Auctions in Lund - a 285-year history Lund has a long auction history. The archives contain preserved accounts showing that the operations were in full swing already in 1724. Normally the auction was carried out at the location of the estate. Special book auctions were organized at the university and took place in the so-called Kungshuset (the king house). Estate auctions got a permanent location in the town hall in the early 1900s.
After a couple of years, the auctions were moved to an old riding stable at Kattesund. Where the business was run until 1967. Locals in Lund still have memories from the time 1967-82, when legendary auctioneer Sven Stålberg swung the club. Auctions were still held in the town hall and owned by the local government. The year after that, the business was transferred to a private owner. 1988 was a new chapter in the city's auction history. The municipality appointed Runfeldt's Auctions to conduct a permanent auction operation in Lund. At the same time, the old Customs Chamber at Clemenstorget was made available to run the business. In 1998, Birgitta Crafoord bought the auction company, and the name was changed to Crafoord Auktioner. In 2009, the company was acquired by Uppsala auktionskammare, which in 2017 sold it to Auctionet and senior executives at Crafoord.