This is darthzaed’s music collection on Bandcamp.


  1. Metal
  1. collection 26
  2. wishlist 2
  3. following 14
  1. DMC5 - Bury The Light (ft. Andrew Baena and Johnny Ciardullo)
    by geoffplaysguitar
  2. The Philosopher King
    by Ex Deo
  3. Diggy Diggy Hole (Dance Remix)
    by Wind Rose
  4. Conspiranoia
    by GAEREA
  5. Roundabout
    by Allegaeon
  6. Earthless
    by Humanity's Last Breath
  7. To Ain
    by GAEREA
  8. Where Hatred Dwells and Darkness Reigns
    by Zornheym
  9. Tardigrade Inferno (EP)
    by Tardigrade Inferno
  10. Execution is fun!
    by Tardigrade Inferno
  11. We Are Number One
    by Tardigrade Inferno
  12. Ritual Death Metal
    by Deathchain
  13. Chapter I
    by SKYND
  14. Chapter II
    by SKYND
  15. Sovngarde Song 2016
    by Miracle Of Sound
  16. Ancient Legacy Burns [Single'2019]
    by Nox Doloris
  17. Tartarus
    by W.E.B.
  18. Tartarus
    by W.E.B.
  19. GAEREA
    by GAEREA
  20. Unsettling Whispers
    by GAEREA