This is aetherroots’ music collection on Bandcamp.


  1. Experimental
  1. collection 83
  2. followers 2
  3. following 34
  1. JCDecaux
    by JCDecaux
  2. Two acts, one PAS
    by dolphin hospital
  3. things we deserve are not even possible
    by Church of Hate [L'eglise de la Haine]
  4. Ambra
    by Blind Lamb
  5. My People : A Tribute To Vince Wald
    by Various Artists
  6. Benelux
    by Mårble & dolphin hospital
  7. Vanishing Standards III
    by Various Artists
  8. Vanishing Standards III
    by Various Artists
  9. paris 24
    by dolphin hospital
  10. HRADBY SAMOTY ~ XIII ~ compilation
    by Nomad Sky Diaries - Sky Burial
  11. Lust Customer
    by Lust Customer
  12. yeschemkarogh
    by furrr & nystagmus
  13. Music for Septal Cartilage
    by Velleity
  14. Union
    by Mårble & Dolphin Hospital
  15. ჯაზზ
    by Mårble & Dolphin Hospital
  16. I want / I have to share my life with you
    by Lisokot
  17. The Lost Tape
    by Rachel Bonch-Bruevich
  18. Богооставленность [Godforsakeness]
    by Elena Botts & Dolphin Hospital
  19. Secret Place
    by Пурпурный Дядя / Mårble / Dolphin Hospital
  20. Circles (CD)
    by mondëna quartet
    The interplay between instruments is wonderful, balanced. Nuances reward repeated listens. My favorite track is 'Butterflies.' Notes float across certainty, hesitation.