Well, not exactly. But these boat models will add a touch of daydreaming to your decor. Some are sailboats, others are fishing vessels. All of them are amazingly detailed models.
Looking for a fun addition to your decor, the buoys will add a bit of whimsy.
These fun and colorfully painted buoys highlight J. J. McCooley’s of Elkton, MD (now permanently closed). They definitely would add a bit of whimsy to your nautical theme!
Stop by before you head out to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day and browse our shop. You know we’re here and we’re watchin’ for ya!
Did you have a pedal car growing up? Do you collect pedal cars? We have a variety of interesting and unique pedal cars, from a fire engine to a horse and sulky. NOTE:The racecar picture with driver and the wagon are not pedal cars.
Spring is near, and ‘back in the day’, kids were excited to bring out their toys, like these pedal cars, to enjoy the warmer days.
Do You Wonder If Pedal Cars Are Good For Your Kids?
Below are some reasons kids enjoy pedal cars and the benefits they get from riding them.
Why Pedal Cars Are the Ultimate Outdoor Toy
1. Promotes Physical Activity and Exercise In today’s digital age, getting kids to play outside can sometimes be a challenge. Pedal cars offer a fun way to encourage kids to be physically active while also having a blast. Pedaling helps to build leg strength, improve cardiovascular health, and develop coordination. As children steer and pedal, they are engaging their entire body, which contributes to overall physical development and motor skills. Pedal cars are a great way to help your child get some fresh air while also staying active—something that’s important for their growth and development.
2. Enhances Coordination and Balance Pedal cars provide a fun way for kids to work on their balance and coordination. Pedaling requires a child to work their legs in unison to propel the car forward, while steering with their hands helps them improve hand-eye coordination. These skills are essential not only for future biking but also for overall motor development, making pedal cars an excellent choice for children as they grow.
3. Sparks Imagination and Creativity Beyond the physical benefits, pedal cars also ignite children’s imagination. Whether they’re pretending to race, explore new roads, or go on a grand adventure, pedal cars encourage creative play. With a steering wheel and the freedom to move, kids can pretend they’re driving their very own car, making up stories, and engaging in role-play. This type of imaginative play helps with social skills, creativity, and emotional development.
4. Safe and Fun for Kids Safety is always a priority, and pedal cars are designed with that in mind. Most models come equipped with brakes, stable wheels, and a low center of gravity, making them safe for young drivers. Pedal cars are a fantastic alternative to ride-on toys like scooters or tricycles, as they provide a more controlled, safer experience, especially for younger kids.
Additionally, pedal cars allow children to control their speed and direction, giving them a sense of independence while staying in a safe environment. Parents can supervise their kids while they ride, giving both the child and parent peace of mind.
5. Long-Lasting Fun One of the greatest things about pedal cars is their durability and timeless appeal. Pedal cars are made to last, with high-quality materials like metal frames, rubber tires, and sturdy pedals that stand up to years of use. Unlike battery-operated toys, pedal cars don’t need charging and can be used for hours on end. They’re built for both indoor and outdoor play, so whether it’s in the yard, on the driveway, or around the park, the fun never stops.
Pedal cars are perfect for children in a wide age range. As your child grows, they’ll continue to enjoy and make use of their pedal car in different ways. It’s a toy that can last through multiple stages of play and can even be passed down to younger siblings.
6. Perfect for All Ages Pedal cars come in a range of sizes and designs, making them suitable for children of various ages. Some models are perfect for toddlers just starting to explore their environment, while others are designed for older kids who are ready for more advanced features, like pedals that require more effort or larger, more detailed car designs. Whether your child is 2 or 6, there’s a pedal car that will suit their age, size, and level of development.
You never know what will show up at Bahoukas Antique Mall. Here’s one such example. Intrigued by the title of the album, we did a bit of research. We learned that ‘Crabmeat’ Thompson was a resident of our neighbor state, Delaware, for many decades. Teacher and musician, he had audiences of all ages and loved sharing his storytelling and music to teach school-age kids and to celebrate EARTH DAY. He even created a coloring book, ‘Stretch Saves the Inland Bays” – about a heron. We’ll have a copy in the store this weekend.
