apply for these programs via the Brand Manager 360 system. For companies not currently licensed through CLC, contact CLC’s NCAA & Bowl Properties Division at 770-956-0520.
What is the process to become licensed?
•Submit application through
•Review licensing considerations
•Submit fees for application (Non-Refundable)
•Understand labeling requirements
•Review corporate responsibility requirements
•Review insurance requirements
Can I use the Razorback logo for my business, campaign, and/or organization?
University marks may not be used to endorse or promote commercial ventures or be in used in promotions without prior written consent from the university.
The use of the trademarks is prohibited by or for political campaigns, promotion of political causes, organizations and programs not directly sponsored by the university.
Permission to use the University’s marks to be incorporated into private websites must be granted by the Office of Trademarks and Licensing. No objectionable links will be allowed to be placed in the website that contains the university’s marks. A disclaimer must be inserted at the bottom of the opening page of any website containing the University’s marks that there is no official affiliation or endorsement granted by The University of Arkansas.
University/CLC Code of Conduct for Licensees
All University of Arkansas licensees are required to sign a Code of Conduct. The CLC Code of Conduct was adopted in January 2000 with an addendum that addresses women’s rights, environmental protection, and public disclosure. The CLC Code of Conduct was adopted to help ensure that workers in this country and abroad who produce licensed goods bearing the marks of the University of Arkansas work under healthy and safe conditions and receive fair humane treatment in their workplace. For more information, or to receive a copy of the CLC Code of Conduct, contact CLC at (770) 956-0520.
Intellectual Property
XOS Digital is the exclusive licensing agent for all Arkansas Razorback videos and photographs. The use of video and photographs owned and controlled by The University of Arkansas requires the permission of XOS, on behalf of Arkansas or the SEC as appropriate. For more information about utilizing Arkansas and/or SEC video and photographs and obtaining a license, please contact XOS Digital at 1-877-967-3444 or
For any questions, please contact the University of Arkansas Trademark Licensing Office at or 479-575-5037.
University of Arkansas Crafter’s Program
•Available for individuals that hand make items and sell to individual consumers only
•Sales may not exceed 500 units or more than $2,500 in sales revenue between Jan. 1- Dec. 31
•This license agreement must be renewed annually
•To apply for the University of Arkansas’ crafter’s program, now “Community Connect”, please visit and create an account. Once the account is created, you will need to submit an application for Community Connect and select the University of Arkansas as the trademark. Once submitted, our team will review and send you the necessary next steps.
•If you have any questions, please email
Crafter’s Guidelines
The UA Marks shall be used only in the exact form, design color, manner and context specified herein, and shall not be modified for any use without the prior written approval of UA. The cost for the crafters license is $150 and it is good from Jan. 1-Dec. 31 each year. It must be renewed every January and the program is not pro-rated.
(a) Licensee may only sell the Licensed Articles directly to individual consumers. No wholesale sales to third party
retailers or commercial storefronts (whether for online or in-person sales) are permitted. Examples of
permissible sales include Licensee’s own hosted website (Etsy and Facebook are permitted), craft shows, flea
markets, holiday shows, festivals, gift marts, and events organized by non-profit organizations, schools, counties
and states.
(b) All Licensed Articles must be handmade. No commercially manufactured items are permitted.
(c) Licensee cannot exceed 500 units or a sales revenue of more than $2,500 in a year.
(d) No indicia of other colleges, universities, conferences, bowl games or the NCAA, professional sports teams or
leagues, or the names or likenesses of any third party shall be used in connection with the Licensed Articles.
(e) Use of any UA College Vault Marks are prohibited.
(f) As of July 1, 2021, the sale of all decals or apparel items (t-shirts, hats, masks, gaiters, jackets, sweatshirts,
clothing, etc.) displaying UA Marks will no longer be permitted through the Crafter’s Program. All licenses for
the sale of such items must be obtained through UA’s collegiate licensing representative—Learfield IMG College.
More information is available at
(g) The following categories are prohibited (collectively, “Prohibited Categories”, or each a “Prohibited Category”):
• Tobacco products, tobacco-related products, services or usage;
• Alcohol, alcohol-related products, services, depictions or references to alcohol consumption and/or abuse;
• Endorsement of a commercial product or service;
• Drugs, drug use or drug paraphernalia;
• Sexually suggestive or oriented products, services, conduct, imagery or inferences;
• Religious affiliations, beliefs, events, persons, or organizations.
