This is masterbrawn’s music collection on Bandcamp.


  1. Electronic
  1. collection 684
  2. wishlist 232
  3. followers 17
  4. following 115
  1. Skazka For Boys (No. 13)
    by Gary Husband & Steve Hackett
  2. Drop (remastered)
    by Soft Machine
  3. Shadow of Fear
    by Cabaret Voltaire
  4. Shadow of Funk
    by Cabaret Voltaire
  5. Loose Gears
    by DMX Krew
  6. Floating World Live (re-mastered)
    by Soft Machine
  7. Sonicwonderland
    by Hiromi
  8. PUTFP
    by O.R.k
  9. Drank
    by Thundercat, OG Ron C and DJ Candlestick
  10. Drunk
    by Thundercat
  11. forge
    by KMRU
  12. Camembert Electrique
    by Gong
  13. Magick Brother
    by Daevid Allen Gilli Smyth / Gong
  14. Banana Moon
    by Daevid Allen
  15. INDUSTRY 4.0 EP
    by DJ Stingray 313
  16. Day-Glo Chaos Gets Physical
    by Hologram Teen
  17. Travel
    by The Necks
  18. Unfold
    by The Necks
  19. Blast Of Silence
    by O.R.k
  20. Bringing It Down to the Bass
    by Tony Levin