On a Friday afternoon, Jerry “Crabmeat” Thompson sat on a piano bench in his sunny living room and talked about his life.
Though he claims to be shy, he has a larger-than-life presence, and people are drawn to his animated personality. Like his counterparts in folk music, he is a natural storyteller, and his tales are often punctuated by his explosive laughter.
Thompson is a teacher and a musician. For him, the two occupations go hand-in-hand as he creates tunes that can be teachable moments, and educates using his storytelling and musical skills. He’s been a wanderer, criss-crossing the country for both music and teaching jobs, driven by whatever he finds to be intellectually or creatively stimulating — or sometimes just in search of a paying gig.
The above quote from the Middletown Life Magazine is a wonderful read giving details of the interesting life of ‘Crabmeat’ Thompson. Click on the link to read more. He lived and performed in many states and was well-known in Delaware.
“I returned to Wilmington with a valise of new songs,” he said. Through his friendship with Johnny Neel, he was given the opportunity to record an album. “Animals, Vegetables and Mineral Springs” was released in 1983. On the album, Thompson was backed by local musicians, and with the exception of two songs, it was all original material.
One of the songs on the album is Thompson’s tribute to Delaware, called “Small Wonder.” As to be expected with Thompson, there is a story to be told about the writing of the song.
Jerry was playing at the Rusty Rudder in Dewey Beach when he was offered a job playing at the World’s Fair U.S. Pavilion in Knoxville, Tenn. “I agreed to go down. There was no pay, but they said they’d feed me and buy me beers at the Australian Pavilion,” he said, chuckling.
Thompson approached the State of Delaware to ask for funding. He was told to write a song about Delaware in exchange for a bus ticket and lodging. “They gave me a list of things to put in the song, so the whole tune is really, really long,” Thompson said. “So there I was at the Word’s Fair. I was the Delaware exhibit, singing ‘Small Wonder’ and passing out pamphlets.” Thompson is especially proud that Jerry Silverman included “Small Wonder” in the Mel Bay guitar songbook, “Songs for the American People.”
The following article from Out & About Magazine is a delightful piece by Crabmeat Thompson. Anyone who enjoys crabs and a good crab feast will have a chuckle!
One of the great pleasures of producing this magazine (Out & About Magazine) for more than three decades is the wide range of talented storytellers we’ve had the privilege of publishing.
… One of the special gifts of storytelling: The words outlive the person who wrote them.
… Crabmeat was an author, educator, musician, advocate, ambassador, and all-around fascinating guy. He also produced award-winning stories for Out & About Magazine for more than a decade — and was a friend of the magazine since its inception.
… Out & About is honored to have had Crabmeat’s prose grace our pages. And if you didn’t know him, well, perhaps the following piece (Crabmeat’s last contribution to Out & About, August 2011) will help paint a picture — not to mention provide invaluable crab-eating tips from the legend himself.
The Fine Art of Eating Crabs by Crabmeat Thompson
What the editors didn’t realize was that my moniker often gets me invited to play music at crab feasts. And though they are jolly events, and often for charity, they present three problems: 1) the banging of hammers doesn’t provide the optimum backup for folk music; 2) the Old Bay in the air tends to get up your nose, into your lungs, and down the old raw throat; 3) starvation, which ordinarily sets in as you scrape out your fourth or fifth crab, attacks the guitar picker much sooner. No way one can pick crabs without scarifying the fingers and filling the abrasions with spicy Old Bay. So you starve in the midst of plenty.
Read more and get a few tips on eating crabs by clicking the link in the citation below.
You can listen to one of Crabmeat Thompson’s albums by CLICKING HERE.
Stop by and see this album and hundreds, if not thousands, more on our shelves! You truly never know what treasure you might find. In the meantime, you know we’re here, and we’re watchin’ for ya!
