This is Bernard S Walker’s music collection on Bandcamp.

Bernard S Walker

  1. Electronic
  1. collection 451
  2. wishlist 150
  3. followers 2
  4. following 147
  1. Maelifell - Garvalf / Split 2022
    by Maelifell & Garvalf
  2. Dungeon Drone
    by Idylls of the Last King
  3. Verso l'alba
    by Desolazione Rurale
  4. Neverwood Records Distro
    by WereGnome Records
  5. None more wretched than the putrid bowels of a Titan long disposed
    by None more wretched than the putrid bowels of a Titan long disposed
  6. The Tower of the Mad Wizard
    by Idylls of the Last King
  7. The Last Sanctum
    by Dverg
  8. A Fervent Call from Atop Gorgaltier Mountain
    by Dungeontroll
  9. Fragments de Sorcelleries
    by Cimerion
  10. Forêts d'Outre-Monde
    by Cimerion
  11. À l'Ombre du Royaume en Cendres
    by Oublieth
  12. The Hunt for the Last Jewel of Edarin
    by Dungeontroll
  13. Les Disparus
    by Ivernal
  14. Sanctuary OS
    by Dusqk
  15. Heaven/EXE
    by Dusqk
  16. Angel/MEM
    by Dusqk
  17. Gaia/RAE
    by Dusqk
  18. X's
    by Cigarettes After Sex
  19. Höllental
    by Zweihänder
  20. Ear Slayer
    by Zweihänder