This is cockywalter’s music collection on Bandcamp.


  1. Experimental
  1. collection 92
  2. followers 2
  3. following 60
  1. From Darkness
    by Erik K Skodvin
  2. Traverse
    by Mariel Roberts & Jacob Kirkegaard
  3. Four Seasons Only Winter (2020)
    by Lasse Marhaug
  4. Verse of Birds
    by Richard Skelton
  5. Norwegian Ambient Works Volume 1: A Kafé Hærverk Benefit Compilation
    by Various Artists
  6. Underdrift
    by Alyssa Moxley
  7. Yön Magneetti Sine
    by die ANGEL
  8. Palace
    by B/B/S/
  9. Half Moon
    by B/B/S/
  10. Water Pulp
    by B/B/S/
  11. NK012
    by B/B/S/
  12. Coltre / Manto
    by B / B / S /
  13. Conversations
    by Christoph Berg
  14. Focus Intensity Power
    by BJNilsen
  15. Vinyl
    by BJNilsen
  16. Drag Acid #10
  17. Which Way To Leave?
    by John Chantler
  18. Low Distance
    by Deaf Center
  19. Owl Splinters / Twin
    by Deaf Center / Svarte Greiner
  20. Levende
    by Deaf Center