Whether you love period art, Japanese art, comic book art, vintage floral art, old photographs, or just fun metal signs, you’ll be amazed at the artworks available at Bahoukas Antique Mall. Browse the gallery below, then drop in and see the variety of art, prints, signs, and photos in our store.
Gallery 1 – vintage art and prints
Gallery 2 – Period Art
Gallery 3 – Metal Sign Art
Gallery 4 – Unique Artwork
Gallery 5 – Unique Posters
Gallery 6 – Specialty Pieces
Gallery 7 – Vintage Photos
This is just a sampling of the art you’ll find throughout the store. Remember, we’re here … and we’re watchin’ for ya! Hurry in today!
You can hear the birds chirping, watch the geese heading back north, and see daffodils peeking out of the ground. With Daylight Savings Time coming up next weekend (Sunday, March 9th, 2025), we’re close to the first ‘official’ day of Spring! Here at Bahoukas Antique Mall, we have beautiful serving pieces to add to your Easter Holiday Dinner or a bit of beauty to your Spring entertaining.
The featured image is a 1930s-40s beautiful Knowles pitcher with fruit (apple, pear, blueberries). Perfect for water, milk, lemonade, and even flowers! A colorful addition to any table!
Vintage Federal Glass covered bowl with 4 small bowls – Atomic Starburst.
Set of 4 Pyrex Early American Cinderella nesting bowls 1960s vintage.
Beautiful Lenox Serving Dishes, candle holders, and more at BAHOUKAS ANTIQUE MALL
Fire King gas stove – 1920s – manufactured by A Weiskittel & sons of Baltimore MD
Stop by soon and find that special item that will add to your spring decor or just brighten your dinner table. Maybe you’re remodeling an older home and the Fire King stove would be perfect!
No matter your needs, we’re here at Bahoukas Antique Mall and we’re watchin’ for ya!
At Bahoukas Antique Mall, our collections are as varied as those of our customers – unique and interesting. This week’s samplings are Civil War Memorabilia to Vintage Infant Dresses and a wonderful selection of Records and Albums.
Records & Albums
The featured image is a framed poster of SANTANA. Our record collections range from Classical to R&B, Country to Rock & Roll, Show Tunes to Children’s Songs. We also have a wonderful section of very, very, collectible albums.
Vintage Infant Dresses
Our Vintage Infant Dresses offer some beautiful embroidery, lace, and pleating. We have about 25 in our collection. Stop by and see them.
Civil War Memorabilia
We’ve posted our Civil War Memorabilia on our FACEBOOK PAGE (link in right-hand column). But we’d like to highlight a few items here and mention that we have a wonderful Military Collection.
Below are images of some Civil War Caps and Photographs.
Remember, at BAHOUKAS ANTIQUE MALL you’ll find a ‘collection of collections,’ a Beer MuZeum (and yes, most of it is for sale), plus you can browse our Havre de Grace History MuZeum Collection. Be sure to say ‘hi’ and chat with George!
We thought we’d share some colorful and fun collectibles available at BAHOUKAS ANTIQUE MALL on this chilly January day! Our featured image includes some very collectible, vintage FIESTA WARE.
In addition, add a bit of color and chic when you consider a beautiful 1950s Ironstone Soup Tureen, very collectible PYREX mixing bowls, a vintage chrome canister set with salt and pepper shakers, a lovely glass etched cake plate with cover, and more.
These very collectible Lady Head Vases could hold your favorite plant as well.
Keeping to our theme of fun and colorful, this wood nursery lamp with Circus Boy and Girl Characters is simply the cutest!
Speaking of ‘circus,’ we have these very collectible books about the circus: Tanbark and Tinsel, The Story of “Mr. Circus,” My Father Owned A Circus, and GROCK: King of the Clowns.
So bundle up and come on into BAHOUKAS ANTIQUE MALL. Whether you you love looking for items of your favorite color, unique pieces to create ‘conversation,’ or looking to add to your collection, you know “we’re here and we’re watchin’ for ya.”
