Bad Things Happen Bingo
Why do bad things happen to good people? Because it's more fun to write. (BEFORE SENDING AN ASK, READ OUR ABOUT PAGE! Access the about page through link III on our page, or by adding /about to our blog's url. If for any reason you cannot access the about page, message us OFF ANON, and we can send you the contents of the about page as a submission.)

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This ended up a lot more h/c and shippy than whumpy but I like it.

Second prompt fill for my @badthingshappenbingo card! To be found on ao3 here.


Jace was broken.

Everything hurt and burned and he could barely breathe through the pain but it was nothing compared to the pain of his broken heart. He could feel tears running down his cheeks, his head full of entangled thought, his emotions running wild for once.

He wasn’t sure what naive hope still was buried inside of him when he was kidnapped and ortured by his father but something in him couldn’t let go of that word.


That was what Valentine was. To Jace, as hard as it was to come to terms with, Valentine was his father. No matter what his name was, no matter how much he hurt him, it didn’t change the truth and it couldn’t change Jace’s instincts.

But to Valentine, Jace was never his son.

Jace was an experiment.

A failed experiment.

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This will be marked off as All of the Other Reindeeras that is the main focus!

This request was suggested by @cartoonfriend

Hope you enjoy this! And sorry for any grammar errors made!


Link to the fic on Ao3: We’re not the same - Chilaglia - Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Cartoon 2018) [Archive of Our Own]


We’re not the same

Quick note: This is not canon to the main story of Do I Look Like Him. This is in the bad future timeline!

Bingo slot: All of the Other Reindeer

Fandom: Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles + my OC’s

Warnings; ANGST GALORE, identify crisis, depressive thoughts, implied panic attack, etc

Summary: It’s not his fault that he had some adult turtle, the leader of the Resistance inside his head. People need to learn that he’s not Leo. He can’t be Leo. So why…why do they insist that he is Leo?


“Leo! You need to start training these recruits.” Raph called out, placing his large hand on the shoulder of the smaller mutant who stopped his strolls and turned to face Raph, tilting his head.


“The recruits, Leo.” Raph added again, eyes narrowing in exhaustion. Caden returned his gaze, his own eyes narrowing at the larger mutant snapping turtle. “I’m not Leo.” He informed bitterly, resulting in Raph blinking wide eyed as he lets go of Caden.

“Oh, uh…right.” He awkwardly corrects, rubbing the back of his neck. “I’ll just ask April to train them.” He smiled forcefully, quickly bidding a goodbye and leaving Caden to stand alone in the hallway.

Caden sighed, shaking his head.

This has become a normal thing now.

Leo this. And Leo that.

They all mistook him as their leader. And if they didn’t, they expected him to be able to lead just like Leo did. Caden understood that Leo was a fantastic leader, a great brother, and one of the best mentors and ninjas there was in this war.

But that was all Leo. Not Caden.

Caden was useless. He could barely swing a sword without falling over. He got confused with names for their medical supplies and storage units. Caden was still trying to his voice, so shouting out commands was not something he was comfortable with at the moment.

It hadn’t even been long since he awoke from a 17 yearlong nap inside Draxum’s lab. Caden was still trying to wrap his head around that situation in his life.

“Kid, you okay?”

Ah, so he finally came out of hiding?

Caden was able to see Leo in his head, it was strange but the two could interact with each other like they were seeing each other in person.

They could touch their hands, talk and take control over Caden’s body. In his mind, or wherever they could interact with each other, it was mostly pitch black, with the only light being that of whatever Caden was looking at. They could see through his eyes.

There was a podium in the middle, where the two could swap places by simply touching it. All they had to do was touch it and they were in control of the body.

It was strange to explain, but even when Caden was in control, he was still able to walk a bit away from the podium, sitting down to relax or sometimes he and Leo would just sit in silence with each other, maybe even chat.

“Earth to Caden?” Leo snaps his fingers in front of him, causing the young mutant to jump and glare up at the older slider who gave a concerned look. “Are you okay? Your mind was…starting to darken.” He asks, gesturing to the pitch black that had a splotch of a darker shade of black if that was even possible.

