This is Cam’s music collection on Bandcamp.


  1. Metal
  1. collection 470
  2. followers 6
  3. following 283
  1. Dreading The Mycelial Mask
    by Blood Spore
  2. Four Dimensions of Auditory Terror Split
    by Blood Spore
  3. Fungal Warfare Upon All Life
    by Blood Spore
  4. Procul His
    by Drowned
  5. Idola Specus
    by Drowned
  6. Fentanyl
    by Morast
  7. SUNN O))) - 2005.03.03, Hi-Fi Bar, Melbourne, AUS
    by SUNN O)))
  8. Purulence Gushing From The Coffin
    by Stenched
  9. Ashen Womb
    by Phrenelith
  10. Inexorable Nexus
    by Diocletian
  11. War Of All Against All
    by Diocletian
  12. Bellum II
    by Aquilus
  13. Bellum I
    by Aquilus
  14. Spaceman / Faces
    by Mystery
  15. Unyielding Shadows
    by Khazurvaal
  16. Web of Death
    by Street Tombs
  17. RIP The Abyss
    by Street Tombs
  18. Gravepeeler
    by Gravepeeler
  19. Gravepeeler / Cryptic Dissolution Split
    by Gravepeeler
  20. Hatred For Mankind
    by Dragged Into Sunlight