Sail Away, Sail Away, Sail Away

2 painted buoy's from McCooley's - available at BAHOUKAS ANTIQUE MALL

Vintage Pedal Cars and More

Why Pedal Cars Are the Ultimate Outdoor Toy

1. Promotes Physical Activity and Exercise
In today’s digital age, getting kids to play outside can sometimes be a challenge. Pedal cars offer a fun way to encourage kids to be physically active while also having a blast. Pedaling helps to build leg strength, improve cardiovascular health, and develop coordination. As children steer and pedal, they are engaging their entire body, which contributes to overall physical development and motor skills.
Pedal cars are a great way to help your child get some fresh air while also staying active—something that’s important for their growth and development.

2. Enhances Coordination and Balance
Pedal cars provide a fun way for kids to work on their balance and coordination. Pedaling requires a child to work their legs in unison to propel the car forward, while steering with their hands helps them improve hand-eye coordination. These skills are essential not only for future biking but also for overall motor development, making pedal cars an excellent choice for children as they grow.

3. Sparks Imagination and Creativity
Beyond the physical benefits, pedal cars also ignite children’s imagination. Whether they’re pretending to race, explore new roads, or go on a grand adventure, pedal cars encourage creative play. With a steering wheel and the freedom to move, kids can pretend they’re driving their very own car, making up stories, and engaging in role-play. This type of imaginative play helps with social skills, creativity, and emotional development.

4. Safe and Fun for Kids
Safety is always a priority, and pedal cars are designed with that in mind. Most models come equipped with brakes, stable wheels, and a low center of gravity, making them safe for young drivers. Pedal cars are a fantastic alternative to ride-on toys like scooters or tricycles, as they provide a more controlled, safer experience, especially for younger kids.

Additionally, pedal cars allow children to control their speed and direction, giving them a sense of independence while staying in a safe environment. Parents can supervise their kids while they ride, giving both the child and parent peace of mind.

5. Long-Lasting Fun
One of the greatest things about pedal cars is their durability and timeless appeal. Pedal cars are made to last, with high-quality materials like metal frames, rubber tires, and sturdy pedals that stand up to years of use. Unlike battery-operated toys, pedal cars don’t need charging and can be used for hours on end. They’re built for both indoor and outdoor play, so whether it’s in the yard, on the driveway, or around the park, the fun never stops.

Pedal cars are perfect for children in a wide age range. As your child grows, they’ll continue to enjoy and make use of their pedal car in different ways. It’s a toy that can last through multiple stages of play and can even be passed down to younger siblings.

6. Perfect for All Ages
Pedal cars come in a range of sizes and designs, making them suitable for children of various ages. Some models are perfect for toddlers just starting to explore their environment, while others are designed for older kids who are ready for more advanced features, like pedals that require more effort or larger, more detailed car designs. Whether your child is 2 or 6, there’s a pedal car that will suit their age, size, and level of development.

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Have You Heard of ‘Crabmeat’ Thompson?

Art for Every Taste at Bahoukas Antique Mall

Gallery 1 – vintage art and prints

Gallery 2 – Period Art

Gallery 3 – Metal Sign Art

Gallery 4 – Unique Artwork

Gallery 5 – Unique Posters

Gallery 6 – Specialty Pieces

Gallery 7 – Vintage Photos

Spring is in the Air at Bahoukas Antique Mall

Vintage Federal Glass covered bowl - Atomic Starburst - available at Bahoukas Antique Mall in Havre de Grace MD
Set of 4 Pyrex Early American Cinderella nesting bowls 1960s vintage - available at Bahoukas Antique Mall in Havre de Grace, MD
Variety of beautiful Lenox serving dishes and more - available at BAHOUKAS ANTIQUE MALL in Havre de Grace MD
Beautiful Lenox Serving Dishes, candle holders, and more at BAHOUKAS ANTIQUE MALL
Fire King gas stove - 1920s - manufactured by A Weiskittel & sons of Baltimore MD - available at BAHOUKAS ANTIQUE MALL in Havre de Grace

Civil War Collectibles – Vintage Infant Dresses – Records and Albums

Civil War Caps and other Military Memorabilia at BAHOUKAS ANTIQUE MALL in Havre de Grace, MD
Civil War Photos and other Military Memorabilia at BAHOUKAS ANTIQUE MALL in Havre de Grace, MD

Colorful Collectibles and “Circus”

Lady Head Vases - just a few of those available at BAHOUKAS ANTIQUE MALL in Havre de Grace, MD
Vintage Circus Boy and Girl wooden lamp available at BAHOUKAS ANTIQUE MALL in Havre de Grace MD
Vintage books about the CIRCUS including Grock: King of Clowns, My Father Owned a Circus, The Story of "Mr. Circus,: and Tanbark and Tinsel - all available at BAHOUKAS ANTIQUE MALL in Havre de Grace, MD

Crocks, Jugs, Pottery, and Tins

Crocks of all shapes and sizes available at BAHOUKAS ANTIQUE MALL in Havre de Grace, MD
Crockery Jugs of all shapes and sizes available at BAHOUKAS ANTIQUE MALL in Havre de Grace, MD
Wizard of Oz tin available at BAHOUKAS ANTIQUE MALL in Havre de Grace, MD
Tins of all shapes and sizes including large potato chip cans and more available at BAHOUKAS ANTIQUE MALL in Havre de Grace, MD
Beautiful Robinson Ransbottom Pottery Vase available at BA:HOUKAS ANTIQUE MALL in Havre de Grace MD

Kids Need Activities? Beanie Babies, Puzzles, Activity Books, and More

Kids puzzles, activity books, and more available at BAHOUKAS ANTIQUES in Havre de Grace MD
Kids puzzles, activity books, and more available at BAHOUKAS ANTIQUES in Havre de Grace MD
Barbie Travelin' Trailer off-road vehicle and horse trailer available at BAHOUKAS ANTIQUES in Havre de Grace MD
Glamour Gals Ocean Queen Cruise Set available at BAHOUKAS ANTIQUES in Havre de Grace MD

Special 50% OFF Shelves and Critters – piggies, cats, and dogs!

