This is Per Platou’s music collection on Bandcamp.

Per Platou

  1. Electronic
  1. collection 648
  2. followers 7
  3. following 372
  1. Dystopi Delete
    by Reolô
  2. Song over støv
    by Erlend Apneseth
  3. Hollow
    by The Handsome Family
  4. Après coup
    by Laurie Torres
  5. Under Tangled Silence
    by Djrum
  6. Tranzkript 1
    by Actress
  7. The Bad Fire
    by Mogwai
  8. Armageddon In A Summer Dress
    by Sunny War
    by SONIC MUD
  10. Barcelona, Spain
    34 releases 0 updates 6 subscribers
  11. Tenderness
    by Yumi Iwaki & Carlos Ferreira
  12. Font de la Vera Pau
    by Raül Refree & Pedro Vian
  13. Rising (incl.Kelman Duran & Pépe remixes)
    by Ginno Russo
  14. Neocrystal
    by Yoshihiro Sawasaki
  15. Method
    by Palica
  16. Warm Gaze
    by Wide Scope Protocol
  17. The Other Side of Devastation (Shackleton)
    by The Purge of Tomorrow
  18. Ibillorca
    by Pedro Vian
  19. axfordm
    by Euan Dalgarno
  20. Pedro Vian
    by Pedro Vian