“I’m fine.”


He wasn’t. Especially not today when Donnie was training him in using the swords. Caden was a mess, fumbling the katanas that belonged to Leo, dropping them whenever Donnie used his bō to knock it out of his hands without even adding strength to his hits.

Whenever Caden tried to dodge, he’d slip on and fall down.

He was a mess. And Donnie was beginning to become agitated by the constant screw ups.

“Listen to me Caden. Keep your feet firm on the ground, you keep tripping over.”

“I’m trying.”

“Try harder.”

Donnie charged at him, using his staff to smack at the blades as Caden sweats to keep up, deflecting a few hits before one of the katanas flew right out of his hand and onto the floor.

Donnie stops and groans. “Damn it Caden! Keep it tight in your hand.” He scolded as Caden scoffs and walks over to pick up the blade. “It’s hard when my palm is sweaty.” He states but all Donatello could hear was excuses.

“If Leo was here, I wouldn’t have to be dealing with this.” He hissed out loud, whether he meant to say it out in the open for anyone to hear or not, it didn’t matter. Caden froze before looking away, eyes trained on the floor.

“I’m not him….”

“Course not. He wouldn’t be this much of a liability.”

It came out before Donnie could even register what he said. When he did, he widened his eyes at his own harshness, seeing the deflated and hurt expression on Caden.

“Caden, I—“

“It’s fine. You’re right.”

He turns around, deciding that he had enough training today. He ignored Donnie calling out for him, heading over to his room.

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Anonymous asked

For The Bad Things Happen Bingo Card:

Bingo Slot: Not Afraid Of You Anymore

Character: Giovanni

Plot: For this one, it’ll basically be about Giovanni and him not being afraid of the EPF anymore and him getting revenge on the organization for how they treated him his whole life, and his family helps him out with the revenge and it goes really well and Giovanni feels great about it afterwards.



This will be marked off as ‘Not Afraid Of You Anymoreas that is the main focus!

Hope you enjoy this! And sorry for any grammar errors made!

This is probably gonna be a bit short, sorry about that


Link to the fic on Ao3: The Monsters Gone - Chilaglia - Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Cartoon 2018) [Archive of Our Own]


The Monsters Gone

Quick note: This is not canon to the main story of Eyes On You. I changed this request slightly so that Giovanni didn’t have any help from his brothers and that this was implied that he was still in the clutches of the EPF before he massacred everyone.

Bingo slot: Not Afraid of You Anymore

Fandom: Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles + my OC’s

Warnings; ANGST GALORE, blood, major character deaths (not canon to actual main story btw), murder, PTSD, etc

Summary: He’s dealt with their tortures long enough. He’s had enough. They expect him to be a monster? Fine, then he’ll be a monster. Just this once.


Giovanni slashed and roared out his cries of despair. The smell of blood was high in the air, bodies piling up wherever he went. Sword gripped in hand as it dripped down the blood of his tormentors.

The EPF made the mistake of giving him access to his own weapon. Made the mistake of just pushing him far enough that he finally snapped.

It’s not like he hasn’t killed before. They made him fight; they made him take the lives of those who didn’t deserve it. They made him a killer.

His first target was Dr. Avery. Finding him hiding in an empty office as he begged for his life.


That was one down. Two more to go.

The lights flickered on and off throughout the facility. Their electricity going haywire after Giovanni’s ninpo went out of control and fried most of their electrical system.

He found Agent John Bishop standing alone in the corridor, gun raised and pointed at Giovanni who smirked.

Multiple bullets were fired in his direction. But Giovanni was quick on his feet, sliding left and right, jumping up and down, using the walls and ceilings as his leverage, using his environment to get close to the agent.

John clicked his tongue when he ran out of bullets, quickly reaching over in his pocket to grab more bullets out to reload.


His body fell, blood spurting out of his chest. That’s two down. Only one left to kill.

Giovanni looked around, dragging his sword against his floor as he sniffed the air. Her scent was strong, and easily recognisable.

And so he followed.