Find a unique collectible for 50% off on select shelves at BAHOUKAS ANTIQUE MALL in Havre de Grace, MD
Find a unique collectible for 50% off on select shelves at BAHOUKAS ANTIQUE MALL in Havre de Grace, MD

Vintage, Collectible Typewriters

Vintage early 1900s Underwood typewriter available at BAHOUKAS ANTIQUE MALL in Havre de Grace MD
1950s Berwin Toy Typewriter - intriguing collectible available at BAHOUKAS ANTIQUE MALL in Havre de Grace MD

Mini-Treasures Make a Great Collection

Mini treasures are fun to collect and can be found throughout the store at BAHOUKAS ANTIQUE MALL in Havre de Grace, MD
Small figure of a buffalo at BAHOUKAS ANTIQUE MALL in Havre de Grace, MD
Mini treasures are fun to collect and can be found throughout the store at BAHOUKAS ANTIQUE MALL in Havre de Grace, MD

Vintage Cameras, Cast Iron Figures, Mini-Pewter Figures, and Mini-Singer Sewing Machine

Mini-Pewter Figures

Miniature pewter figures can be seen in our Lion King case at BAHOUKAS ANTIQUE MALL in Havre de Grace MD

Mini-Singer Sewing Machine

Mini-Singer Sewing Machine at BAHOUKAS ANTIQUE MALL in Havre de Grace MD

Cast Iron Figures

Vintage Cameras

Vintage, collectible cameras at BAHOUKAS ANTIQUE MALL in Havre de Grace MD

Duck Calls, Coon Squallers, French Tobacco Sign

A unique 'whoziwhatsit' - French tobacco sign usually hung outside the shop (similar to a barber pole) - at BAHOUKAS ANTIQUE MALL in Havre de Grace, MD
beautifully crafted duck calls and whistles - at BAHOUKAS ANTIQUE MALL in Havre de Grace, MD
Jonny Stewart Coon Squaller and other calls - at BAHOUKAS ANTIQUE MALL in Havre de Grace, MD

She-Ra, Pres Carter Political Pin, and Stained Glass Gifts

She-Ra and Her Friends

She-Ra Crystal Castle and a variety of figures available at BAHOUKAS ANTIQUE MALL in Havre de Grace, MD
She-Ra Crystal Castle and a variety of figures available at BAHOUKAS ANTIQUE MALL in Havre de Grace, MD

Jimmy Carter Political Pin 1976

Political pins from 1976 for CARTER vs FORD and more - available at BAHOUKAS ANTIQUE MALL in Havre de Grace, MD

Stained Glass Gifts

We Appreciate You – Save 20% thru Dec 31, 2024 – Just Ask When You Checkout!

SYD MEAD Prints Created for USSteel

Prints from Syd Mead - the visual futurist - created for USSteel - available at BAHOUKAS ANTIQUES MALL in Havre de Grace MD

Sydney Jay Mead, born on July 18, 1933, in St. Paul, Minnesota, revolutionized the world of conceptual design with his unique ability to visualize and render entire futures in ways never seen – nor imagined – before.

After graduating with distinction from Art Center School in Los Angeles in 1959, Mead’s career quickly evolved from automotive design at Ford to creating futuristic concepts for corporations, and eventually, the film industry.

Mead’s film work, beginning with Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979), showcased his extraordinary talent for creating fully realized, plausible future worlds. His designs for Blade Runner (1982) defined the film’s iconic dystopian cityscape, while his work on Aliens (1986) brought to life the utilitarian yet believable aesthetics of future space travel. Other notable films included Tron (1982), 2010 (1984), Short Circuit (1986), and Mission Impossible III (2006).

What set Mead apart was his approach to design. He didn’t just create isolated objects or settings; he envisioned entire scenarios, solving logistical and practical problems as part of his creative process. Each design, whether a vehicle, a building, or an entire city, was part of a larger, thoughtfully considered world. This holistic approach lent his work a level of plausibility that made even the most fantastical concepts feel achievable.

Mead’s precision and expertise in rendering these visions were unparalleled. His technical skill allowed him to present his ideas with photorealistic clarity, further enhancing the believability of his concepts. As he once said, “I’ve called science fiction ‘reality ahead of schedule.'”

Throughout his career, Mead continuously adapted to new technologies, embracing computer illustration in the 1990s. He shared his techniques through exhibitions, lectures, and his instructional series Techniques of Syd Mead.

Syd Mead’s legacy is not just in the futures he designed, but in his approach to imagining them. He showed that the most compelling visions of the future are those that feel both innovative and inherently possible. Mead passed away on December 30, 2019, leaving behind a body of work that continues to inspire designers, filmmakers, and futurists worldwide.

from SYD MEAD Website

Does Your Family Enjoy Board Games?

Huge choice of board games available at Bahoukas Antiques in Havre de Grace MD
Huge choice of board games available at Bahoukas Antiques in Havre de Grace MD

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