33email: [email protected], {satyamtma,asahuiitkgp}@gmail.com
A Polynomial Kernel for Proper Helly Circular-arc Vertex Deletion
A proper Helly circular-arc graph is an intersection graph of a set of arcs on a circle such that none of the arcs properly contains any other arc and every set of pairwise intersecting arcs has a common intersection. The Proper Helly Circular-arc Vertex Deletion problem takes as input a graph and an integer , and the goal is to check if we can remove at most vertices from the graph to obtain a proper Helly circular-arc graph; the parameter is . Recently, Cao et al. [MFCS 2023] obtained an FPT algorithm for this (and related) problem. In this work, we obtain a polynomial kernel for the problem.
1 Introduction
The development of parameterized complexity is much owes much to the study of graph modification problems, which have inspired the evolution of many important tools and techniques. One area of parameterized complexity is data reduction, also known as kernelization, which focuses on the family of graphs and the -Modification problem. Given a graph and an integer , this problem asks whether it is possible to obtain a graph in using at most modifications in , where the modifications are limited to vertex deletions, edge deletions, edge additions, and edge contractions. The problem has been extensively studied, even when only a few of these operations are allowed.
Here we deal on the parameterization of the -Vertex Deletion problem, which is a special case of -Modification where the objective is to find the minimum number of vertex deletions required to obtain a graph in . This problem encompasses several well-known NP-complete problems, such as Vertex Cover, Feedback Vertex Set, Odd Cycle Transversal, Planar Vertex Deletion, Chordal Vertex Deletion, and Interval Vertex Deletion, which correspond to being the family of graphs that are edgeless, forests, bipartite, planar, chordal and interval, respectively. Unfortunately, most of these problems are known to be NP-complete, and therefore have been extensively studied in paradigms such as parameterized complexity designed to cope with NP-hardness. There have been many studies on this topic, including those referenced in this paper, but this list is not exhaustive.
In this article, we focus on the -Vertex Deletion problem, specifically when refers to the family of proper Helly circular-arc graphs. We refer to this problem as Proper Helly Circular-arc Vertex Deletion (PHCAVD) for brevity. A circular-arc graph is a graph whose vertices can be assigned to arcs on a circle such that there is an edge between two vertices if and only if their corresponding arcs intersect. If none of the arcs properly contains one another, the graph is a proper circular-arc graph. These graphs have been extensively studied, and their structures and recognition are well understood [9, 13, 17]. These graphs also arise naturally when considering the clique graphs of a circular-arc graph. However, the lack of the Helly property, which dictates that every set of intersecting arcs has a common intersection, contributes to the complicated structures of circular-arc graphs. A Helly circular-arc graph is a graph that admits a Helly arc representation. All interval graphs are Helly circular-arc graphs since every interval representation is Helly. The class of proper Helly circular-arc graphs lies between proper circular-arc graphs and proper interval graphs. A graph is a proper Helly circular-arc graph if it has a proper and Helly arc representation. Circular-arc graphs are a well-studied graph class due to their intriguing combinatorial properties and modeling power [12]. Additionally, there exists a linear-time algorithm to determine if a given graph is a circular-arc graph and construct a corresponding arc representation if so [20], even for Helly circular-arc graphs, such algorithm exists [18].
For graph modification problems, the number of allowed modifications, , is considered the parameter. With respect to , such a problem is said to be fixed-parameter tractable (FPT) if it admits an algorithm running in time for some computable function . Also, the problem is said to have a polynomial kernel if in polynomial time (with respect to the size of the instance) one can obtain an equivalent instance of polynomial size (with respect to the parameter), i.e., for any given instance of the problem, it can be reduced in time to an equivalent instance where
and are upper bounded by . A kernel for a problem immediately implies that it admits an FPT algorithm, but kernels are also interesting in their own right. In particular, kernels allow us to model the performance of polynomial-time preprocessing algorithms. The field of kernelization has received considerable attention, especially after the introduction of methods to prove kernelization lower bounds [3]. We refer to the books [5, 8], for a detailed treatment of the area of kernelization.
Designing polynomial kernels for problems such as Chordal Vertex Deletion [1] and Interval Vertex Deletion [2] posed several challenges. In fact, kernels for these problems were obtained only recently, after their status being open for quite some time. Proper Helly Circular-arc Vertex Deletion has remained an interesting problem in this area. Recently, Cao et al. [4] studied this problem and showed that it admits a factor -approximation algorithm, as well as an FPTalgorithm that runs in time .
A natural follow-up question to the prior work on this problem is to check whether PHCAVD admits a polynomial
kernel. In this paper, we resolve this question in the
affirmative way.
Proper Helly Circular-arc Vertex Deletion (PHCAVD) Input: A graph and an integer . Parameter: Output: Does there exist a subset of size at most such that is a proper Helly circular-arc graph?
Theorem 1.1
Proper Helly Circular-arc Vertex Deletion admits a polynomial kernel.
1.1 Methods
Our kernelization heavily uses the characterization of proper Helly circular-arc graphs in terms of their forbidden induced subgraphs, also called obstructions. Specifically, a graph is an obstruction to the class of proper Helly circular-arc graphs if is not proper Helly circular-arc graph but is proper Helly circular-arc graph for every vertex . A graph is a proper Helly circular-arc graph if and only if it does not contain any of the following obstructions as induced subgraphs, which are (claw), (tent), (net), (wheel of size 4) , (wheel of size 5), as well as a family of graphs: referred to as a Monad of size (see fig. 2) [4, 16]. We call any obstruction of size less than a small obstruction, and call all other obstructions large obstructions. Note that every large obstruction is a Monad of size at least .