“Donnie, did you see where Gio went?” Leo asks, as he and his brothers race through the facility, arriving a few minutes ago when they all felt the surge of Giovanni’s ninpo skyrocketing earlier.

“Not yet, I’m trying to hack into the cameras but all I’m getting is static.” The soft shell hissed in annoyance toward himself, the gang weaving left and right down the halls.

“We gotta hurry! This place looks like it got wrecked by some powerful—“

Raph suddenly came to a startled halt, eyes widened with his breath caught in his throat as he stared at the massacre ahead. His brothers peeking out from behind his large form, all wincing, gagging and gasping.

Blood everywhere. Bodies of humans in lab coats and suits displayed on the floor. It was horrific.

“Who….?” Mikey began to shakily question, Leo trembled, looking away to not get sick. “L-let’s keep moving. Gio, could be close by.” He assured, pressing a hand over his snout to block out the smell as he ran ahead, doing his absolute best to ignore his surroundings. The others follow pursuit.


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Bad Things Happen Bingo – Starvation
@badthingshappenbingo ┆ Square #


「✦」 OCs: Achiette D'Aosta, Cathal Nadeau, Celeste Halwyn ⅋ Laurent D'Aosta
「✧」 Content: Repercussions of Captivity
「✦」 Word Count: 1,500
「✧」 Relevant Links: None Yet
⛧ ‿̩͙‿ ༺ ♰ ༻ ‿̩͙‿⛧
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ❝ I’m just a tenant, paying rent inside this body and I; // Got two windows, and those windows, well, I call them my eyes; // I’m just going where the wind blows, I don’t get to decide. ❞
⛧ ‿̩͙‿ ༺ ♰ ༻

The sound of a knocking on the door broke Cathal’s focus. When the door didn’t open, he brought his attention back to the sunset – only several rays peeking over the horizon now. Maybe the knock had been a mistake.

Until it came again. Slightly louder this time, but not the pounding Cathal was used to – no violence behind the second chance. Was he supposed to open it? Just the concept felt alien, as if the door wasn’t his to touch.

At the third knock, and Laurent’s voice calling Cathal’s name, he decided that it wasn’t some kind of trick, played with malice. Instead, a neutral respect. Which was better than any alternative he had right now.

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somehow through the storm

Word Count: 19,700

Tags: Pre-Relationship Buck/Eddie, Buck Takes Care of Eddie, Hurt Eddie, Emotionally Hurt Eddie, Mugging, Blood and Violence, Fist Fights, Knife Violence, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, BTHB: Mugging, Only Incidental Buck/Tommy (Canon Compliant Established Relationship), However! Tommy is Kind and Cares About His Friends, Don’t Show up Here Looking for Other Things


“Not so tough now is he?” the man asked, yanking on Eddie’s hair like he wanted to pull it out at the root. “You want to empty your pockets now, huh? You want to beg me not to hurt you? You wanna tell me you’re sorry?”

He didn’t. It didn’t matter that it was the smart thing, the safe thing. Eddie had crossed the line from sensible to something else the minute they’d stepped from the sidewalk into the alley and he wasn’t turning around. He wasn’t going to hold up his hands and let another goddamn thing be taken from him. Not by these assholes.

During the worst summer of his life, Eddie agrees to meet Buck and Tommy for dinner. He gets held up.

Read on AO3

Anonymous asked

For The Bad Things Happen Bingo Card:

Bingo Slot: Suicide Attempt

Character: Three/Luca

Plot: Basically Three/Luca ends up attempting suicide because of all the shit he’s been through, Leo finds out what he’s trying to do and manages to stop him, the rest of their family and even Draxum finds out about it, and everyone tries to help Three/Luca feel better in any way they can and they also make sure that he doesn’t try and attempt suicide again (also you can decide what suicide attempt he tries to do because I’m genuinely too scared to try and come up with something myself tbh).



This will be marked off as ‘Suicide Attemptas that is the main focus!

Ya know what? Fair—


Also, hey! We got another bingo!

Hope you enjoy this! And sorry for any grammar errors made!


