Astronomy at the University of Bonn
The Argelander-Institute for Astronomie (AIfA) is one part of the Fachgruppe Physics and Astronomy and provides top-class research and excellent education.
The Institute's research groups focus on various areas of theoretical and observational astronomy - from stars to cosmology in national and international collaborations with other research institutions and large-scale astronomical projects.
With its own Master of Astrophysics course, the AIfA is involved in the education of young students alongside the Bachelor of Physics. Many international doctoral students are also trained, in part through the Bonn-Cologne Graduate School (BCGS).
This website is under construction. A complete list of events (German only) can be found here.

Physics-Astronomy Division
The Argelander Institute for Astronomy, together with the three physics institutes (PI, HISKP and AP), is part of the Physics-Astronomy Division.

Math.-Nat. Faculty
The Argelander Institute is part of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at the University of Bonn.

Max Planck Institute for Radioastronomy
The Argelander Institute and the Max Planck Institute share the joint research.