NY Notary Public All-Purpose Acknowledgement Certificate
Form 15-A page 1 D.R.L. §114 Form 15-A (Application for Certified Copy of Adoption Order Before sealing of records)
Form 15-A page 1 D.R.L. §114 Form 15-A (Application for Certified Copy of Adoption Order Before sealing of records)
Adoption-Order Directing Service of Notice
Form 3 (Adoption-Order Directing Service of Notice)
Form 2-G (Extrajudicial Consent -Birth or legal Parent — Private-placement)
Form 2-G (Extrajudicial Consent -Birth or legal Parent — Private-placement)
Judicial Consent of Birth or Legal Parent to Adoption by Step-Parent
If you want to adopt a stepchild, you must have the consent (or agreement) of both your spouse and the child’s other parent (the noncustodial parent) unless that parent has abandoned the child. By giving his or her consent, the noncustodial parent gives up all rights and responsibilities, including child support.
Form 2-Fa Judicial Consent of Birth or Legal Parent to Adoption by Step-Parent
Adoption Form 1-G Order Regarding Venue
Venue is in the county where the adopted person resides, the petitioner resides or is in military service, or the agency having custody is located. The court may transfer, stay, or dismiss the adoption proceeding if it is in the interest of substantial justice that the case be heard in another judicial district.
Adoption Form 1-F Determination of Family Court Judge Regarding Venue
Petition for Adoption – Form 1-C
This form tells the judge about the child to be adopted and the parents wishing to adopt. You can request a name change for the child if desired. If a stepparent is adopting, the parent and the stepparent must both fill out the papers and sign them as co-petitioners. States the legal basis on which you think you should be able to adopt this child, why the court has jurisdiction to grant the adoption, your qualifications to adopt this child and the name that you want to be given to your child when the requested adoption becomes final.
Form 22 ( Certification As Qualified Adoptive Parent)
Form 22 ( Certification As Qualified Adoptive Parent)
Form 21-E ( Temporary Guardianship)
Form 21-E ( Temporary Guardianship)
Form 16- A (Application for Certified Copy of Adoption Order- After sealing of records)
Form 16- A (Application for Certified Copy of Adoption Order- After sealing of records)