The first ingredient of our kernelization algorithm is the factor polynomial-time approximation algorithm for PHCAVD given by Cao et al. [4]. We use this algorithm to obtain an approximate solution of size at most , or conclude that there is no solution of size at most . We grow (extend) this approximate solution to a set of size , such that every set of size at most is a minimal hitting set for all small obstructions in if and only if is a minimal hitting set for all small obstructions in . Notice that is a proper Helly circular-arc graph (we call as an efficient modulator, description prescribed in lemma 1), where for any minimal (or minimum) solution of size at most , the only purpose of vertices in is to hit large obstructions. This is the first part of the nice modulator that we want to construct. The other part is , which is a 5-redundant solution (see definition 3) of size , which we obtain in polynomial time following the same construction procedure given by [2]. This gives us the additional property that any obstruction of size at least 5 contains at least 5 vertices from and hence also from . We bound the size of such a nice modulator by . Next, we analyze the graph and reduce its size by applying various reduction rules.
For the kernelization algorithm, we look at , which is a proper Helly circular-arc graph and hence has a “nice clique partition” (defined in proposition 2). Let denote such a nice clique partition of . This partition is similar to the clique partition used by Ke et al. [14] to design a polynomial kernel for vertex deletion to proper interval graphs.
In the first phase, we bound the size of a clique for each . Our clique-reduction procedure is based on “irrelevant vertex rule” [19]. In particular, we find a vertex that is not necessary for a solution of size at most , and delete it. And after this procedure, we reduce the size of each clique in to .
In the second phase, we bound the size of each connected component in . Towards this, we bound the number of cliques in that contain a neighbor of a vertex in (say good cliques). We use small obstructions, and in particular, the claw, to bound the number of good cliques by . This automatically divides the clique partition into chunks. A chunk is a maximal set of non-good cliques between a pair of good cliques where the non-good cliques along with the good cliques induce a connected component. We show that the number of chunks is upper bounded by . Finally, we use a structural analysis to bound the size of each chunk, which includes the design of a reduction rule that computes a minimum cut between the two cliques of a certain distance from the border of the chunk. With this, we bound the number of cliques in each chunk and hence the size of each chunk as well as every connected component by .
In the third and final phase of our kernelization algorithm using the claw obstruction, we bound the number of connected components in by . Using this bound, together with the facts that , and that each connected component is of size , we are able to design a polynomial kernel for PHCAVD. We conclude this section by summarizing all the steps in our kernelization algorithm (see fig. 1).
2 Preliminaries
Sets and Graph Notations.
We denote the set of natural numbers by . For , by and , we denote the sets and , respectively. For a graph , and denote the set of vertices and edges, respectively. The neighborhood of a vertex , denoted by , is the set of vertices adjacent to . For with , denotes the set of edges with one endpoint in and the other in . For a set , is the graph obtained by removing from and denotes the subgraph of induced on . A path is a sequence of distinct vertices where every consecutive pair of vertices is adjacent. We say that starts at and ends at . The vertex set of , denoted by , is the set . The internal vertices of is the set . The length of is defined as . A cycle is a sequence of vertices such that is a path and is an edge. A cycle (or path) is also represented as the ordered set . A set of pairwise adjacent vertices is called a clique. A hole is an induced cycle of length at least four. A vertex is isolated if it has degree zero. For a pair of sets , we say is an - cut in if there is no edge where . Such a with minimum cardinality is called as minimum - cut. The distance between two vertices and denoted by is the length of a shortest path in the graph . The complement graph of a graph is defined in the same set of vertex such that if and only if . For , we use to denote an induced cycle on vertices; if we add a new vertex to a and make it adjacent to none or each vertex in we end with or , respectively. A Monad is a with . We call the as M-Hole and the corresponding isolated vertex as centre of the Monad. For graph-theoretic terms and definitions not stated explicitly here, we refer to [6].
Parameterized problems and kernelization.
A parameterized problem is a subset of for some finite alphabet . An instance of a parameterized problem consists of , where is called the parameter. The notion of kernelization is formally defined as follows. A kernelization algorithm, or in short, a kernelization, for a parameterized problem is an algorithm that, given , outputs in time polynomial in a pair such that (a) if and only if and (b) , where is some computable function depending only on . The output of kernelization is referred to as the kernel and the function is referred to as the size of the kernel. If , then we say that admits a polynomial kernel. We refer to the monographs [7, 10, 21] for a detailed study of the area of kernelization.
Proper Helly Circular-arc Graphs.
A proper Helly circular-arc graph is an intersection graph of a set of arcs on a circle such that none of the arcs properly contains another (proper) and every set of pairwise intersecting arcs has a common intersection (Helly). The following is a characterization of proper Helly circular arc graphs.
Proposition 1 ([16])
A graph is a proper Helly circular-arc graph if and only if it contains neither claw, net, tent, wheel of size 4, wheel of size 5, complement of cycle of length 6, nor Monad of length at least 4 as induced subgraphs.
