This is KiLLbuLL’s music collection on Bandcamp.


  1. Berlin, Germany
  2. Experimental
  1. collection 1600
  2. followers 62
  3. following 377
  1. The Substance of Flames
    by Torus Dome
  2. The Fifth
    by In Slaughter Natives
  3. River of Revenge: Brazilian Country Music 1929-1961, Vol. 1
    by Various Artists
  4. River of Revenge: Brazilian Country Music 1929​-​1961, Vol. 2
    by Various Artists
  5. The Kingdom of Bone and Ash
    by Shadow Monument
  6. Temple of Sacred Deities
    by Torus Dome
  7. Fragments of Spiritual Energy
    by Torus Dome
  8. Much Unseen Is Also Here
    by Lustmord
  9. Architecture of Aether
    by Torus Dome
  10. Domadagr
    by Danheim
  11. Ginnungagaldr
  12. Legacy
    by TeHÔM
  13. Nowhere
    by Ursine Death
  14. Eyes
    by Ursine Death
  15. Mad As Hell
    by Ursine Death
  16. Jab
    by Ursine Death
  17. Dead Air
    by Ursine Death
  18. Ursine Death
    by Ursine Death
  19. We are an Algorithm of Ourselves
    by Scott Lawlor & Olik Nesnah
  20. The Nine Savants of Suffering