black-and-white head pattern (California, USA; 2008-04-27)
Black-throated Sparrow
Amphispiza bilineata
Native Range:
North America and Middle America
a beautiful and common sparrow of deserts and other very arid habitats; no sexual dimorphism.
othrwise mostly grey-brown plumage (California, USA; 2008-04-27)
dorsal view (California, USA; 2008-04-27)
frontal view showing the black throat (California, USA; 2008-04-27)
sharp conical bill (California, USA; 2008-04-27)
posing on a cholla cactus (California, USA; 2008-04-27)
assuming an odd posture (California, USA; 2008-04-27)
feeding on the ground (Arizona, USA; 2012-04-27) |
posing for a body portrait (Arizona, USA; 2012-04-27) |
posing for a head portrait (California, USA; 2008-04-27) |