The fact that Celebration was in London and no sign of John at all really says a lot of things about Lucasfilm, none of them good.
truly wish him all the best. i can’t imagine how awful it’s been to be a part of such a big franchise, get fucked over so bad, and the internet treats you like shit because you dared stand up for yourself
Posting for help on behalf of my friend C (original tweet here). They don’t have a tumblr and their post has not gained traction. They need help to get groceries and other essentials. C is a trans Afro-Latine who has been struggling since being disowned by their family. Anything would help as they have not eaten in days. If you can assist, please send to their Vnmo as their CA has been compromised:
Vnmo: @Carlos-Ortiz-448
Please boost, thank you!
Hey everybody, I need some help. My beloved cat 12-year-old cat Joe had a seizure in the middle of the night. My uncle and I were able to scrape together enough to have him get to an ER and stabilized. He was my mom’s cat and one of the few things of hers I have left.
Not asking for $$ to recoup the vet bills, but for help getting food/litter for us and our two cats so we can survive until next week. Setting a goal of about $275. Paypal: Venmo: @Erin-Wright-25. Pls help if you can by donating and/or boosting this post. Thanks so much!
Merch from the amazing and brilliant @kittykichi! Starting with a hand-drawn commission of my beloved Aang, and followed by this incredible MLB pin set. Check out her socials for these and other pins and a ton more fantastic artwork!
am I the only one who just enjoys shipping and sends off a “you do you” salute to the ships I don’t like?
that was rhetorical; I know I’m not the only one lmao
i’m not cool with incest pairings in fiction. so I don’t participate in that content 🙃 looking at you anna x elsa shippers haha. I don’t get you at all but you do you ✌🏻
another thing: am I the only one who doesn’t really care if a ship might be *a little problematic* in canon?
again that’s rhetorical
because sokka/azula holy hell I would never get behind it in canon, but it’s fire when written well and the art is *chef’s kiss*
and I get that disney has representation problems out the wazoo, i’m not about to harp on their genius, but I still adore loki/sylvie in canon and will not stop. i’m not hurting anybody by liking a pairing. i’m not perpetuating bad representation by *liking a pairing* ffs.
and I’m still iffy on sesshomaru/rin but you know what? oh well. i still like yashahime. anime be weird anyway. ffssss.
am I just old or
a survivor of the atla shipping wars from way back when
as well as the inukag vs inukik vs sesskag wars
and maybe also the team edward vs team jacob wars if I’m being honest
fiction is NOT reality and that’s ok
make love not war ✌🏻
Translation: “All you POC and/or people with marginalized identities who complain about the shit pairings and fandom bullshit that results in characters that represent you being crapped on + harmful stereotypes being perpetuated STFU so I can rub one out in peace.”
Go play in traffic or something you garbage fuck.
So, I’m a Kataang Shipper and really avoid Zutara on a personal level, so you’ve got that very wrong. I remember being bashed and attacked and called all kinds of things by the much larger group of Zutara shippers back in the day.
But also… hey, it’s ok. Your thing seems to be- and correct me if I’m wrong- that I’m saying to leave the pairings alone. I’m not saying don’t complain about the pairings themselves and their canon representations. That would be super shitty, actually. I’d be going against what I just said- that fiction is not reality. Fiction can still be criticized for what it is!
In fact I still have major problems with certain canon and non-canon pairings from an ethical standpoint, for example. I’m just saying that in the grand scheme of things it seems silly to me to waste my energy on… being angry about things instead of enjoying the things I like.
When I spent my energy on enjoying the things I liked, I was repeatedly called a chink by reylo stans in the Star Wars fandm because I wasn’t being a good little Asian and knee-jerk shipping the only Asian chick in the franchise with the Black guy they wanted away from the white girl. So that doesn’t work for me. In a perfect world, yeah, you ship and let ship, but in reality, a lot of fans, and a shit ton of fans who are people of color, are treated like complete shit if we don’t ship “the right” thing or at least keep our mouths shut if we don’t like it. Fandom is not reality but being told by white fucklords that you’re a “dirty Jap” because you don’t agree that a white fascist should be fucking the white heroine did affect my well being, so there’s that. I know I’m not alone.
Black fans are treated like dogshit in almost every single fandom that exists and I’ve seen with my own eyes how fandom runs Black fans down.
Apologies for calling you a Zutara shipper. Zutara and Zutara fans are from hell’s asshole, so my bad for tainting you with that garbage.
Also probably could have done without telling you to go play in traffic, too. Sorry.
The true american.