Proposition 2 (Theorem 1.3 [4])
PHCAVD admits a polynomial-time 6-approximation algorithm, called ApproxPHCAD.
Nice Clique Partition. For a connected graph , a clique partition is called a nice clique partition of if (i) , (ii) if , and (iii) if holds. In such a nice clique partition every edge of is either inside a clique in or present between vertices from adjacent cliques. For a proper circular-arc graph such a partition always exists and can be obtained in time using a procedure similar to that for a proper interval graph [15].
3 Constructing an Efficient Modulator
We classify the set of obstructions for proper Helly circular-arc graphs as follows. Any obstruction of size less than is known as a small obstruction, while other obstructions are said to be large. In this section we construct an efficient modulator , of size such that is a proper Helly circular-arc graph with some additional properties that are mentioned in later part.
Proposition 3 (Lemma 3.2 [11])
Let be a family of sets of cardinality at most over a universe and let be a positive integer. Then there is an time algorithm that finds a non-empty family of sets such that
For every of size at most , is a minimal hitting set of if and only if is a minimal hitting set of ; and
Using proposition 3 we identify a vertex subset of , which allows us to forget about small obstructions in and concentrate on large obstructions for the kernelization algorithm for PHCAVD.
Lemma 1
Let be an instance of PHCAVD. In polynomial-time, either we conclude that is a No-instance, or we can construct a vertex subset such that
Every set of size at most is a minimal hitting set for all small obstructions in if and only if it is a minimal hitting set for all small obstructions in ; and
Using proposition 2, in polynomial-time we construct a -approximate solution . We also construct where consists of all the vertices in while contains every minimal set of vertices in that induces a small obstruction. Applying proposition 3 on , in polynomial-time we construct a vertex set . If or , we conclude that is a No-instance. Otherwise, we have a modulator of size , such that is a proper Helly circular-arc graph, and every set of size at most is a minimal hitting set of all small obstructions in if and only if it is a minimal hitting set for all small obstructions in . ∎
Let be a minimal (or minimum) solution of size at most . Then, the only purpose of the vertices in is to hit large obstructions. We call the modulator constructed above an efficient modulator. We summarize these discussions in the next lemma.
Lemma 2
Let be an instance of PHCAVD. In polynomial time, we can either construct an efficient modulator of size , or conclude that is a No-instance.
4 Computing a Redundant Solution
In this section, our main purpose is to prove lemma 7. Intuitively, this lemma asserts that in time we can compute an -redundant solution whose size is polynomial in (for a fixed constant ). Such a set plays a crucial role in many of the reduction rules that follow this section while designing our kernelization algorithm. We remark that in this section we use the letter rather than to avoid confusion, as we will use this result with . Towards the definition of redundancy, we require the following notions and definitions.
Definition 1 (-solution)
Let be an instance of PHCAVD. A subset of size at most such that is a proper Helly circular-arc graph is called a -solution.
Definition 2 (-necessary)
A family is called -necessary if and only if every -solution is a hitting set for .
Given a family , we say that an obstruction is covered by if there exists , such that .
Definition 3 (-redundant)
Given a family and , a subset is -redundant with respect to if for every obstruction that is not covered by , it holds that .
Definition 4
Let be a graph, , and . Then, is defined as the graph in the vertex set and the edge set .
Informally, is simply the graph where for every vertex , we add twins that (together with ) form a clique. Intuitively, this operation allows us to make a vertex set “undeletable”; in particular, this enables us to test later whether a vertex set is “redundant” and therefore we can grow the redundancy of our solution, or whether it is “necessary” and hence we should update accordingly. Before we turn to discuss computational issues, let us first assert that the operation in definition 4 does not change the class of the graph, which means it remains a proper Helly circular-arc graph. We verify this in the following lemma.
Lemma 3
Let be a graph, , and . If is a proper Helly circular-arc graph, then is also a proper Helly circular-arc graph.
Suppose that is a proper Helly circular-arc graph. Then admits a proper circular-arc representation and has Helly property (no three arcs cover the circle [4]) i.e. all its vertices can be presented as arcs on a circle . Notice that the newly introduced vertices in are twin (copy) vertices of . These twin vertices are given the same arc representations on C as the original vertices in . It is easy to see that this indeed is a proper circular-arc representation of with Helly property and hence is also a proper Helly circular-arc graph.∎
Now, we present two simple claims that exhibit relations between the algorithm ApproxPHCAD and definition 4. After presenting these two claims, we will be ready to give our algorithm for computing a redundant solution. Generally speaking, the first claim shows the meaning of a situation where ApproxPHCAD returns a “large” solution; intuitively, for the purpose of the design of our algorithm, we interpret this meaning as an indicator to extend .
Lemma 4
Let be a graph, , and . If the algorithm ApproxPHCAD returns a set of size larger than when called with as input, then is -necessary.
Suppose that ApproxPHCAD returns a set of size larger than when called with as input. Then, is a No-instance. If is a No-instance, then trivially, we can say that is -necessary (as there is no solution of size at most , so the statement is vacuously true). Now consider the case when has an -solution such that . In particular, is a proper Helly circular-arc graph such that . However, this means that , which by lemma 3 implies that is a proper Helly circular-arc graph. Thus, is an -solution for , which is a contradiction (as is a No-instance).∎
Complementing our first claim, the second claim exhibits the meaning of a situation where ApproxPHCAD returns a “small” solution ; we interpret this meaning as an indicator of growing the redundancy of our current solution by adding —- indeed, this lemma implies that every obstruction is hit one more time by adding to a subset (to grow the redundancy of , every subset will have to be considered).