Today we highlight the variety of Crocks and Jugs at BAHOUKAS ANTIQUE MALL. Add our selection of Tins – from potato chip sizes to small cookie and candy sizes. Plus among our pottery pieces is a beautiful Robinson Ransbottom vase.
Our featured image highlights a few unique crockery pieces. We also have the following collection of crocks and jugs in all shapes and sizes.
Do you love tins? We do. They’re perfect for storage, and the smaller, decorative ones, filled with cookies or candy, are great for gift-giving.
Finally, we show off this beautiful Robinson Ransbottom Pottery vase. It’s a must-see!
It’s to be a warmer day today. So we remind you that “we’re here…and we’re watchin’ for ya!”
Are the kids looking for something to do? We have a variety of toys, games, puzzles, dolls, Beanie Babies, and more to entertain them. Our featured image is a fun pink and purple Butterfly Pillow Pet.
Of course, who can ignore this amazing variety of TY Beanie Babies? It’s a fun way to brighten a dull day!
Our Toy Section also offers a variety of board games, card games, and especially, puzzles, colorforms, and activity books.
Love Barbie? Check out this Barbie Travelin’ Trailer set that includes an off-road vehicle and a horse trailer.
And last, but certainly not the end of our variety of toys, is this Glamour Gals Ocean Queen Cruise Set.
There’s always something unique at BAHOUKAS ANTIQUE MALL to help entertain the kids when they start getting stir-crazy! Stop in and take a peek. Of course, we have a huge collection of children’s books.
Today, we highlight the many ‘critters’ you’ll find throughout the store. They include kitties, dogs, and even piggies. Some are ceramic, others plastic, cast iron, and even wood carvings.
These photos are just a sampling. Stop in soon.
Special 50% off Shelves
You’ll definitely want to peek at the shelves that offer 50% off. You just never know what you might find! Teapots, dishware, pitchers, and more are available for 50% off!
Bundle up and get yourself to our shop. There are treasures to be found. And yessiree, we’re here and we’re watchin’ for ya!
Typewriter Collectors/Enthusiasts have various reasons for collecting. Some love the mechanics of early and later electronic typewriters. Others just love the variety of styles, colors, and models. Still others have read stories of famous writers and their love of typewriters.
The featured typewriter is a REMINGTON Noiselss Tabulator Typewriter, probably around the 1930s. The Remington and Sons bought the patent for the QUERTY keyboard layout.
In 1873 Sholes’s backer, James Densmore, successfully sold the manufacturing rights for the Sholes & Glidden Type-Writer to E. Remington and Sons. The keyboard layout was finalized within a few months by Remington’s mechanics and was ultimately presented: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 – , Q W E . T Y I U O P Z S D F G H J K L M A X & C V B N ? ; R
After they purchased the device, Remington made several adjustments, creating a keyboard with essentially the modern QWERTY layout. These adjustments included placing the “R” key in the place previously allotted to the period key. Apocryphal claims that this change was made to let salesmen impress customers by pecking out the brand name “TYPE WRITER QUOTE” from one keyboard row is not formally substantiated. Vestiges of the original alphabetical layout remained in the “home row” sequence DFGHJKL.
The modern ANSI layout is: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 – = Q W E R T Y U I O P [ ] \ A S D F G H J K L ; ‘ Z X C V B N M , . / Remington 2 typewriter, 1878 – First typewriter with a shift key for upper and lower case characters
The QWERTY layout became popular with the success of the Remington No. 2 of 1878, the first typewriter to include both upper and lower case letters, using a ⇧ Shift key.
We also have an UNDERWOOD typewriter from the early 1900s.
The original Underwood typewriter was invented by German-American Franz Xaver Wagner, who showed it to entrepreneur John Thomas Underwood. Underwood supported Wagner and bought the company, recognizing the importance of the machine.
The Underwood Number 5 launched in 1900 has been described as “the first truly modern typewriter.” Two million of these typewriters had been sold by the early 1920s, and their sales “were equal in quantity to all of the other firms in the typewriter industry combined.” When the company was in its heyday as the world’s largest typewriter manufacturer, its factory in Hartford, Connecticut was turning out typewriters at the rate of one per minute and, along with Royal Typewriter Company, made Hartford the “Typewriter Capitol of the World”.
