Parsons Street & Horse Fair
A main street linking North Bar and St Mary's Church to the market place and the castle Quay Shopping centre, Parsons's Street runs parallel to the High Street and is full of independent businesses:
The Artery art shop & classes The Art Framing Workshop 38 Parsons Street, 07586 430328 www.banburyframing.com
Revival Mk2 19b Parsons Street, 07503 162632 www.revivalbanbury.co.ukUnion Clothing 19a Parsons Street, (01295) 278085 www.unionmenswear.co.ukBuywise Domestics appliance centre Watermans Jewellers 51 Parsons Street, (01295) 269210 www.watermansgoldsmiths.co.ukA Little Bit More 21 Parsons St Clothing, jewellery and accessories
Banbury Sewing Centre (01295) 262344 www.banburysewingcentre.co.ukBargain Village 4 Parsons Street
Banbury Bridal 53-56 Parsons Street, (01295) 254621 www.banbury-bridal-boutique.co.ukBanbury Covenience Store Weird Creatures pet shop 07889 090403 The Crafter's Collective 16 Parsons Street
Old Town Cafe & Gallery 21 Parsons Street, 07877 030315Tess' Brilliant Bakes
Roma Cafe
Pizza Calzone 36-37 Parsons Street, (01295) 703073 www.pizzacalzonebanbury.co.uk
The Old Auctioneer 44 Parsons Street, 01295 252259 www.oldauctioneerbanbury.comYe Olde Reine Deer Inn 47 Parsons Street, (01295) 270972 www.ye-olde-reinedeer-inn-banbury.co.ukWine Vaults 5-6 Parsons Street, (01295) 261281 www.thewinevaultsbanbury.comAKA (Also Known As) Zushi sushi restaurant Siam House Jaypur balti cuisine Jool indian cuisine 27 Parsons Street, (01295) 272888 www.joolrestaurant.co.ukNew Mogul indina cuisine 58 Parsons Street, (01295) 251920K2 indian style food Original Gyro Smash Burgers
Sheila's Shakes milkshake & icecream 46 Parsons Street, (01295) 250952 www.sheilas-sweets.comThe Cone icecream parlour
Total Image hair salon 24 Parsons Street, (01295) 263636 www.totalimagehair.co.ukPaul Joseph hair dressing Lawrence Anthony hairdressing 15 Parsons Street, (01295) 263184 www.lawrenceanthony.comSo... Hair, Nails & Beauty 7 Parsons Street, (01295) 258082 www.sobanbury.comFlix Hair 7 Parsons Street, (01295) 263088
Fellowship of the Needle tattoo & piercing 21 Parsons Street, (01295) 255663 www.fontattoo.comRestore Chiropractic 33-34 Parsons Street, (01295) 258872 www.restorechiropractic.netPink & White Nails 42 Parsons Street, (01295) 369590Nail Envi 22-23 Parsons Street, (01295) 258788Superior Nails 14 Parsons Street, (01295) 976059Banbury Therapy Group
Sheila's Sweets (01295) 250952 www.shelias-sweets.com
Tai Oriental Supermarket 40-41 Parsons Street, (01295) 264979 Bao Gang
The White Horse pub 3 Flavours Restaurant 13-14 North Bar, (01295) 279140 www.3flavours.co.ukThai Orchid restaurant Banbury Private Physiotherapy 49 North Bar, (01295) 257584