Get a 25% commission for every sale!
- Register for FREE
- First Payment: 25.00% of sales from new customers.
- Avail 20% commission for every purchase of the existing customers.
- Get paid every month.
- Minimum Payout $50
Our affiliate program is a way for customers to earn money for advertising our products. As an affiliate, the more sales you make, the more money you can earn! Our affiliate program is completely free and requires no technical knowledge. It only takes a few minutes to set up an account. Once registered, you can begin earning high commissions with minimal effort.
How to create an affiliate account?
To become an affiliate, simply visit our affiliate signup page. Once there, you will be prompted to fill out some basic information in the provided form. After completing the form, you will have successfully registered as an affiliate. It's that easy!

Where you can get links or promotional material?
All you need to do is log in to your affiliate account with your username and password.

After successfully logging into your affiliate account, you will find various options, which are shown in the image below. These options will enable you to manage your account and perform various tasks related to the affiliate program.

After selecting your desired category(themes or plugins), you will be redirected to all product-specific Affiliate Links which you can choose according to your requirement.
Where you can place these affiliate links?
Here are some common places where you can place affiliate links on your website:
- Product Reviews: One of the best places to include affiliate links is in your product reviews. You can write a detailed review of a product or service and include your affiliate link within the review. This allows your readers to easily click through and make a purchase.
- Banner ads: You can place banner ads on your website that include affiliate links. These ads can be placed in various locations on your site, such as the header, footer, sidebar, or within the content.
- Text links within content: You can also include text links within your content, such as in blog posts or articles. These links can be naturally integrated into your content, making them less intrusive and more likely to be clicked.
- Resource pages: Another effective way to include affiliate links is by creating resource pages. These pages can feature a list of recommended products or services, each with its own affiliate link.
- Comparison charts: If your website features comparisons of different products or services, you can include affiliate links within these charts. This makes it easy for your readers to click through and make a purchase based on your recommendations.
The placement of your affiliate links will depend on your website's layout, content, and niche. You should always aim to include affiliate links in a way that is natural, relevant, and useful to your readers.
Here are some examples

Earnings and Payouts
To view your earnings and available payout options, simply navigate to your account section. From there, select "Account Info" followed by "Statistics" to access your Affiliate stats and earnings.
After reaching a payment threshold of $50, you may request a payout. Keep in mind that payout requests are limited to once per month.
We will notify you to provide your payment details once your payout reaches $50. If we don’t receive your details within a month, the payout will be canceled. Additionally, your account will be deactivated if there is no activity for six months.