Arizona Archaeological Society




The Yavapai Chapter, based in Prescott, received its charter from the Arizona Archaeological Society in 1977, although both amateur and professional archaeologists have been active in the area since the late 1800s. From the beginning, chapter members have participated in serious scientific archaeological investigations, beginning with excavation at the Storm Site (located near Watson Lake) from 1977-1979. In total, the chapter has worked on 14 excavations and 5 rock art recordings in the Prescott area. In addition, Prescott has two Sinagua pit houses located at Willow Lake that are supervised and docent-staffed by YCAAS.

To contact us, send an email message to [email protected]. We'll be glad to answer questions or add you to our email distribution list. Or you can send us a note via postal mail at P.O. Box 1098, Prescott, AZ 86302.

General Membership Meetings. Our Chapter meets on the third Wednesday of each month (except July, August, and December) at 6:30 p.m. in the Pueblo room at The Museum of Indigenous People (formerly The Smoki Museum) 147 N. Arizona Street in Prescott (the entrance is at the rear of the building). Presentations on various topics are provided by a wide range of professional and amateur experts on topics from both prehistoric and historic times. Anyone interested in the archaeology of our area is welcome.

Field Trips. The Yavapai chapter also offers field trips, usually on the Saturday of the week following the general membership meeting. These trips offer outstanding opportunities to learn firsthand more about how prehistoric peoples lived through the artifacts and architectural remnants they left behind.  And that doesn’t even begin to cover the value inherent in experiencing the beauty of Arizona’s backcountry as few ever do. Very often, these field trips require hiking. Read our hike rating guide for details.

Additionally, once or twice a year, the chapter sponsors multiple-day field trips to sites of special interest. Recent extended trips have included excursions to several pueblos in New Mexico, Tonto National Monument, the Hopi reservation, and the Chaco Canyon region. Additional fees are often required for extended trips to offset the costs incurred.

Here are some of the extended trips we have made in recent years:

2013 – Hohokam site at Sears-Kay near Cave Creek that was followed by the hike up to the Upper Cliff Dwelling at Tonto National Park. In the fall, southwest and central New Mexico was the destination with visits to the Gila Cliff Dwellings followed by the Three Rivers Petroglyphs.

2014 - Three days were dedicated to exploring many sites at Chaco Canyon and Aztec Ruin.

2015 – Mitchell Springs and Wallace Ruin located near Cortez, Colorado. Both sites are on private property owned by archaeologists who are excavating remarkable Puebloan ruins. In addition the group visited the Anasazi Heritage Center archives, Escalante Ruin, Yellow Jacket (a pristine and protected Anasazi site) and the Lowry Pueblo. The final day was given to the Long House Ruin on Wetherill Mesa in Mesa Verde National Park

2016 - Spring - Rock Art Ranch, Petrified Forest, and Homolovi.    Fall 2016 - Zuni. We were introduced to the Zuni Pueblo including middle village and A:shiwi A:wan museum, traditional Zuni meal served in the home of Ava Hannaweeke, and Harvest Dance at Ancient Way Festival. We toured Hawikuu and had an introduction to the Zuni creation myth presented by Ken Bowekaty and a visit to the Zuni village of the Great Kivas and its petroglyphs. On our last day there, we traveled to el Morro where we were led up, over, and down the spectacular butte by Ranger Richard Green.     

2017 - Spring 2017 - Gila Bend and the Great Bend of the Gila River with visits to Sears Point, Painted Rock, site of the Oatman Massacre, and the Gatlin Site. Our tour guide was Aaron Wright.    Fall 2017 - Montezuma Canyon, Butler Wash, North Mule Canyon, and Edge of the Cedars Museum.  (Tour Guide Dave Dove and assistants) 

2018 - Spring 2018 - Overnight in Laughlin, NV and a visit to Grapevine Canyon with in-transit stops at Grand Canyon Caverns, Hackberry, and Oatman.     Fall 2018 - Gila Cliff Dwellings and the J.T. Site north of Silver City, New Mexico followed by the Luna Mimbres Museum in Deming, N.M.     

2019 - Spring - Flagstaff area with visits to: Wupatki, Walnut Canyon and The Museum of Northern Arizona.

          Fall    - Guided tours of The Chaco Canyon NP and The Aztec Ruins NM both in New Mexico

All our field trips are intended for members of the Arizona Archaeological Society and, particularly, of the Yavapai chapter. However, guests can sometimes be accommodated.

Ready to join the Yavapai chapter? Fill out the application and mail it, along with your dues payment, to the address on the form: 

YC Membership Application

Want to learn more? To receive our meeting notices and other chapter news via email, send an email message to [email protected].

Additional Yavapai Chapter Activities

View looking south east. Feature 2 in foreground and Feature 4 above near the top of the image to the right of center.
Feature two is a residence with entry facing east (upper center/left of image). Feature 4 is a smaller storage pit.

Prescott Area Museums
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