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Saturday, October 26
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Student Artist
TAPS 2023 @sayumok
I was looking for a subject I could depict using my new ink pens, and this sculpture was perfect because it included lots of shadows and some colors.
Ink Pen
A coloring pages for people to color and de-stress:) These pages are part of my project Coloring to Cope for the COVID-19 art grant.
This is about alienation and emotional expression as a stone, cold figure looks blankly to a wall of artificial expressions in a room.
Digital 3D Render
This piece explores gender. On the left are stereotypically feminine things, on the right masculine, and in the middle a “beautiful” mix of the two.
Photograph/Scanned Image
An abstract perspective of a cityscape.
Water Color on Paper
This piece is of my neighbor’s beagle, Clyde. She has two dogs, and the other is named Bonnie!
Colored pencil
Impressions of animal magnetism and the collective unconscious.
Digital Visual Art
These collages were created from material gathered from a variety of found sources—primarily Life, National Geographic, and Time magazines.
Collage & ink pen
A study of a tree for Drawing I in charcoal, exploring silhouettes and shading.
Charcoal on Paper
I am lucky enough to witness Lagunita being a real lake.
The emotional turmoil of Fall quarter. As students process their new reality, they long for human connection but also feel empty and purposeless.
Link to Website
This photography series depicts the four indigenous Khmer women at Stanford, invisibility, and the consequent strong community we formed.
Photography Series
I painted this painting following the death of my dog. Sourcing imagery from cheap print and Southern nostalgia, Lassie paints a scene of rebirth.
inspired by Mondays, morning showers, and an addiction to caffeine.
Digital illustration
Two paintings exploring emptiness and isolation, and confronting feelings of lack of control during the early stages of the pandemic.
Acrylic on canvas, some collage from a news story
Mimicking the beauty of bioluminescence.
Digital Photography
This work centers on the relationship between the human and the artificial, inspired when I photographed my cousin with a stark, artificial flash.
Oil and Acrylic Paint on Canvas
Knowledge allows the mind to bloom.
Digital Illustration
This is a study of Auguste Rodin’s “Bust of St. John the Baptist,” in an attempt to capture the densely textured look of the original.
Charcoal, white chalk on toned paper
Thousands of stippled dots layer on each other to create each gargoyle and rooftop, coming together to reveal the magnificent, historical spire.
Pen and Ink