Really, I have to say nothing. Just observe, my friends, another american (not white, this time) ostracizing some group of people because some part of this group was a bunch of idiots.
This is not about you, @astridabove . I actually agree with you in some points. You were not hurting anybody, just sharing your opinions and then someone comes to crash on it putting words in your mouth. I get the feeling.
If the person insist on replying to everything you say (and with offenses at that) I may suggest a blocking, since it’s the start of harassment. I have a blog about blocking people, and this is one of the only cases I think it’s actually recommendable.
What in the world is wrong with you?
I was in the Star Wars fandom with @leg-grestrade. I’m Asian and Black and largely escaped the racism aimed at my friends but I saw all the horrible things said to fans of color and to the actors of color like John Boyega. It wasn’t just “Some part of the group being a bunch of idiots.” It was a significant portion of fandom being racist and making threats. Racism isn’t “idiotic,” it’s harmful and deadly, full stop. For you to treat it like it was just some fandom drama is unacceptable and despicable.
Why you inserted yourself into this conversation I can’t even begin to guess, but the way you dismiss the pain that fans of color experience in fandom is disgusting. The idea that you put in the “true American” like it’s some sort of epithet is equally gross, especially when you’re aiming this vitriol at a fan of color who was not speaking to you in the first place.
Gareth Mallory and his Christmas Romance - 8 years later
2021 was a weird year and an exhausting one. Sadly I had to make the decision not to write any advent calendar stories this year. I so loved doing it during the last eight years and I love that some people shared my love for these little stories.
But of course I just wasn’t ready yet to say goodbye completely to these stories and the characters and I felt like giving it a fitting and deserving ending so I revisited the three characters that started it all and just had fun thinking where they and their Christmas Romance/female readers would be now: while dealing with a world that has been turned upside down and whatever else life was throwing at them.
So here it is: Gareth’s Story - 8 years later…
(You can read the beginning and other visits with him: here)
The counter in front of you is sparkling clean. Finally. You have an important appointment in half an hour but you hate leaving things undone and chaotic at the end of a long work day. Stepping into a clean bakery is one of the joys of your day, even if it isn’t the first one anymore.
That spot is taken. And has been for a while now.
So, as a child I used to watch many tv shows. One of them is called Avatar The Last Airbender. It’s plot has to do with a war that is happening for 100 years between the four nations that exist in the world. The nations are that of the two Water Tribes, the one in the South Pole and the other in the North Pole. That of the Air Nomads, that of the kingdom of the Earth and finally, the one who started the war that of the Fire Nation. And the story tells that most of the people who belong in these nations can bend one element ( specifically the one of the nation they belong in). But one person and the actual hero can actually bend all four elements. That person is called the Avatar ( = avatar means reincarnation), because his soul is finding another body when he dies. So the story is about a boy named Aang who is a monk and the avatar who must learn to bend all the elements and stop the 100 year war with his friend.
There are many characters in the show. But the three people that I want to talk about, are Aang, Katara the girl that Aang has a crush on and his friend and Zuko. The enemy but friend (in the end of the series.)
As most people know, Aang in the end ends up with Katara. His crush, his forever girl as he says and his girl (as he repeatedly claims). But for me, I always feeling that something was missing from the ending as I was growing up and still continuing to watch it.
So I would like to discuss this with the fans of zutara and kataang about the shipping and express my opinion of why I believe that zutara could work more than kataang, even though I was rooting for Aang to be with Katara in the end as a child. I will post at first about Kataang and then Zutara and if you want you can share your opinions and thoughts with me :).
You’re being yelled at because you’re being rude.
I have shipped Zutara since I first saw this show as a child. I continue to ship Zutara, though the fandom makes me cringe now. You are not going to be fair and neutral. You’ve already said you think Zutara would have been better in the show than Kataang. I happen to agree with you in part but you know what? I don’t post such things in the Kataang tag. Because that would be rude.
I don’t agree with people cursing or yelling at you, but you are being wilfully ignorant as to why what you posted is a problem. Very few Kataang fans are going to want to read your reasons why their ship should not have been canon just as very few Zutara fans want to read about why Zutara never would have worked.
Tagging exists for a reason. People going into the Kataang tag aren’t going to take kindly to long defenses of Zutara. Even multishippers look for Zutara content in the Zutara tag.
Zutara>>><<<Kataang - MUCH better.
Kataang is basically Katara babysitting, so imo Zutara >>>>>>>>>>> Taang >>>>>
You and other idiots like you are exactly why me and other Zutara fans have gone underground. Fuck off. I hate that your sort are what represents Zutara fans now.