Lemma 5
Let be a graph, , and . If the algorithm ApproxPHCAD returns a set of size at most when called with as input, then for every obstruction of , .
Now, we describe our algorithm, RedundantPHCAD, which computes a redundant solution. First, RedundantPHCAD initializes to be the 6-approximate solution to PHCAVD with as input, and . If , then RedundantPHCAD concludes that is a No-instance. Otherwise, for (in this order), the algorithm executes the following steps (Step 3 in the figure below) and eventually, it outputs the pair . In the RedundantPHCAD algorithm, by ApproxPHCAD () we mean the -approximate solution returned by the approximation algorithm to the input graph .
Let us comment that in this algorithm we make use of the sets rather than going over all subsets of size of in order to obtain a substantially better algorithm in terms of the size of the redundant solution produced.
The properties of the algorithm RedundantPHCAD that are relevant to us are summarized in the following lemma and observation, which are proved by induction and by making use of Lemmata lemma 3, lemma 4 and lemma 5. Roughly speaking, we first assert that, unless is concluded to be a No-instance, we compute sets that are -necessary as well as that the tuples in “hit more vertices” of the obstructions in the input as grows larger.
Lemma 6
Consider a call to RedundantPHCAD with as input that did not conclude that is a No-instance. For all , the following conditions hold:
For any set , every solution of size at most satisfies .
For any obstruction of that is not covered by , there exists such that .
The proof is by induction on . In the base case, where , Condition item 1 trivially holds as , and thus there are no sets in . Condition item 2 holds as is a solution (so each obstruction must contain at least one vertex from ) and simply contains a 1-vertex tuple for every vertex in . Now, suppose that the claim is true for , and let us prove it for . To prove Condition item 1, consider some set . If , then by the inductive hypothesis, every solution of size at most satisfies . Thus, we next suppose that . Then, there exists a tuple in whose iteration RedundantPHCAD inserted into . In that iteration, ApproxPHCAD was called with as input, and returned a set of size larger than . Thus, by lemma 4, every solution of size at most satisfies . To prove Condition item 2, consider some obstruction of that is not covered by . By the inductive hypothesis and since , there exists a tuple such that . Consider the iteration of RedundantPHCAD corresponding to this tuple, and denote . In that iteration, ApproxPHCAD was called with as input, and returned a set of size at most . By lemma 5, . Thus, there exists such that . However, by the specification of ApproxPHCAD, this means that there exists such that .∎
Towards showing that the output set is “small”, let us upper bound the sizes of the sets and .
Observation 1
Consider a call to RedundantPHCAD with as input that did not conclude that is a No-instance. For all , , and every tuple in consists of distinct vertices.
The proof is by induction on . In the base case, where , the correctness follows as ApproxPHCAD returned a set of size at most . Now, suppose that the claim is true for , and let us prove it for . By the specification of the algorithm and inductive hypothesis, we have that and . Moreover, by the inductive hypothesis, for every tuple in , the first vertices are distinct, and by the specification of ApproxPHCAD, the last vertex is not equal to any of them.∎
By the specification of RedundantPHCAD, as a corollary to lemma 6 and 1, we directly obtain the following result.
Corollary 1
Consider a call to RedundantPHCAD with as input that did not conclude that is a No-instance. For all , is an -necessary family and is a -solution that is -redundant with respect to .
Lemma 7
Let be a fixed constant, and be an instance of PHCAVD. In polynomial-time, it is possible to either conclude that is a No-instance, or compute an -necessary family and a set , such that and is a -solution that is -redundant with respect to .
Clearly, RedundantPHCAD runs in polynomial-time (as is a fixed constant), and by the correctness of ApproxPHCAD, if it concludes that is a No-instance, then this decision is correct. Thus, since , the correctness of lemma 7 now directly follows as a special case of corollary 1. Thus, our proof of lemma 7 is complete.∎
In light of lemma 7, from now on, we suppose that we have an -necessary family along with a -solution that is -redundant with respect to for . Let us note that, any obstruction in that is not covered by intersects in at least six vertices. We have the following reduction rule that follows immediately from lemma 6.
Reduction Rule 1
Let be a vertex such that . Then, output the instance .
From here onwards we assume that each set in has a size at least .
Nice Modulator. Once we construct both the efficient modulator and redundant solution , we take their union and consider that set of vertices as a modulator, we called it as nice modulator.
From here onwards, for the remaining sections, we assume that
We have a nice modulator along with -necessary family satisfying the following: is a proper Helly circular-arc graph. . For any large obstruction containing no , we have .
5 Bounding the Size of each Clique
In this section, we consider a nice modulator of obtained in the previous section and we bound the size of each clique in a nice clique partition of in polynomial time. If there is a large clique in of size more than , we can safely find and remove an irrelevant vertex from the clique, thus reducing its size. Next, we prove a simple result that will later be used to bound the size of each clique in .
Lemma 8
Let be an induced path in . Consider a vertex . If has more than four neighbors in then contains a small obstruction (claw).