Link to the fic on Ao3: Three Come Down - Chilaglia - Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Cartoon 2018) [Archive of Our Own]


Three Come Down

Quick note: This is not canon to the main story of Blood Is Thicker Than Water! Three/Luca will be known as Three in this as he is still getting used to being around family and hasn’t accepted his new name yet.

Bingo slot: Suicide Attempt

Fandom: Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles + my OC’s

Warnings; ANGST GALORE, suicide attempt, self-harm, PTSD, depressive thoughts, self-hatred, blood, implied past abuse, etc

Summary: Three can’t let them see the self-inflicted wounds. He can’t show weakness. But…it’s hard, it’s so hard when your abuser comes around like he’s part of the family…family huh? Then maybe, Three shouldn’t be part of it anymore.


What a disaster.

What a complete waste of his time.

How imperfect.

Those were only some of the choice of words Draxum had to say to Three. To his creation. And my god, did Three eat it up, and not in a good way. He wanted to vomit out at each insult he was put through.

Baron Draxum was a monster. He was his master.

And yet here he was, mingling with the others who welcomed into the family. Or at least Mikey did, the others just tolerated and our up with him in order to not upset their youngest brother.

Still, it sickened Three to very core. He had barely just gotten used to this whole family dynamic thing, and now Draxum was back? Saying he was a changed yokai? Someone who could be trusted?!


Three looked away, placing a hand over his mouth as his other hand gripped onto the wall beside him. He was watching from afar, and he couldn’t take it much longer. Silently he left the group, making his way to his bedroom and closing the door for needed privacy.

Three swallowed whatever bile threatened to come up his throat, shuddering as he walked to the bed, sitting down and just staring at his lap when he got comfortable.

Physically he was fine. But mentally he knew he was fucked up. The memories, the voices, the thoughts.

All itching at his brain. Tormenting him. Taunting his very being.

Imperfection is what he was. And he couldn’t allow that. Not while Draxum was still here.

It was drilled into him at a young age to be perfect, otherwise suffer the consequences.

So stupid. So naive of him.

And yet…old habits were hard to break.

“Shut up….” He told himself, slamming his hands on his head to try and focus on ignoring the negative emotions. What was something he could do to help him focus? Help him ground himself?

A shimmer caught his eye, gazing to the side to see his katana rested up against the wall. He gained a thought, silently hopping off the bed and making his way over to the weapon.

He picks it up by the hilt, peering down at the reflection of the blade. It was sharp, he knew that. The sharpest he’s ever had.

He’s killed others with this blade before.

Now he was curious. Just how sharp was it?

He extends his arm out, guiding the sword in his free hand to hover above his green skin.

And he sliced, hissing in a deep breath as it stung. He closed his eyes for a moment before opening it back up, watching the line of his cut become clear as red liquid oozed out.

Okay. So, it was sharp. And a bit painful.

But hey…it helped him focus on something else.

One more.

He sliced again. Wincing at the sensation.


And another.

And it continued for a few minutes.


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Bad Things Happen Bingo: Forced to Watch

A bingo card for Bad Things Happen depicting various whump tropes, some of which are crossed out.ALT

(BTHB prompts and masterlist)
Suggested by @melpomenelamusa, thank you! For @badthingshappenbingo

Prompt: Forced to Watch
Fandom: OC

This is not canon, just a fun prompt to fill. Seeing as it’s not canon I nearly just had Abi taken in too, but then I thought, there’s something about 1) still being so far away. So helpless. and 2) the control Lukas has despite not being in her vicinity. She could choose not to watch. But she realises she’d be damning Kieran to a horrible fate, even before seeing exactly what’s going on. So, I hope this still fits the prompt, but it was fun either way!

CW: Emeto, and Torture, including whipping and a drill which is entirely off-screen. None of the torture is graphic, it’s focused more on Abi watching it than the actual torture, but it’s still very obviously brutal even if the worst of it is left to your imagination. Again, this is not necessarily canon!

Speaking of, to those on the Welcome Home, Angel taglist - do you guys want to be tagged in bonus fics or just the main storyline? I’ll tag you here so that you know to tell me, if you just want the main story that’s fine but I need to know! Until I do, I’ll continue to tag in all fics regarding Kieran. Happy, safe reading, and on with the show!

