Colorado fact checks

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Colorado Fact Checks

  1. Fact check/Does Colorado law allow payday lenders to charge over 200 interest on small loans - Oct 30, 2018
  2. Fact check/Does a Colorado petition signer's information go into an internet-accessible public database - Aug 02, 2018
  3. Fact check/Cary Kennedy on Colorado teacher salaries - May 10, 2018
  4. Fact check/How has marijuana legalization impacted state revenue and crime - Mar 15, 2017
  5. Fact check/Is it true that Colorado House District 16 Candidate Larry Liston "claimed to be against Ref C... but voted for it" - Jun 17, 2016
  6. Fact check/Did Colorado congressional candidate Gail Schwartz lead the "charge on the war on coal" as a state senator - May 06, 2016
  7. Fact check/Does fracking negatively impact property values - Apr 07, 2016
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