Assume that . Let be an induced path from to for some . Let be the first neighbours of that appear as we traverse from to . Since the path is induced so . So induces a (claw), which is a small obstruction.∎
Marking Scheme.
We start with the following marking procedure, which marks vertices in each clique .
We will now bound the size of the set .
Remark 1
Observe that the procedure can be executed in polynomial time. Also, note that .
Reduction Rule 2
If there exists a vertex for some clique , then delete .
Lemma 9
Reuction Rule 2 is safe.
Consider an application of reduction rule 2 in which a vertex, say was deleted from some clique . we claim the following.
is a Yes-instance of PHCAVD if and only if is a Yes-instance of PHCAVD.
If is a Yes-instance, then so is , since is an induced subgraph of . To prove the other direction we use contradiction. Suppose is a Yes-instance but is not. And let be a solution of size at most . That is is a proper Helly circular-arc graph. Since is a No-instance, can not be a proper Helly circular-arc graph. Hence must contain an obstruction, say, . Clearly, must be a vertex in , otherwise, would also be an obstruction in , which contradicts the fact that is a proper Helly circular-arc graph. We first claim that is a large obstruction. Suppose it is not, i.e. is a small obstruction. Note that hits all obstructions in , and is a subgraph of as . So also hits all obstructions in , in particular, also all small obstructions in . Let be a minimal hitting set for all small obstructions in . Then, by the definitions of and , we can conclude that hits all small obstructions in as well (using lemma 1). But since is an obstruction contained in and , has to be a large obstruction in , a contradiction. Thus, being a large obstruction in must be (Monad) where . Also . So there is no small obstruction containing in . Next, we claim that such an obstruction can not contain any . As is a -solution for , is a hitting set for the -necessary family . But . This implies that does not contain any . So, and hence contains at least five vertices from i.e. . To show equivalence between the instances and , we either find an obstruction in or we show that is a part of small obstruction in . We argue for the following two cases depending on the nature of in . We use and to denote the adjacent vertices of in (here the selection is arbitrary). Let denote the centre of this Monad .
- Case A
Here we consider the case when vertex is not the centre of the Monad , i.e., . We argue for all the following eight cases depending on whether the vertices , and of belong to or not. Notice that was deleted because it was an irrelevant (unmarked) vertex. From the redundant solution property (lemma 7), we know that has at least five vertices from and is adjacent to at most two of them while non-adjacent to the rest.
. Let be a vertex in such that . Note that such a vertex always exists because of the redundant solution property. During Procedure , we have added a set of at least vertices from where and . Otherwise, we would have added to . So each vertex in is non-adjacent to both and and adjacent to both and . Since , there exists a vertex in which is not in . Let be such a vertex (arbitrarily chosen) from . Assume that and are the two closest vertices of along the clockwise and anti-clockwise directions, respectively in , which are also adjacent to . Notice that there is an induced path between and passing through such that and . Clearly, . Let be the cycle induced by the vertices . Since and , forms an obstruction that is contained in . And this contradicts the fact that is a solution to for PHCAVD.
. Let be a vertex in such that . Recall that during Procedure , we have added a set of at least vertices from where and . Otherwise, we would have added to . But each vertex in is adjacent to both and . Since , there exists a vertex in which is not in . Let be such a vertex (arbitrarily chosen) from . If , using similar arguments as in case A.1. we can find an induced subgraph in which is an obstruction in , a contradiction. Else, . In this case, we can a find a , in induced by the vertices , which is an obstruction in , again a contradiction.
. Let be a vertex in such that . Note that such a vertex always exists because of the redundant solution property. Recall that during Procedure , we have added a set of at least vertices from where and . Otherwise, we would have added to . In , we must have added the left most vertices, say and the right most vertices, say in . Since and , there exists some vertices in each of and which are not in . Let and be a pair of such vertices (arbitrarily chosen) from and , respectively. Since and , either or must be adjacent to . Without loss of generality, we assume that . Since and is non-adjacent to both and , so there must exist two distinct vertices and in such that with an induced path between them passing through where and . Clearly, , as . Let be the cycle induced by the vertices . Now and together imply that is an obstruction in , a contradiction.
. Since the selection of and is arbitrary, so arguments for this case are similar to that of case A.3.
. Let be a vertex in such that . Note that such a vertex always exists because of the redundant solution property. Recall that during Procedure , we have added a set of at least vertices from where and . Otherwise, we would have added to . In , we must have added the left most vertices, say and the right most vertices, say in . Since and , there exist some vertices in each of and which are not in . Let and be a pair of such vertices (arbitrarily chosen) from and , respectively. As and , either or must be adjacent to . Without loss of generality, we assume that . If using arguments similar to that in case A.3. , we can find an induced subgraph in which is an obstruction in , a contradiction. Else, . In this case, we can a find a , in induced by the vertices , which is an obstruction in , again a contradiction.
. Since selection of and is arbitrary, so arguments for this case is similar to that of case A.5.