• Political campaigns, parties, beliefs, events, persons or organizations;
• Gaming, games of chance, gambling or gambling related products or services;
• Profanity, racists, sexist, xenophobic, hateful, demeaning or degrading images, language, symbols, imagery
or statements;
• Inherently dangerous products, firearms, explosives or other weapons;
• Laxatives, intimate apparel, male enhancement, hormone replacement or restoration, birth control or
feminine hygiene products; and
• Products or services that combine another entity’s tradename, mark, logo or other intellectual property
with UA Marks to form a unitary mark or use of a derivative of UA Marks.
University of Arkansas College or Department
• Official University of Arkansas Seal
• The seal is intended only for official documents such as diplomas, certificates and the like.
• Official University of Arkansas logo for college/department.
• Horizontal
• Stacked
• The wordmark and graphic should always appear together unless special permission is given.
• The towers of Old Main are always darker than the shield.
• Co-Branded items are permitted with the University marks and the running Razorbacks logo. The University mark should be the primary with the Razorbacks logo appearing as the secondary mark.
• Older vault marks
• Athletic marks as a stand alone
• Alteration of ANY university IP
• Caricatures of any kind
• The use of any IP as part of a new logo for an organization
Departmental Organization
• Official University of Arkansas logo for college/department.
• Horizontal
• Stacked
• The wordmark and graphic should always appear together unless special permission is given.
• The towers of Old Main are always darker than the shield.
• Co-Branded items are permitted with the University marks and the running Razorbacks logo. The University mark should be the primary with the Razorbacks logo appearing as the secondary mark.
• Older vault marks
• Athletic marks as a stand alone
• Alteration of ANY university IP
• Caricatures of any kind
• The use of any IP as part of a new logo for an organization
• Non-Registered: Groups, student or other, not registered as an RSO, or falling under the guidelines of a department organization or fee funded group, may not use, modify, or alter any of the University of Arkansas’ trademarks.
Divisions and Schools
• May use “Arkansas ®” (case-by-case review)
• “U of A” ® followed by Department/Division name
• Official University of Arkansas logo for college/department.
• Horizontal
• Stacked
• The wordmark and graphic should always appear together unless special permission is given.
• The towers of Old Main are always darker than the shield.
• Co-Branded items are permitted with the University marks and the running Razorbacks logo. The University mark should be the primary with the Razorbacks logo appearing as the secondary mark.
• Older vault marks
• Athletic marks as a stand alone
• Alteration of ANY university IP
• Caricatures of any kind
• The use of any IP as part of a new logo for an organization
Fee Funded Organizations (Student Affairs, Alumni Association, Admissions, etc.)
• May use the current Running Razorback Logo and other current trademarks
• “Spirit of Campus” – When the program or event represents all students on campus, not just certain segments. (ex. Rock Camp, Parents Weekend)
• DO NOT use the Razorback logo in association with a third-party sponsor
• DO NOT use older “Vault” logos
• DO NOT use “caricatures” of the Razorbacks logo
• Non-Registered: Groups, student or other, not registered as an RSO, or falling under the guidelines of a department organization or fee funded group, may not use, modify, or alter any of the University of Arkansas’ trademarks.
Examples Include …
• Associated Student Government (ASG)
• Graduate Professional Student Congress (GPSC)
• Distinguished Lectures Committee (DLC)
• Headliners Concert Committee
• University Programs (UP)
• Student Organization Outreach Involvement Experience (SOOIE)
• Volunteer Action Center (VAC)
Registered Student Organizations
• RSO Name at the University of Arkansas
• RSOs may use the following registered marks: the words “Razorbacks” and “Arkansas”, the Razorback logo (running/helmet logo), and the approved caricature (for internal use only/no retail or fundraising sales).
• The word Arkansas (used on items) is allowed in most cases (requires a case-by-case review).
• Branding that conflicts with University policy and/or contracts, agreements or licensing agreements.
