This is taka840429’s music collection on Bandcamp.


  1. Metal
  1. collection 496
  2. wishlist 690
  3. followers 16
  4. following 413
  1. Loveless
    by Siren Oath
  2. Dark Wing Gospel
    by Black Yet Full of Stars
  3. Bastion
    by Caelestra
  4. Liminal Animals
    by Ulver
  5. One Assassination Under God - Chapter 1
    by Marilyn Manson
  6. Hunger
    by Worm Shepherd
  7. XII: A Gyönyörü Álmok Ezután Jönnek
    by Thy Catafalque
  8. Tidal Passages
    by Drownship
  9. Nåde
    by OMRÅDE
  10. We are left with a song
    by Thence
  11. Coma
    by GAEREA
  12. Kinship
    by IOTUNN
  13. Shining (24-bit HD audio)
    by Swallow The Sun
  14. Nordic Gothic (24-bit HD audio)
    by Cemetery Skyline
  15. Yomi
    by Ershetu
  16. The Wolf & The King
    by 1349
  17. Mond (Deluxe Edition)
    by Soror Dolorosa
  18. Blood And Angels' Tears
    by Vision Divine
  19. Nadir
    by GROZA
  20. Retaliation
    by Ulvehunger