Below are several others in our collection, including a 1960s Smith Corona Galaxie Twelve, a 1970s Smith Corona, and a beautiful vintage typewriter.
Many of you know Tom Hanks as an Academy Award-winning actor, director, and producer. But did you know that Hanks has been a passionate typewriter collector since the 1970s?
In fact, in the film California Typewriter which was released in 2017, Hanks said he probably has about 250 plus typewriters in his collection and “that 90% of them are in perfect working order.”
So, what is it about the typewriter that Hanks loves?
“What thrills me about typewriters, is that they are meant to do one thing and one thing only, and with the tiniest amount of effort, and maintenance, it will last a thousand years,” he explained in an interview during the London Literature Festival with Gabby Wood, literary director of the Booker Prize Foundation and writer for the Telegraph.
If you’re a writer, you may enjoy this article by Diane Ako – CLICK HERE to read it. From this article:
Through this medium, writing becomes a meditative exercise. “It’s slower, yes,” Wisch says, of using any typewriter. “Once I type anything, it’s there on the paper. I can’t take it back. But I like that it makes me think about what I’m going to say.”
Last but not least we have several newer models and a couple for kids, including these interesting 1950s Berwin Toy Typewriters.
1950s Berwin Toy Typewriters
It’s a great time to stop by and view these typewriters. Of course, you’ll enjoy our “Collection of Collections.” You know we’re here and we’re watchin’ for ya!
Mini-collectibles can be discovered throughout BAHOUKAS ANTIQUE MALL and BEER MUZEUM. They are fun to collect, and nearly every subject matter is covered. The featured image highlights several wood-carved, mechanical bottle stoppers.
The following images offer a sampling of the variety of mini-collectibles that might be just what you’re looking to add to your own collection—or start one!
If you love mini-collectibles, you will want to browse our shop. These little treasures are everywhere. We look forward to your visit. Yep, we’re here … and we’re watchin’ for ya!
We made it. 2025! It’s time to seize the day and create the life you desire. Does that life include a few vintage collectibles? We most certainly have a HUGE selection waiting for you to visit. Here’s a sampling to start your day!
Mini-Pewter Figures
These mini-pewter figures are simply the ‘cutest!’ Stop by and see them in the LION KING case right inside the front door!
Mini-Singer Sewing Machine
At first, it looks like a child’s machine (which, of course, it could be), but it’s a quality Singer like the big ones.
Cast Iron Figures
Our cast iron collection is always a big hit. The variety of subject matter is outstanding from ‘critters of all sorts’ to the Michelin Man, mermaids to mechanical banks, and Black Memorabilia to door hangers and more. To your left when you walk in the door, stop in and take a peek.
Vintage Cameras
There’s something about working with real film in a vintage camera that creates a unique and satisfying experience among photographers. Stop by and check out the collectible cameras we have available.
Open 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. – 7 days a week – Fridays and Saturdays til 8 p.m. Yep, you know we’re here … and we’re watchin’ for ya! Stop by and say “hello!”
We thought it would be fun to highlight a few very special items. The first belongs to our WhoZwhatsits category. Do you know what this is?
This vintage piece would have been hung outside a French tobacco shop (similar to a barber pole here in the U.S.).
It’s in fairly good condition. It’s most certainly a great “conversation piece.”
Duck Calls/Whistles and Coon Squaller
These beautifully crafted duck calls and whistles are perfect for the hunter on your list, or the collector! Received recently, you’ll want to visit and see how beautiful they are.
In addition, consider these unique calls that include a Johnny Stewart Coon Squaller.
This easy-to-blow Johnny Stewart Coon Squaller is simply the finest and best sounding raccoon call Johnny Stewart has ever developed. This call produces effective growls and squalls that drive coons wild.
