Read More5 minute read NNorth AmericaBeechcraft Bonanza, the legendary aircraft ever knownbySamyog KCAugust 13, 2021 1 share 1 0 The Beechcraft Bonanza is, without a doubt, a legendary light aircraft. It must be mentioned when discussing one…
Read More5 minute read UUncategorizedAntonov AN-22 largest turboprop aircraft in the world to datebySamyog KCJuly 23, 2021 The Antonov An-22 ‘Antei’ was designed by Antonov Design Bureau in the Soviet Union for heavy military transportation.…
Read More3 minute read PPerspectiveWhy pilots use a single-engine during taxiing? Do you know?bySamyog KCJune 29, 2021 Taxiing is an aircraft’s movement on the ground, under its control, compared to a towing or a push-back…
Read More5 minute read PPerspectiveAirbus 350 and Boeing 787, the competitive modern aircraft of the decadebySamyog KCMay 16, 2021 Airbus and Boeing are among the world’s best aircraft manufacturing companies, ruling out the aerospace industry for many…
Read More5 minute read PPerspectiveBoeing 727 and 717, the vintage aircraftbySamyog KCFebruary 19, 2021 Boeing is the world’s largest aerospace company and the leading producer of commercial jetliners, defense, space and security…
Read More4 minute read PPerspectiveHow Pushback is performed? Why do civil aircraft do not use a power back pushback?bySamyog KCJanuary 14, 2021 Pushback is a procedure that results in an aircraft being pushed back from the airport gate by external…
Read More6 minute read NNational NewsAircraft Hijack in Nepal, Twin otter, and IC814bySamyog KCJanuary 7, 2021 General aviation in Nepal started in 1949 AD. To this point, Nepal has about 71 years of Aviation…
Read More4 minute read PPerspectiveEvergreen STOL Aircraft for Nepal; Twin OtterbySamyog KCDecember 21, 2020 Short Take-Off and Landing (STOL) aircraft are essential in Nepal. Being a country with high hills and mountains,…
Read More4 minute read RResearchHigh Frequency (HF), Very High Frequency (VHF), and Transponder usage in AircraftbySamyog KCDecember 16, 2020 The evolution of electronic communications equipment is nearly as same as the evolution of aircraft. The radio age…
Read More5 minute read RResearchAirport markings and signs used to ensure safe landing and taxingbySamyog KCDecember 5, 2020 15 shares 15 0 Every day, aircraft of different shapes and sizes take off and land at the airport. However, the pilot…