. Let be a vertex in such that . Note that such a vertex always exists because of the redundant solution property. Recall that during Procedure , we have added a set of at least vertices from where and . Otherwise, we would have added as well to . If there exists a vertex such that and , then we get an induced subgraph , in induced by the vertices , which is a small obstruction in . This is a contradiction to the fact that there is no small obstruction containing in . If there exists a vertex such that and , then using the same procedure as in case A.1. , we can find an induced subgraph in which is an obstruction in , a contradiction. Else, each vertex in is adjacent to exactly one of and . During the procedure Mark-1, in we must have added the left most vertices, say and the right most vertices, say in . Since and , there exist some vertices in each of and which are not in . Let and be a pair of such vertices (arbitrarily chosen) from and , respectively. Without loss of generality, we assume that and . Clearly, and . Since is non-adjacent to both and , there exists a pair of vertices and in such that , with an induced path between and passing through where . Clearly, , as . Let be the cycle induced by the vertices . Now , , together imply that is an obstruction in , a contradiction.
. Let be a vertex in such that . Note that such a vertex always exists because of the redundant solution property. But during Procedure , we have added a set of at least vertices from where and . Otherwise, would have been added to . If there exists a vertex such that is non-adjacent to both and , then we can a find a in induced by the vertices , which is a small obstruction containing in , a contradiction. If there exists a vertex such that and is adjacent to both and , then we can a find a induced by the vertices , which is an obstruction in , a contradiction. If there exists a vertex such that and is adjacent to exactly one of and , then we argue as follows. Without loss of generality, we assume that . Suppose is the adjacent vertex of other than in the obstruction. When , we can a find a , in induced by the vertices , which is a small obstruction containing , a contradiction. Else, when , we can a find a , in induced by the vertices , which is a small obstruction containing in , a contradiction. If there exists a vertex such that and is adjacent to both and , then using the same arguments as in case A.1. , we can find an induced subgraph in which is an obstruction in , a contradiction. Else, each vertex in that is non-adjacent to , must be adjacent to exactly one of and . During the procedure Mark-1, in , we would have added the left most vertices, say and the right most vertices, say from . Since and , there exist some vertices in each of and , that are not in . Let and be a pair of such vertices (arbitrarily chosen) from and , respectively. Without loss of generality, let and . Since is non-adjacent to both and , there exists a pair of vertices and in such that , with an induced path in the obstruction between and passing through where . Clearly, , as . Let be the cycle induced by the vertices . Since , , , is an obstruction in , a contradiction.
- Case B
Here we consider the case when is the centre in the Monad , i.e., . So there exists a cycle in such that is not adjacent to any vertex of . We have deleted the vertex since it was an irrelevant (unmarked) vertex. Let be a vertex in . Clearly, . Let be a clique in containing . During Procedure , we have added a set of at least vertices from where and . Otherwise, we would have added to . Since , there exists some vertex in which is not in . Let be such a vertex (arbitrarily chosen) from .
If the vertex has no neighbour in , then is an obstruction in , a contradiction.
If the vertex has exactly one neighbour, say in , then we can a find a , in , induced by the vertices , which is an obstruction in , a contradiction.
If the vertex has exactly two neighbours, say and in , then we argue as following. When , we can find a , in induced by the vertices , a contradiction. When , then we can find a , in induced by the vertices . For both these sub-cases, we are able to find small obstructions in containing , which is a contradiction.
Else the vertex has at least three neighbours say and in where (note that such always exist as is large). Then we can find a , in induced by the vertices , which is a small obstruction in containing , a contradiction.
This completes the proof. ∎
With the help of reduction rule 2, after deleting all unmarked vertices from each , size of each clique is reduced to . Therefore, we have the following result. Notice that (with the reduced cliques) is also a nice clique partition of in the reduced instance .
Lemma 10
Given an instance of PHCAVD and a nice modulator of size , in polynomial time, we can construct an equivalent instance such that and there exists a nice clique partition of such that the size of each clique in is bounded by .
6 Bounding the Size of each Connected Component
From lemma 10, we can assume that the size of every clique in the nice clique partition of for a given instance is bounded by . In this section, we will bound the size of each connected component in . For this purpose, it is sufficient to bound the number of cliques ’s from appearing in each connected component.
Let be such a connected component. Without loss of generality, we assume that i.e. in the nice clique partition , in the connected component , the cliques appear in clockwise direction starting from as etc. We denote from by .
Reduction Rule 3
Let be a vertex in . If is contained in at least distinct claws intersecting exactly at , where then delete from , and reduce by . The resultant instance is .
The correctness of the above reduction rule is easy to see as every solution to of PHCAVD must contain the vertex . From here onward we assume that the reduction rule 3 is no longer applicable.
Reduction Rule 4
Let be a vertex in . If has neighbors in more than different ’s (’s being the corresponding neighbors), then remove from and reduce by . The resultant instance is .
Lemma 11
Reduction Rule 4 is safe.
By the pigeonhole principle, there are at least non-consecutive cliques that have neighbors of . Let these non-consecutive cliques be denoted by . Now we can construct a set of mutually distinct claws formed by intersecting exactly and only at where each . But this implies that any solution to of PHCAVD must contain the vertex . ∎
From now on, we assume that the reduction rules 3 and 4 are no longer applicable i.e. every vertex has neighbors in at most different ’ from . And we have the following result.
Lemma 12
Let be a connected component in . Then there are at most many distinct cliques ’s from such that .
If has more than cliques, then by the pigeonhole principle and lemma 12, there are at least consecutive cliques that do not contain any vertex from . Let be the set of such consecutive cliques in which are disjoint from . Let , , and . Observe that, for a vertex and a vertex , . And hence there can not be any small obstruction containing vertices from (2) which we will use to our advantage in many proofs throughout the current section. Let be the size of minimum cut in .
