so did that the vampire get the job
nearly 2.5 years later and all you people can tell me is just “no but he got a divorce”
(via this-world-of-beautiful-monsters)
So, in both species of rodents I have kept so far, the existence of a single wheel has IMMEDIATELY caused such covetous squabbling that it required the expeditious purchase of a second wheel.
…anyway, surprise tumblr! I have chinchillas now!
favorite things about Riverdale so far (spoilers up to season 4):
-Jughead’s Clean and Sober Gang which Doesn’t Do Crimes!
-The drugs that he wasn’t selling were called “Jingle Jangle” and “Fizzle Rocks”.
-Betty Cooper (the best character) has a serial killer dad, and inherited the “serial killer genes” from him, and has an alter ego called “dark Betty” which she struggles against.
-Cheryl Blossom. Just…everything about Cheryl Blossom.
-Archie Andrews’ ONLY solution to ANY problem is vigilante justice and/or forming a volunteer militia.
-Kevin Keller continues to not have a single character trait other than being gay.
-There are secret siblings and half-siblings behind every corner.
-The town is waaay too big to only have one restaurant but everyone is only ever at Pop’s.
-The evil cult leader built a ROCKET to go to SPACE and the writers did not give that space to breathe for even a single second before moving on to five new insane subplots, as usual.
least favorite things about Riverdale so far:
-Hiram Lodge somehow isn’t dead yet!!!
My housemate’s cat came into my room while my dictation was on…
(via this-world-of-beautiful-monsters)
Anonymous asked:
yeah it took me a good long time to figure out i was ace because i enjoy porn and jerking off and sometimes feel attraction but sex is like a workout you're expected to be emotional about and the social behaviors associated with romantic bonds just repel me. i don't think it's trauma or whatever; i think i just don't like it. and if i cut porn and my vibrator out of my life i think i would be fine if mildly frustrated but i would still not like sex!
it massively improved my life and my mental health when i allowed myself to stop seeking a person i could barely stand to have sex with every other week because the world insists it's the most fulfilling possible thing in life.
and even separately, it's kind of a dick move to seek out and date people who don't know you're checking a box (or earnestly trying to fix yourself) because if you don't have a partner for too long your parents/friends/coworkers think you're weird! that's a really awful thing to do to someone who enters a relationship looking for a real romantic bond!! if someone prefers porn to sex/dating, them removing themselves from circulation is win-win.
yeah i really dislike the implicit assumption in a lot of porn discourse that sex with another person is always the “healthy” and “normal” option that porn deprives people of. i’m sure it’s part of a pattern of pathologically self-isolating and solipsistic behaviors for some people, but like, a lot of harmless pursuits can be turned to the purpose of being solipsistic and self-isolating