happy ides of march
if you all don’t light this up for ten years on saturday…
be sure to leave out milk and cookies for brutus tonight
You can leave as many cookies as you want but he’ll only et two
this remains the funniest addition anyone’s made to one of my posts
I’ve been seeing a lot of posts about piracy lately and in light of this i do need to say something because I’ve been seeing a lot of misinformation.
anti-viruses, vpns, ad-blockers- none of these are going to help you here.
the first thing you’re going to need is a good solid boat (preferably oak wood). you will also want some cannons and a plank depending on the sort of shenanigans you plan on getting into.
Also! Not once have i seen any of you talking about the importance of citrus fruits and vitamin C. antivirus doesn’t prevent scurvy. come on you should know this by now.
this sort of misinformation is wildly dangerous and irresponsible.
The World Of Becca Blake
Art by Dan Schkade
oops shared without amendment: don’t use milk to rinse eyes just plain water
Rebecca Blake could also put temporary tattoos on any part of her skin that IS exposed. That way, if ever the police tried to identify her through photographs or footage, she would be able to point to the tattoo in the image and say “well that can’t possibly be me; that person has angel wings tattooed on the back of their neck, but MY neck is un-tattooed.”
Because asexuals were systematically harassed off Tumblr and other social media over a span of years, and when they remained, they no longer talked about the signs and in-jokes of the community, because that would attract harassment. Thus these signifiers weren’t passed along.
That’s why you didn’t know.
Shout out to all the Black ppl that can no longer participate directly in the fandom they love because of the stresses of racism 👍🏾 you contain multitudes of value and I’m sorry that the color of your skin and the power of your voice makes people not want to acknowledge that.
Yes, nonblack people can reblog. I’d appreciate it, in fact, if y'all took the time to vocally support your Black friends/fans in fandom.
popular YouTube channels are great and informative until they make a video about a topic you’re informed on and then the house of cards comes crashing down as you realize how utterly wrong they are about most things
all video games should have a “I’m shit at video games but I’m curious about the story and I don’t want to watch a let’s play” mode
I am
I made this post because I am disabled and no matter how much I practice there are some games I will never be able to play because I physically cannot move my fingers the way you have to and the responses to this post from other disabled people, people who grew up unable to play video games, and people who just aren’t very good at them has been extremely enthusiastically positive, while people who apparently can’t conceive of the idea that some people will never be good at gaming condescendingly comment, tag or send me asks telling me to try easy mode or to get good despite the fact that the feature I’m describing already exists in some games and mods. if you’re part of the latter group, consider that some of us can not ever be good at video games and we still deserve to be able to participate and have fun
Ok, real talk, if you play PC games I use a program called Wemod that has settings for almost every game ever and you can change them to suit your needs
Unlimited health? one hit kill? unlimited items?
They can’t mod multiplayer games, but every genre of game imaginable is on Wemod so I use it for everything from stardew valley, subnautica, hades, farming sim and more!
It mods the games to your level of ease without needing to mess with any files or get deep into webpages for mods yourself
It is a life changerFYI ⬆️⬆️⬆️
Only passing along as the only games I play are on my phone.
Get an older sibling and have them play the game and you watch
One, this is older siblings who watch younger siblings play erasure, two that’s not the point. People deserve to enjoy the experience of playing a game for themselves. Watching someone play is fun. Playing yourself is a different kind of fun.
There are so many reasons why someone wouldn’t want to be challenged by a game, and it’s ridiculous that people can’t fathom someone requiring a different gameplay than themselves.
Back in the dark ages when I was a kid and we got our first computer, my dad noticed that I was sad because I wanted to play computer games like him, so he would let me play his games in god mode. Should a five year old have been playing Ultimate Doom? Absolutely not. Did I enjoy the shit out of it, particularly the part where I couldn’t die and could just wander around aimlessly machine gunning demons to death with no real goal in mind? Hell yes.
Also, no one should have to explain the reason they want to play the game in god mode.
That is absolutely none of your business, if someone wants to play the game with max items, weapons, armor, money etc., whatever reason they’re playing that way for. YOU, the anon on the internet have no business knowing or shitting on how they play. It’s THEIR game, and THEIR gameplay experience. and I hope OP was able to play their game the way they wanted to without being stymied by the games mechanics.
Oh shit, I have something for this!
Can I Play That? is a fantastic resource for fellow disabled folks who want to play video games, as well as non-disabled video game devs who want to make their games more accessible. I highly recommend checking it out!
shipping characters who are just friends in canon is more than okay but what’s annoying is when people take screenshots of them touching and say “friends don’t do that!”. i hate to break it to you but friends do hug and hold hands and cuddle. saying ‘friends don’t do that’ is reenforcing the idea that physical touch is reserved for lovers