This is alexanderrishaug’s music collection on Bandcamp.


  1. Oslo, Norway
  2. Experimental
  1. collection 176
  2. wishlist 12
  3. followers 16
  4. following 142
  1. Bleed
    by The Necks
  2. Selected Ambient Works Volume II (Expanded Edition)
    by Aphex Twin
  3. PRSN9
    by pretty sneaky
  4. PRSN10.1
    by Moritz Federlein
  5. Olento
    by Ø (Mika Vainio)
  6. Altered Fields
    by Sean Julian
  7. Geardu gierdu - Bone pieces
    by Elina Waage Mikalsen
  8. With fingers slightly bent, holding on to nothing by William Kudahl
    by Breton Cassette
  9. Inland Delta
    by Biosphere
  10. Homage to Annea Lockwood
    by Noel Meek & Mattin
  11. Faksfjord / Fragsfjord
    by T. Jervell & ChromaDots
  12. Fortress Addo
    by Spykidelic
  13. Gatherings
    by Cosmic Neighbourhood
  14. Glass Eye/Rubber Leg
    by Edward Sol
  15. Grey
    by Brume & Edward Sol
  16. Tomorrow Is a Big Distance
    by various artists
  17. Anyone Could Look Around
    by Ilia Belorukov
  18. Divers Substrats
    by Jean-Baptiste Geoffroy
  19. Numb Buzzing
    by Andy Klingensmith & Andrew Weathers
  20. Oxmardyke
    by Philip Jeck & Chris Watson