This is Chris Hodge’s music collection on Bandcamp.

Chris Hodge

  1. Richmond, California
  2. Metal
  1. collection 186
  2. wishlist 1669
  3. followers 23
  4. following 215
  1. You Can't Stay Here
    by Iron Chic
  2. fail better, heal faster
    by fail better, heal faster
  3. Somewhere City
    by Origami Angel
  4. I Let It In And It Took Everything
    by Loathe
  5. Every Sound Has A Color In The Valley Of Night
    by Night Verses
  6. Liminal
    by Belmont
  7. PRUDE
  8. Jaguar Shark
    by Bilmuri
  9. Brain Pain
    by Four Year Strong
  10. Bowser's Mixtape
    by Belmont
  11. Hygiene
  12. Spiral In A Straight Line
    by Touché Amoré
  13. Absolute Elsewhere
    by Blood Incantation
  14. Let This World Swallow Us
    by From A Second Story Window
  15. Otherness
    by Alexisonfire
  16. The Greatest Generation
    by The Wonder Years
    by Belmont
  18. Heavy Pendulum
    by Cave In
  19. Our Raw Heart
    by YOB
  20. Love & Decay
    by Spotlights