Reduction Rule 5
Let be as defined above. Delete all the vertices of from . Introduce a new clique of size . Also, add edges such that and are complete graphs. The cliques appear in the order .
Let be the reduced graph after application of the reduction rule 5. For an illustration, see fig. 3. Notice that is a proper Helly circular-arc graph by construction.
Observation 2
There are no small obstructions containing any vertices from in . Similarly, there are no small obstructions containing vertices of in .
Let be a small obstruction in such that . Since for any vertex and a vertex , and , hence . But this is a contradiction, since has no obstructions. So there are no small obstructions containing any vertices from . Let be a small obstruction in such that , Since for any vertex and a vertex , and , hence . But this is a contradiction, since has no obstructions. So there are no small obstructions containing any vertices from .∎
Observation 3
Any M-Hole of a Monad with a centre in which contains a vertex from , intersects all cliques in . And such an has size at least .
Without loss of generality suppose intersects but does not intersect some . Then the clique where contains at least two vertices from . This is only possible when has size at most four (since it is a Monad). But then along with any vertex from or will form a small obstruction completely contained in , which is not possible. Hence intersects all cliques in .∎
Observation 4
Any M-Hole of a Monad with a centre in which contains a vertex from , intersects all cliques in . And such an has size at least .
Proof is similar to the proof for 3.∎
Lemma 13
Reduction Rule 5 is safe.
We show that is a Yes-instance of PHCAVD if and only if is a Yes-instance of PHCAVD. Suppose is a Yes-instance and let be a minimum size solution. Recall that and contain cliques each and is the size of minimum cut. We note that this cut may include the vertices from and . Let be the set of vertices from all the cliques in .
Either or .
Suppose that and . Let . As is also a minimal solution, for every vertex , there exists an obstruction that does not contain any other vertex from . This implies that there exists a Monad containing and not containing any vertex from . We first show that can not be centre of such a Monad. If it is a centre of Monad , then from 4, . But in we have many cliques and each vertex of them can create an obstruction (Monad) with as an M-Hole. Hence can not be empty, which is a contradiction to the fact that was a minimal solution. So the obstruction for must contain as one of its M-Hole vertices i.e. . Let the centre of this obstruction be . Notice that . In the M-Hole , let and be two vertices from and respectively with no other vertex from in between. Between and , we have many vertex disjoint (induced) paths, say in . Since , it does not intersect at least one of the paths from . But then replacing the segment of between and with the non-intersected path, we get a new M-Hole where . Adding as centre, we get an obstruction which is contained in , a contradiction. Hence . If , we construct a new set , where is a sized min-cut between and , We claim that is also a proper Helly circular-arc graph. If not, then there is an obstruction in . But such an obstruction must necessarily contain a vertex from . Any obstruction containing a vertex is a large obstruction. If this obstruction contains as centre, then by arguments similar to the ones made just above, we can say that also intersects this obstruction, and hence so does . On the other hand, if the obstruction contains as a vertex in its M-Hole, then such an obstruction is hit by the min-cut between and in . But is a strictly smaller solution than , which is a contradiction. Hence the claim is proved.
Using the above claim we consider the following cases: Recall that is a solution to the Yes-instance .
Case 1:
Here we claim that is also a solution to . Suppose it is not true. Then there is an obstruction in . Now , otherwise we will have the same obstruction in . Hence this obstruction must be a large obstruction (from arguments similar to the ones made in 3). Let . If is a centre in , then ( is the M-Hole of ) is contained in . But any vertex from any clique between and with will form an obstruction in . Notice that all these (at least) vertices, each form an obstruction with . Hence must intersect , which is a contradiction to the fact that does not contain any vertex from . For the other case, when is part of the M-Hole in , let and be two vertices of from and respectively with no other vertex from in between. Since does not intersect any vertex from , replacing the segment of with a path between and , we get a new M-Hole , where . Adding as a centre we get an obstruction which is contained in , a contradiction.
Case 2:
Here we claim that is also a solution to . Suppose it is not true. Then there is an obstruction in . But then . And this obstruction must be a large obstruction (from arguments similar to the ones made in 3. Let . The vertex must be a centre in , since (and hence ) intersects all paths between and . But then ( is the M-Hole of ) is contained in . And there are at least vertices in each of which an obstruction with and at least one of them, say is not contained in . Hence along with forms a Monad that is contained in , a contradiction. Hence is also a solution to . This completes the proof in the forward direction.
Suppose is a Yes-instance of PHCAVD where is a minimum size solution. Let .
Either or .
Suppose that and . Let . As is a minimal solution, for every vertex , there exists an obstruction that does not contain any vertex from . This implies that there exists a Monad containing and not containing any vertex in . We first show that can not be a centre of such an obstruction. If it is a centre of an obstruction induced by , then by 2 . But then in we have many distinct cliques and each vertex from these cliques can form obstruction with as a centre. Hence can not be empty, which is a contradiction to the fact that was a minimal solution. So the obstruction for must contain as one of its M-Hole vertices i.e. . Let the centre of this obstruction be . Notice that . In the M-Hole , let and be two vertices from and respectively with no other vertex from in between. Between and we have many vertex disjoint (induced) paths () (each path consists of exactly one vertex from ). does not intersect at least one of these paths from . But then replacing the segment of between and with the non-intersected path from , we get a new M-Hole where . Adding as the centre, we get an obstruction which is contained in , a contradiction. Hence . Hence the claim is proved.