Celebrate the First Day of 2025 by stopping in to BAHOUKAS ANTIQUE MALL and BEER MUZEUM. We’re excited to see you. You know we’re here and we’re watchin’ for ya!
A wonderful humanitarian, our 39th President, Jimmy Carter, passed away this week at 100 years of age. He leaves an amazing legacy. Here at BAHOUKAS ANTIQUE MALL, we have several Carter political pins available from our collection.
Stained Glass Gifts
We have acquired a wonderful collection of stained glass gifts from a local family. Treat yourself to a special piece or purchase now to add to next year’s gifts!
Stop in today so we can offer greetings for a great New Year’s Eve Celebration. Check out our ‘collection of collections.’ And yes, you know we’re watchin’ for ya!
THANK YOU for an amazing Holiday Season. It’s a real boost for our local retailers! Here at BAHOUKAS ANTIQUE MALL and BEER MuZEUM (and Havre de Grace HISTORY MuZeum), we want to say THANK YOU ~ THANK YOU ~ THANK YOU! So stop back in, choose items you’d love to gift another time, or maybe pick up something YOU really, really wanted for yourself.
When you get to the checkout counter,
ASK for your20% DISCOUNT! This Appreciation Sale Ends 12/31/2024!
We have a unique set of prints created by Syd Mead – the visual futurist – for USSteel. These are from the 1960s. They are exquisite!
Our photos do not do them justice. Check out the story of this amazing futuristic visionary.
Sydney Jay Mead, born on July 18, 1933, in St. Paul, Minnesota, revolutionized the world of conceptual design with his unique ability to visualize and render entire futures in ways never seen – nor imagined – before.
After graduating with distinction from Art Center School in Los Angeles in 1959, Mead’s career quickly evolved from automotive design at Ford to creating futuristic concepts for corporations, and eventually, the film industry.
Mead’s film work, beginning with Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979), showcased his extraordinary talent for creating fully realized, plausible future worlds. His designs for Blade Runner (1982) defined the film’s iconic dystopian cityscape, while his work on Aliens (1986) brought to life the utilitarian yet believable aesthetics of future space travel. Other notable films included Tron (1982), 2010 (1984), Short Circuit (1986), and Mission Impossible III (2006).
What set Mead apart was his approach to design. He didn’t just create isolated objects or settings; he envisioned entire scenarios, solving logistical and practical problems as part of his creative process. Each design, whether a vehicle, a building, or an entire city, was part of a larger, thoughtfully considered world. This holistic approach lent his work a level of plausibility that made even the most fantastical concepts feel achievable.
Mead’s precision and expertise in rendering these visions were unparalleled. His technical skill allowed him to present his ideas with photorealistic clarity, further enhancing the believability of his concepts. As he once said, “I’ve called science fiction ‘reality ahead of schedule.'”
Throughout his career, Mead continuously adapted to new technologies, embracing computer illustration in the 1990s. He shared his techniques through exhibitions, lectures, and his instructional series Techniques of Syd Mead.
Syd Mead’s legacy is not just in the futures he designed, but in his approach to imagining them. He showed that the most compelling visions of the future are those that feel both innovative and inherently possible. Mead passed away on December 30, 2019, leaving behind a body of work that continues to inspire designers, filmmakers, and futurists worldwide.
Stop in and view these prints. A truly outstanding gift for yourself this holiday or someone very, very, very special on your gift list. Remember, today is our final 20% OFF STOREWIDE SALE! Perfect time to consider these prints.
Many families enjoy playing a selection of board games at their family gatherings. Do you? We have a limited selection of electronic games and a huge supply of board games – stacked to the ceiling.
When you’re relaxing from your holiday meal, family and friends can have some fun gathering around the table and playing some games. So stop by and pick up a game or two and add a bit of playtime filled with laughter and conversation!
We’re closed on Christmas Day. So be sure to stop in today if you’re looking for a games to play with family on Christmas Day. Of course, we’ll be here 7 days a week until Christmas Day: 10-6 every day and til 8 on Friday and Saturday evenings. Yep, we’re here and we’re watchin’ for ya.