A cloud themed divider.ALT

The moment the video started Abigail’s heart leapt to her throat. It was Kieran. He was stood in the middle of a blank room with his arms held up in chains, and his legs held still with heavy cuffs around his ankles on a short chain to the floor. He’d clearly lost weight, lacking any muscle definition he once had. He had several layers of duct tape covering his mouth. What looked like burn scars trailed up his arms, across his chest among other visible wounds. His skin was covered in deep bruises of varying age. Pale green eyes apprehensively followed a masked man around the room. He wore all black, thick baggy clothing with his face and hair entirely obscured. He looked around Kieran’s height, a little taller in heavy work boots. He circled around Kieran, leaning in to murmur something in his ear. Kieran’s eyes widened. He stared into the camera and Abigail felt her heart shatter. It was as if he was looking directly at her. He couldn’t speak but his eyes were always so expressive and they were begging her, begging her for what? To help him? She’s trying, by god she is trying. To not watch? She doesn’t want to. But now she can’t tear herself away.

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Prompt distress call

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Living nightmare

Alistair awakens to what he hopes is a horrid dream. Unfortunately, it’s real.

Or; the Hero of Ferelden is found, too late.

1/1 | 747 words | ao3

Tw: for slight/mild ( i guess gore) and implied torture.

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Anonymous asked

For The Bad Things Happen Bingo Card:

Bingo Slot: Amputation

Character: Adriaen

Plot: Adriaen basically gets his leg amputated by force after he gets a Kraang related infection during a mission and he’s too scared to actually go through with getting his leg amputated but he has to have it amputated anyways before the infection spreads to the rest of his body. The others also feel bad about Adriaen having to get his leg amputated so Donnie ends up making a prosthetic leg for Adriaen and Adriaen gets used to his prosthetic leg after a while.



This will be marked off as ‘Amputationas that is the main focus!

Hope you enjoy this! And sorry for any grammar errors made!


Link to the fic on Ao3: Missing Limb - Chilaglia - Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Cartoon 2018) [Archive of Our Own]


Missing Limb

Quick note: This is not canon to the main story of Collide. This takes place after the movie timeline!

Bingo slot: Amputation

Fandom: Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles + my OC’s

Warnings; ANGST GALORE, amputation, blood, depression, implied dissociation, panic attacks, loss of limb, Krang infection, vomiting, vomiting up blood, etc

Summary: The Krang have been defeated but the infected people of New York still linger around. Adriaen sadly has been faced with one the more aggressive infected. His leg is covered in the slime, and it stings, burns. They have to take it off. They have to take away his leg.


After the invasion of New York, the city began rebuilding itself. Cleaning up the rubble from buildings, fixing the cracks on the roads and of course cleaning up any gunk of pink slime that attached itself to the floors, walls and corners.

However, despite the boys saving the city from the Krang, they didn’t manage to save everyone. Sadly, some of the citizens that were caught in the crossfire of the Krang were infected and became mindless zombies with no cure.

The infection would spread to others if the pink gunk from the Krang touched anyone for too long. The government did try their best to round up as many infected as they could but because of the large number of people infected, they would’ve missed a few people.

Like this one for example.

Adriaen was slammed back into a pillar, grunting and sliding down as he hissed in agony. Shaking his head he looks back at the fight. Leo was coordinating his attacks with his brothers and Casey as they charged and attacked the aggressive infected person that found their way into the abandoned subway tunnels. Too close to their home.

Donnie’s sensors picked up on the intruder and thus resulted in the current fight at hand. This infected was large, half their body inhuman, they screeched and used their new grown tentacle to pick up objects or pick up someone and throw them around, unaware of their own strength.

Adriaen clicks his tongue, gripping at his kama’s as he runs back in, running in between their legs and sliding on his knees as he uses his blades to slice at the legs.

The infected wailed and fell to the ground, screeching in either agony or annoyance. It was hard to tell exactly. “Nice job Adri!” Leo praised, smiling at him, Adriaen looked over to the slider and returned the smile back.

