This is Rod Ganiard’s music collection on Bandcamp.

Rod Ganiard

  1. Wisconsin
  2. Experimental
  1. collection 4050
  2. wishlist 6
  3. followers 117
  4. following 1109
  1. Cold
    by Lycia
  2. Songs by Pat Ament
    by Pat Ament
    appears in 1 other collection
  3. Daughter of Darkness
    by Natural Snow Buildings
  4. Seven Stages Of Grief III
    by Various
  5. Elliott Smith
    by Elliott Smith
  6. The Linden Trees Are Still In Blossom
    by Jens Lekman
  7. Natural Snow Buildings - The Snowbringer Cult
    by Ba Da Bing Records
  8. The Cherry Trees Are Still In Blossom
    by Jens Lekman
  9. American Football (LP3)
    by American Football
  10. Kagura
    by Silentwave
  11. Our Small Ideas
    by The Boats
  12. Sleepy Insect Music
    by The Boats
  13. Infinite Sadness
    by kyle bobby dunn
  14. Closing Time (Remastered)
    by Tom Waits
  15. The Heart Of Saturday Night (Remastered)
    by Tom Waits
  16. We Used To Think The Freeway Sounded Like A River
    by Richmond Fontaine
  17. Post To Wire
    by Richmond Fontaine
  18. A Winged Victory for the Sullen
    by A Winged Victory for the Sullen
  19. Phonetics On and On
    by Horsegirl
  20. Seven Stages Of Grief II
    by Various