• Academic logos – including, but not limited to all trademarked phrases, graphics and symbols of the University of Arkansas
• All other University marks and IP not outlined above. This includes BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO:
• All academic logos and their variants
• “UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS®” – Allowed when used with RSO name
• “ARKANSAS RAZORBACKS®” – “Razorbacks” is allowed
• “ARKANSAS®” – “Arkansas” is allowed in most cases (requires review)
• “HOGS™”
• The image of Old Main®
• Razorback marks or images – The running Razorback logo is allowed
• University of Arkansas school Seal
• Non-Registered: Groups, student or other, not registered as an RSO, or falling under the guidelines of a department organization or fee funded group, may not use, modify, or alter any of the University of Arkansas’ trademarks.
Greek Life
• May use “Arkansas” (case-by-case review)
• Approved caricature
• May use University Trademarks and Athletics Trademarks (Just the Running Razorback, Forward Facing Hog and words “Arkansas” & “Razorbacks”?)
• May use University of Arkansas as part of your name if registered that way
• Arkansas INSERT NAME; University of Arkansas INSERT NAME
• Branding that conflicts with University policy and/or contracts, agreements or licensing agreements.
•Academic logos – including, but not limited to all trademarked phrases, graphics and symbols of the University of Arkansas
• Do not use older “Vault” logos (University or Athletics)
• Do not use “caricatures” of the Razorbacks logo
• Do not use the Razorback logo in association with a third-party sponsor
• You cannot align the University trademarks with a message
o Example: When Designing a T-shirt, put the message/event artwork on the back of the shirt and put the name of the group/group logo including the callout of the University of Arkansas on the front (opposite the message)
Club Sports
• May use Arkansas®, Razorbacks®, Wooo Pig Sooie®, Go Hogs ™ and Hogs ™ (case-by-case review).
• Running Razorbacks and Forward Facing Hogs logos. Logos may not be used as a stand-alone. Must be used with the club name.
• “Club Sport Team Name” at the University of Arkansas.
• All club team items MUST SAY CLUB: “Arkansas Baseball Club”
• The UREC logo
• Branding that conflicts with University policy and/or contracts, agreements or licensing agreements.
• Academic logos – including, but not limited to all trademarked phrases, graphics and symbols of the University of Arkansas
• All other University marks and IP not outlined above. This includes BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO:
• All academic logos and their variants
• “UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS®” – Allowed when used with RSO name
• “ARKANSAS RAZORBACKS®” – “Razorbacks” is allowed
• “ARKANSAS®” – “Arkansas” is allowed in most cases (requires review)
• The image of Old Main® or any campus building
• Any Razorback marks or images – The running Razorbacks and Forward Facing Hog logos are allowed
• University of Arkansas school Seal
• DO NOT use the Razorback logo in association with a third-party sponsor
• YOU CANNOT align the University trademarks with a message
• Example: When Designing a T-shirt, put the message/event artwork on the back of the shirt and put the name of the group/group logo including the callout of the University of Arkansas on the front (opposite the message)
Off Campus Organizations and Businesses
The University of Arkansas works with the Collegiate Licensing Company (CLC) to identify and cultivate new consumer product companies that can bring value to college consumers through licensed merchandise. Companies can pursue a license in one of two categories:
Retail – Allows a company to produce products bearing the trademarks of collegiate institutions for sale at retail in approved retail channels and direct to consumer, as well as university departments and related entities.
Internal – Allows a company to produce product bearing the trademarks of collegiate institutions for university departments and related entities for internal consumption only; cannot provide product at retailer direct to consumer.
To download a quick reference guide to CLC license types, click here.
NCAA/Bowls/Conference Licensing – CLC has a separate licensing process for “hot market” events, including NCAA tournaments, the College Football Playoff, bowl games, and athletic conferences. Existing CLC licensees may apply for these programs via the Brand Manager 360 system. For companies not currently licensed through CLC, contact CLC’s NCAA & Bowl Properties Division at 770-956-0520.
9.1.21 | 2021 College Colors Day Is Here |
6.29.21 | NCAA Recommends NIL Policy |
5.10.21 | Pitching Ribby Debut |
3.24.20 | Licensing Partner Pivots |
6.2.18 | Razorbacks select Dyehard Fan Supply |
8.14.17 | Arkansas Extends With IMG |
All licensed vendors are required to identify their product with the “Officially Licensed Collegiate Product” hologram label. With this label, alumni, students, and fans know they are buying a product of quality and authenticity that has been manufactured in accordance with university standards.
Look for the Officially Licensed Collegiate Products label to ensure your Lumberjack gear was produced by an authorized vendor.
Jeri Thorpe
Director of Licensing