This is Holm’s music collection on Bandcamp.


  1. Electronic
  1. collection 14
  2. wishlist 3
  3. following 11
  1. Secret Communication
    by Soshi Takeda
    Rainstorm Rainstorm
  2. A Place I've Never Been
    by Soshi Takeda
    Night Club Night Club
    Fantastic EP - short and crisp - danceable too
    Warmly recommended!
  3. Mineral
    by Soshi Takeda
  4. Distant
    by Soshi Takeda
  5. Repair Techniques
    by Sofie Birch & Johan Carøe
  6. Faint hope
    by Soshi Takeda
  7. 1312
    by Rune Bagge
  8. No Tomorrow
    by Rune Bagge
  9. Memory of Humidity (DTR-002)
    by Soshi Takeda
  10. Same Place, Another Time
    by Soshi Takeda
  11. Sync Positive (complete edition)
  12. Floating Mountains
    by Soshi Takeda
  13. Jærtegn
    by Solbrud
  14. Ofte jeg drømmer mig død
    by AFSKY