Article III, Alabama Constitution

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Alabama Constitution
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Local Provisions

Article III of the Alabama Constitution is entitled Distribution of Powers of Government and consists of five sections.

Section 42

Sec. 42. Legislative, executive, and judicial branches of government; separation of powers.

(a) The powers of the government of the State of Alabama are legislative, executive, and judicial.

(b) The government of the State of Alabama shall be divided into three distinct branches: legislative, executive, and judicial.

(c) To the end that the government of the State of Alabama may be a government of laws and not of individuals, and except as expressly directed or permitted in this constitution, the legislative branch may not exercise the executive or judicial power, the executive branch may not exercise the legislative or judicial power, and the judicial branch may not exercise the legislative or executive power.[1]

Section 43

Sec. 43. Approval of Legislature for court orders requiring disbursement of state funds.

No order of a state court which requires disbursement of state funds shall be binding on the state or any state official until the order has been approved by a simple majority of both houses of the Legislature. This section shall not apply to orders, judgments, or decrees requiring payment of compensation for the taking of property by eminent domain or arising out of challenges to taxation or to such other orders, judgments, or decrees as may be otherwise required by statute, or settled principles of Alabama common law as decided by the Alabama appellate courts, not inconsistent with other provisions of this Constitution. Nothing herein shall be construed to preclude a court from making findings of fact or conclusions of law and orders relating thereto, that standards required by the United States Constitution, the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, laws of this state or of the United States, or rules or regulations promulgated pursuant thereto, are not being met, and from ordering the responsible entity or entities to comply with such standards.[1]

Section 43.01

Sec. 43.01 Reserved.[1]

Section 43.02

Sec. 43.02. Administration of county affairs.

(a) Except where otherwise provided for or specifically prohibited by the constitution or by general or local law and subject to the limitations set forth herein, the county commission of each county in this state may exercise those powers necessary to provide for the administration of the affairs of the county through the programs, policies, and procedures described in subsection (b), subject to the limitations set forth in subsection (c).

(b) Subject to the limitations of subsections (a) and (c), each county commission in the state may establish:

(1) Programs, policies, and procedures relating to county personnel, including: Establishment of a county personnel system; the provision of employee benefits; allowing a deputy to be given his or her badge and pistol upon retirement; creating employee incentive programs related to matters such as attendance, performance, and safety; creating incentive programs related to the retirement of county employees; and creating employee recognition and appreciation programs.
(2) Community programs to provide for litter-free roadways and public facilities and public property and subject to any limitations in general law, programs related to control of animals and animal nuisances, provided no programs shall: a. result in the destruction of an animal unless required by the public health laws of the state; or b. relate to or restrict the use of animals for hunting purposes or the use of animals being raised for sale or kept for breeding, food or fiber production purposes, or otherwise used in connection with farming, poultry and egg, dairy, livestock, and other agricultural or farming operations.
(3) Programs related to public transportation and programs to promote and encourage safety when using public roads and rights-of-way, provided the programs do not in any way conflict with general law.
(4) Programs related to county offices, including one-stop tag programs; commissaries for inmates at the county jail; disposal of unclaimed personal property in the custody of the county; management of the county highway department; automation of county activities; and establishment of unit or district systems for the maintenance of county roads and bridges. Pro- grams involving the operation of the office of an elected county official may only be established pursuant to this subdivision with the written consent and cooperation of the elected official charged by law with the responsibility for the administration of the office.
(5) Emergency assistance programs, including programs related to ambulance service and programs to improve county emergency management services.

(c) Nothing in this amendment may be construed to provide a county commission any authority to levy or assess a tax or fee or to increase the rate of any tax or fee previously established, or to establish any program that would infringe on a citizen’s rights with respect to the use of his or her private property or infringe on a right of a business entity with respect to its private property. Except as authorized in subdivision (4) of subsection (b), nothing in this amendment shall authorize the county commission to limit, alter, or otherwise impact the constitutional, statutory, or administrative duties, powers, or responsibilities of any other elected officials or to establish, increase, or decrease any compensation, term of office, or expense allowance for any elected officials of the county.

(d) Any programs, policies, or procedures proposed for adoption by the county commission pursuant to the authority granted under subsection (a) shall only be voted on at a regular meeting of the county commission. Prior to the adoption of the programs, policies, and procedures, the county commission shall provide notice of its intention to consider the matter by announcing at a regular county commission meeting that the matter will be on the agenda at the next regular meeting of the county commission and that any members of the public desiring to be heard on the matter will be granted that opportunity at the meeting where the matter will be considered. Notice of the meeting at which the matter will be considered by the county commission shall be given in compliance with the notice requirements for county commissions provided in the general law. Nothing herein shall authorize a county commission to supersede, amend, or repel an existing local law.

(e) The provisions of this amendment shall not apply to Jefferson County.[1]

Section 43.03

Sec. 43.03. Use of tax revenues collected within Major 21st Century Manufacturing Zones.

Notwithstanding any other provision of the Constitution, public moneys, including ad valorem tax revenues, collected within a tax increment district located within a Major 21st Century Manufacturing Zone as defined by law, and proceeds of obligations issued by the municipality or county establishing the district for the purposes of redevelopment or revitalization of property located therein, may be expended for the acquisition of the property and the redevelopment, rehabilitation, or conservation thereof, and the moneys, property, and proceeds may be disposed of, whether to or for the benefit of private interests or otherwise, for such consideration as shall be determined in the discretion of the governing body of the county or municipality, as the case may be, that established the district and without regard to Sections 93 and 94 of this Constitution. Any obligations of a municipality or county issued for the purposes set forth above shall not be chargeable against the constitutional debt limit of the municipality or county. The exercise of any powers granted in the Major 21st Century Manufacturing Zone Act, Act 2013–51, by any municipality or county, or the governing body thereof, shall not be subject to those limitations or restrictions that would otherwise have been applicable under Section 93 or Section 94 of this Constitution. The Major 21st Century Manufacturing Zone Act, Act 2013–51, is hereby validated and confirmed.[1]

See also

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Additional reading


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Note: This text is quoted verbatim from the original source. Any inconsistencies are attributable to the original source.