This is nisthaed’s music collection on Bandcamp.


  1. Metal
  1. collection 64
  2. wishlist 27
  3. following 33
  1. The Anthropocene Extinction
    by Cattle Decapitation
  2. Aseity: I
    by Nexilva
  3. Terrasite
    by Cattle Decapitation
  4. Death Atlas
    by Cattle Decapitation
  5. Death: An Anthology
    by Enterprise Earth
  6. Phantazein
    by Cognizance
  7. Vile Genesis
    by Inferi
  8. The Particle Eclipse
    by Vaegon
  9. The Watcher, Wreathed In Flame
    by Demon King
  10. The Final Tyranny
    by Demon King
  11. Vesania
    by Demon King
  12. Immortal
    by Alterbeast
  13. Feast
    by Alterbeast
  14. The Chosen
    by Enterprise Earth
  15. Visions of Infinihility
    by Carnosus
  16. Relinquished Mind
    by Perihelion
  17. Infinite Decay
    by Perihelion
  18. In Situ
    by Hatalom
  19. Nurture
    by Deviant Process
  20. Flesh Over Finite
    by Chiliasm