every time i write i think about that maya angelou quote where she talks about her editor asking her why she uses semicolons instead of colons and says she has often responded by threatening to never speak to him again
she’s so fucking funny
(via sour-charity)
memes are fun and relatable and all that, but don’t let them discourage you. all of that stuff that doesn’t make it into the final product is part of how the final product gets made
(via fieldsofview)
Me: You HAVE to draw gay commedia dell’arte characters.
Also me, somehow: I do?
Me: You are OBSESSED with commedia dell’arte characters.
Also me: I am???
(via sour-charity)
told my roommate dracula was an epistolary novel because it’s made up of letters and she was like. of course it’s made of letters it’s a book
(via keikri)
You should only write in present tense with extreme caution.
not because it’s bad or anything but because if you do it even once you’re going to be editing the bits where you shifted tenses out of your writing for the rest of your life
if u write in present tense enough times in a row, you can switch this problem around & get confused when your present-tense narrator is talking abt something that happened in Their past. I recommend this bc it keeps u on ur toes
guys i made my first blackout poetry
(via durzio)