This is ’s music collection on Bandcamp.

  1. Metal
  1. collection 178
  2. wishlist 19
  3. followers 6
  4. following 126
  1. Sapperlot
    by Leech
  2. Eiger
    by Aara
  3. Sorceries of Sanguine & Shadow
    by Pestilent Hex
  4. Proof Of Existence
    by Void of Hope
  5. Om jordens blod och urgravens grepp
    by Häxkapell
  6. Écailles De Lune
    by Alcest
  7. Souvenirs D'un Autre Monde
    by Alcest
  8. Indsigt
    by Angantyr
  9. Xibalba
    by Ershetu
  10. Yomi
    by Ershetu
  11. Death’s Soliloquy
  12. Êra
    by Asarhaddon
  13. Menschenmühle
    by Kanonenfieber
  14. Treue und Verrat
  15. Les Dires de l'Âme
    by Silhouette
  16. Les Retranchements
    by Silhouette
    Nice find!
    Beginning of the second song is really nice! Reminds me of Freezing Moon.
    Edit: Wow, what an album! Too bad it's just 30 minutes.
  17. Ingen Skånsel
  18. Den 6. Massedød (Manna fra en annen himmel)
  19. Astral Journeys Pt. I : Creation
    by Eldamar
  20. Dust
    by Show Me a Dinosaur