This is Twollium’s music collection on Bandcamp.


  1. Electronic
  1. collection 580
  2. wishlist 132
  3. followers 7
  4. following 59
  1. Saturnalia
    by Selvans
  2. Proof Of Existence
    by Void of Hope
  3. Saṃsṛ
    by Skaldr
  4. Aurora
    by Ison
  5. Arrival
    by Mesarthim
  6. Anthropic Bias / Departure
    by Mesarthim
  7. Phase One
    by Mesarthim
  8. Night Of Vengeance
    by Destro
  9. Eternal Fire
    by Olhava
  10. [∞]
    by Borgne
  11. Dagian
    by Old Forest
  12. The Sky Over
    by Void of Silence
  13. starCross
    by Progenie Terrestre Pura
  14. The Path of Perdition
    by Vastigr
  15. Nel Buio
    by Nel Buio
  16. The Ravening
    by Argenthorns
  17. September releases Vinyl Bundle
    by Various Artists
  18. Earth II
    by Earth and Pillars
  19. Clangores Plenilunio
    by Selvans
  20. Abdication Under Funeral Dirge
    by Grim Funeral