Leo stared before gasping, pupils widening. “Look out!” He shouts, running over towards Adriaen who blinked in puzzlement. The latter turned around, widening his eyes when the infected raised their tentacle and wrapped it tightly around Adriaen’s right leg.

Oh no—

Adriaen yells when he is tugged back by his leg, dropping his weapons out of fright as he growls and claws at the tentacle to release him. But it had a death grip on the leg, and it was beginning to burn and ache.

“Ah! Help me!” Adriaen wails, clawing at the concrete as everybody raced over, Casey using his chainsaw hockey stick to cut away at the tentacle that held Adriaen’s leg, freeing the mutant as Donnie chucked one of those vials that somehow hurt and exploded the Krang upon contact at the infected, hearing them screech and squirming away.

The infected had run off, and Mikey was about to give chase until he heard sobbing and painful grunting as he turned to Adriaen who was laying on the floor, being held by Leo who sweated and tried to comfort the panicked turtle.

“It hurts! Fuck! M-my leghurts!” Adriaen hisses, using one hand to hit the ground and the burger holding Leo’s arm tightly, no doubt going to leave a bruise on the slider.

Adriaen’s right leg had bumps of pink slime covering some parts, his veins visible as the Krang gunk would move every now and then which would result in Adriaen to cry out.

Tears spilling his face at the pain as Donnie inspected the leg with his goggles that he upgraded a few days ago.

“His leg is infected! If we don’t get rid of the issue, then Adriaen is going to become like them!

“Then cut off the Krang parts, Dee!” Leo orders but Donatello shakes his head, paling as he stares down at Adriaen. “W-we can’t. It’s already entered his system. We…we’d have to amputate the leg.” Donnie informs, shocking everyone at the solution.

Adriaen shakes his head, “No, no, no! I’m not…! Don’t cut off my…!” He wheezes, finding breathing to be difficult as he gags and pushes himself off Leo, coughing and retching as blood pours out from his mouth.

“See, it’s already spreading! We gotta cut it off now!” Donnie exclaimed, Leo biting his lip as he looked down at Adriaen who trembled. “Leo…” He sobbed out, scared as the slider gently cupped his face.

“I’m sorry…”

He looks at Donnie and Casey. “Cut it off.”

Adriaen shakes his head, closing his eyes and sobbing as he waits for the pain.



The sound of the chainsaw whirring in the air, followed by it meeting flesh, Adriaen widened his eyes and let out the most powerful scream he ever let out.


Adriaen had passed out from both exhaustion and blood loss, but when he came to, he was in the medbay.

Be looked around, spotting no one which had his blood levels elevated briefly.

“Leo? Guys…?”

He chirped in distress, wriggling in bed to sit up, but had paused and felt a jolt of pain overcome him. He groans, letting out another chirp.

Footsteps raced to the medbay room, followed by Leo slamming open the door, panting as he eyed his crush. “Adri…” He softly spoke, relieved as he came over, hugging the mutant tightly which had Adriaen confused but he accepted the hug.

“What…what happened?”

Leo stiffens, frowning as he pulls away from the embrace, avoiding eye contact as he clenched at the blanket. “Leo….?” Adriaen called out to him again, eyes narrowing in suspicion.

“We had to amputate your leg.”

Both Leo and Adriaen jumped at the voice of Donnie who had arrived with the others in tow behind him.

“Amputate….” Adriaen repeated before he hesitantly threw the blanket off his lap. He saw his left leg, that was still there….but when he looked to the right side—


Leo quickly handed him a bucket, Adriaen snatching the bucket and throwing up bile that squeezed out of him. He had no right leg. It was gone.

It was wrapped up in thick bandages, but all that was left was a stump.

Where was his infected leg then? Probably still back at the tunnel that they cut it off in.

“I’m sorry…there was nothing we could’ve done to save the leg.” Leo spoke, placing a hand on Adriaen’s shoulder, the latter flinching and instinctively shrugging Leo off him. He wasn’t in the right headspace to be touched right now.

Leo understood so he retracted his hand away.

Adriaen held the bucket, reaching over it once more when reality began sinking in.


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