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Darryl Wheye
Los Altos, CA USA
[email protected]

Ms. Wheye produces gallery art (to increase the visibility of local birds) and illustrations (especially avian and human portraits) for both paper and electronic media. In 1986, she co-authored The Birder’s Handbook,the first of three bird books. Two years later she began drawing birds, eventually providing illustrations for two books and for Paul Ehrlich's column in American Birds. Expanding into electronic media, she assembled a graphics-based web site on the biology of birds that features 500 examples of bird art from the 30,000-year pictorial archive. These images illustrate the myriad ways humanity has used birds as icons, resources, and teaching tools, and the myriad ways artists have depicted aspects of their biology and conservation. More recently she illustrated and adapted the text of The Birder’s Handbook as part of the Birds of Stanford web site, and produced this registry.




Watercolor, Ink and Colored Charcoal, Graphite, Computer Graphics

Preferred species:
Preferred geographic region:..
Preferred use of earlieror new work:

See also:
electronic media:
published images:
American Birds
magazine (1991-1994)
Stanford Magazine
(March-April, 2001)

Birds in Jeopardy
(Stanford University Press, 1994)