Winners announced!

Check the 8 winning proposals at

The Open Call ended 15 January 2023, 17:00 CET

Thank you all participants for submitting their proposals! 34 OC proposals received from 10 countries.

More info and statistics available at

The 2nd ASSIST-IoT Open Call has been officially announced. It started 1st July 2022 and ended 31st October 15th January 2023, 17:00 CET! The ASSIST-IoT project has reserved part of the project budget to fund specific activities in order to enhance and improve IoT features and applications and boost the NGIoT community across Europe. Third parties are expected to come along and carry out relevant actions  during the project’s life cycle. These later-joining entities will be selected by the evaluation means of the Open Call which will be dedicated to integration and validation of the proposals within any of the ASSIST-IoT three pilots.

This Open Call aims at funding innovative proposals that will enhance ASSIST-IoT’s objectives framed (mandatorily) within one (out of its three) pilot(s). In particular, Open Call proposals are expected to address one specific challenge out of a list of possible challenges formulated by each pilot.


ASSIST-IoT is an EU H2020 ICT-56-2020 funded research project running for 36 months which aims at the design, implementation and validation of an open, decentralized reference architecture, associated enablers, services and tools, to assist human-centric applications in multiple verticals. ASSIST-IoT will design, implement and validate, in a realistic, measurable, and replicable way, a unified innovative multi-plane (semi-)autonomous decentralized edge-cloud reference architecture, supplemented by cross-cutting digital enablers. The ASSIST-IoT architecture will support continuous integration and long-term sustainability of domain-agnostic, interoperable, self-* capable, intelligent, distributed, scalable, secure and trustworthy IoT ecosystems. More information available here.



  • Validation and improvement of technical components of the architecture.
  • Take up of ASSIST-IoT by application developers, domain experts and entrepreneurs to create new applications and services.
  • Pushing ASSIST-IoT technology and service visibility on the market.
  • Supporting an innovative, dynamic and industry open ecosystem around ASSIST-IoT results.
  • Gathering new market relevant inputs ASSIST-IoT components and finding industry experts to improve technical capabilities as well as filling possible missing functions, needed adoptions or modifications.


  • Low-cost accurate GPS development
  • Data semantic translator for the context of maritime terminals
  • Stack collision prevention in port yards
  • Maritime CHE Path optimising
  • MR support for OSH training in the construction field
  • Vision-based hazard monitoring
  • 2D/3D localization map user interface with BIM interaction
  • Eco-driving and automotive navigation system as a service
  • 3D Image registration in the context of automated vehicle inspection via scanner
  • Reflections- and shadows-noise removal on scanned images of vehicles
  • Image acquisition and processing from user-wear edge nodes

(for more pilot challenges and more information please download the Guide for Applicants, available further below )


  • Design, implementation and integration of interoperable device layer components, based on different low-level communication standards or on ad-hoc proprietary device solutions.
  • Design, implementation and integration of interoperable networking layer components, based on different standards higher-level communication standards or on ad-hoc proprietary networking solutions to be tested in ASSIST-IoT pilots.
  • Design, implementation and integration of interoperable middleware layer components. These need to deal with the different middleware services such as discovery, management, querying, coordination and interaction.
  • Design, implementation and integration of interoperable application service components. These should exploit major standards and be integrated with ASSIST-IoT API.
  • Design, implementation and integration of interoperable data and semantics components. Specifically, semantics layer components have to deal with heterogeneous IoT ontology matching.
  • Design, implementation and integration of virtualization mechanism for smart objects, including context aware mechanisms and transfer of virtual objects between servers and cloud platforms.
  • Design, implementation and integration of fog/edge/cloud support mechanisms, including support for different services, inter cloud mechanisms applied to IoT and support for virtualization.
  • Design, implementation and integration of AI/ML libraries and tools addressing ASSIST-IoT pilots.


The Open Call is addressed to (specially) SMEs and startups, research and academia entities and innovators to provide new services/devices/innovations in the scope of one of the three pilots of the project.


Participants must select one of the three pilots in order to perform the validation of ASSIST-IoT technologies and development. The third parties must show how their contribution would help enlarging the ASSIST-IoT ecosystems as indicated in the evaluation criteria. They have to contribute to the ASSIST-IoT paradigm. Selected entities will receive funds as third parties of the Project Coordination – Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) – and the research results will belong to the whole consortium. Also, a collaboration agreement will be signed with the ASSIST-IoT coordinator and the third party.


Only the following type of entities will be able to submit proposals:

  • European SMEs
  • Universities
  • Research centres (RTOs)

Please note that only single participants accepted (no consortium allowed)

Operational eligibility criteria for proposals will also be:

  • Only one entity per proposal will be admitted, so activities in co-operation will not be considered eligible (no Consortia allowed).
  • Proposals must contribute to the ASSIST-IoT paradigm.
  • The proposal must be contextualised to one of the three pilots.
  • The proposal must directly tackle one of the challenges within one of the pilots.
  • It is not necessary that the applicants are located in any of the pilot sites (Malta, Warsaw – Poland, Valencia – Spain and Germany).

Administrative (and other) criteria are as follows:

  • Proposals must be written in English in all their parts in order to be eligible.
  • The applicants must base their proposals on original work and, going forward, any foreseen developments should be free from third party rights, or they are clearly stated in a specific section (Previous IP background – see Section 7 of Proposal Template).
  • Applicants are not allowed to submit multiple applications. If that is the case, only the first submitted application will be considered.
  • No entity with economic interest, family or emotional ties or any other shared interest (‘conflict of interest’) towards ASSIST-IoT Consortium partners will be accepted as candidates for funding.
  • All cases of conflict of interest will be assessed case-by-case, based on pertinent EU stipulations.


The Open Call is addressed to individual European SME, Universities and Research Centres (RTOs) that can contribute to the ASSIST-IoT paradigm. Only single participants accepted (no consortium allowed).

  • A total of € 480’000.00 will be distributed to external third parties in the 2nd Open Call of ASSIST-IoT.
  • 8 projects to be selected and funded from the second Open Call.
  • Each Open Call winner will be funded with a lump-sum amount of € 60’000.00
  • Duration of projects is maximum 9 months.

The submission will be open and available to receive proposals from 1st July 2022 to 31st October 15th January 2023, 17:00 CET. Incomplete proposals will not be evaluated. Notifications on funding or rejections will be sent out to applicants, together with any feedback, by early March 2023.

Stay Tuned!

More details on the Open Call #2 context, applicants’ eligibility and procedures are available below!

Guide for Applicants Proposal Template Agreement Template

     Submission Ended

Notice: Please note that further information and updates on the Guide of Applicants and Set of Challenges are expected by July 15th

ASSIST-IoT 2nd Open Call  in a nutshell

Project: ASSIST-IoT (EU H2020 ICT-56-2020)
2nd Open Call budget: € 480’000.00
A total of 8 projects are expected to be selected and funded during second Open Call
Project budget range:  € 60’000.00 (in lump-sum form)
Opening date: 1st July 2022
Closing date: 31st October 15th January 2023 at 17:00 CET
Results announced:  Early March 2023
Contact person: Ignacio Lacalle Úbeda (Universitat Politècnica de València – UPV)
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
Phone: +34963877000