Using the above claim we consider the following cases: Recall that is a minimum size solution to the Yes-instance .
Case 1:
Here we claim that is also a solution to . Suppose it is not true. Then there is an obstruction in . , otherwise we will have the same obstruction in . Hence this obstruction must be a large obstruction (from arguments similar to the ones made in 4). Let . If is a centre in , then ( is the M-Hole of ) is contained in . But there are at least vertices from who along with form obstructions in . Hence must intersect , which contradicts the fact that is an obstruction in . For the other case when is part of the M-Hole in , let and be two vertices from and respectively with no other vertex from in between in . Since does not contain any vertex from , by replacing the segment of between and with any vertex of , we get a new M-Hole where . Adding as the centre we get an obstruction which is contained in , which is a contradiction.
Case 2:
Here we claim that , where is a sized min-cut between and , is a solution to . Suppose it is not true. Then there is an obstruction in . But and must be a large obstruction (from arguments similar to the ones made in 4). Let . Since there is no path from to in , any obstruction must contain as its centre only. But then ( is the M-Hole of ) is contained in and hence also in . And there are many vertices in who can form obstructions with the M-Hole . At least one of them is not contained in . This vertex along with forms an obstruction that is contained in , a contradiction. Hence is also a solution to .
This completes the proof in the reverse direction.
This concludes the proof for the lemma.∎
With reduction rule 5, we obtain the following result.
Lemma 14
Given an instance of PHCAVD and a nice modulator of size , in polynomial time, we can construct an equivalent instance such that, is a nice modulator for and for each connected component of , the number of cliques in is at most .
7 Bounding the Number of Connected Components
Until now we have assumed that is connected. Further, in section 6, we showed that the size of any connected component is upper bounded by . In this section, we show that the number of connected components in can be upper bounded by . This together with the fact that , results in a polynomial kernel for PHCAVD.
Here we bound the number of connected components with an argument similar to the one using which we bounded the neighborhood of the modulator. We make use of the claw obstruction to get the desired bound. Notice that if any vertex in has neighbors in three different components in , then we get a claw.
Reduction Rule 6
Let be a vertex in such that has neighbors in at least different components in then delete from , and reduce by . The resultant instance is .
The correctness of the above reduction rule is easy to see as every solution to of PHCAVD must contain . From now onwards we assume that reduction rule 6 is not applicable. And this leads to the following lemma.
Lemma 15
can have neighbors in at most many different components.
Now we bound the number of connected components that have no neighbor in . Towards that, we classify all such connected components into two classes: interval connected components (which admit an interval representation) and non-interval connected components. Here non-interval connected components cover the entire circle whereas others partially cover the underlying circle.
Claim 1
The number of non-interval connected components in is at most one.
For contradiction suppose there are at least two non-interval connected components in . Notice that in any proper Helly circular-arc representation of , the circular-arcs corresponding to all the vertices in together cover the entire circle in the representation. But then there is no other connected component in that can admit arc representation . Hence can not have any circular-arc representation in , a contradiction.∎
Reduction Rule 7
If there are more than interval connected components in that have no neighbor in , delete all but components.
Lemma 16
Reduction Rule 7 is safe.
Let be the reduced instance. We show that is a Yes-instance of PHCAVD if and only if is a Yes-instance. The forward direction is trivial as is an induced subgraph of . In the backward direction, let be a Yes-instance. Assume that is a solution for PHCAVD on and is a proper Helly circular-arc representation of . As there are interval connected components in there always exists a component in which has no intersection with and hence all the vertices in belong to . Now we can always shrink all the arcs corresponding to in to half of their length. In the freed-up space, we can accommodate the arcs corresponding to the deleted interval connected components. Hence is a Yes-instance.∎
From now onwards we assume that reduction rules 6 and 7 are not applicable. Now these two reduction rules and lemma 15 implies the following result:
Lemma 17
Given an instance and a nice modulator of size , in polynomial-time, we can construct an equivalent instance such that the number of connected component in is .
8 Kernel size analysis
Now we are ready to prove the main result of our paper, that is, theorem 1.1. Before proceeding with the proof, let us state all the bounds that contributes to the kernel size.
Proof (Proof of theorem 1.1)
From lemma 2 and lemma 7, in polynomial-time, we can obtain a nice modulator of size or conclude that is a No-instance. Note that, is a proper Helly circular-arc graph. Next, we take a nice clique partition of . Now by lemma 17, in polynomial-time we return a graph such that has components. By Lemma lemma 14, in polynomial-time, we can reduce the graph such that any connected component in has at most cliques. Next, we bound the size of each clique in by from lemma 10. Hence the graph has at most , that is, many vertices. Recall that . Therefore, the size of the obtained kernel is , that is, . ∎
9 Conclusion
In this paper, we studied PHCAVD from the perspective of kernelization complexity, and designed a polynomial kernel of size . We remark that the size of a kernel can be further optimized with more careful case analysis. However, getting a kernel of a significantly smaller size might require an altogether different approach.
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