This is Carlos Fernandez’s music collection on Bandcamp.

Carlos Fernandez

  1. Daytona Beach, Florida
  2. Electronic
  1. collection 2989
  2. wishlist 283
  3. followers 32
  4. following 741
  1. Perpetually Pist / Pout “split w/ me”
    by Perpetually Pist
  2. Kick It Over
    by Motorbike
  3. Propaganda der Tat
    by Dolchstoß
  4. Black Metal ist Klassenkrieg!!!
    by Antifascist Black Metal Network
  5. Secret Green
    by Sadness, Jymeria
  6. Aeroerotic Bloodplay Twincest Voyeurism [EP]
    by Hemzeodysnexia
  7. Death's Majesty
    by Oedematous
  8. Class-based Brutality
    by Regurgitated Devourer
  9. Poison Ruïn
    by Poison Ruïn
  10. mira (2024 remaster)
    by mira
  11. Seasons Dreaming Death
    by GraveRipper
  12. Tormented Imp
    by Tormented Imp
  13. insolação
    by sonhos tomam conta
    by TALK SHOW
  15. Into The Odiousness
    by Morphogenetic Malformation
  16. Coldness Of The Bunker
    by GutterSkull
  17. Digging my Grave
    by OCASO
  18. Des Nachts
    by Zwiespalt
  19. Curta'n Wall - YR GWYDDBWYLL
    by Curta'n Wall
  20. POLTERWYTCH - 5 Curses Of The Polterorgel