This is minim’s music collection on Bandcamp.


  1. Brooklyn, New York
  2. Electronic
  1. collection 818
  2. wishlist 581
  3. followers 35
  4. following 413
  1. And/Or
    by Lost Trax
  2. Antares EP
    by Martinez
  3. C4LP (F•ck Yeah) [Remaster 2025]
    by Atom™
  4. No King
    by Cousin
  5. Constant Break
    by Ruven Medici
  6. Oberhausen
    by Smeti
  7. Intensive World
    by Time Modem
  8. Mall To Beach 80'
    by Operator
  9. Paramour
    by Lucas Moss
  10. Triptil - Journey
    by Triptil
  11. Choreography
    by Lust Pattern
  12. Forming Lines
    by Lust Pattern
  13. Pentaquark EP
    by Obergman
  14. Beneath the Surface
    by not even noticed
  15. Memory Lane EP
    by Paul & Sharp
  16. Global Surveyor (Dominance Electricity)
    by Scape One featuring Keith Tucker
  17. Serendipity
    by Emiliano Martini
  18. Your Voice
    by Crihan
    appears in 1 other collection
  19. The Gurner
    by Bauzer Vep
  20. D1 Microtón
    by DJ Fitness