This is DarthWitschge’s music collection on Bandcamp.
  1. collection 165
  2. wishlist 115
  3. followers 5
  4. following 227
  1. The return of the frozen souls
    by ASHTAR
  2. Ich bin die Schwärze
    by HÄXÄR
  3. [P]ain
    by Excruciation
  4. [P]ain
    by Excruciation
  5. [P]ain
    by Excruciation
  6. [P]ain
    by Excruciation
  7. [P]ain
    by Excruciation
  8. God
    by Excruciation
  9. Trident, Rise! (feat. Janek Kulinicz)
    by Chainsword
  10. Born Triumphant
    by Chainsword
  11. HÄXÄR
    by HÄXÄR
  12. Wandering Through Time
    by ASHTAR
  13. Albsegen
    by Ernte
  14. Mænad
    by E-L-R
  15. Vexier
    by E-L-R
  16. Geist und Hexerei
    by Ernte
  17. Revelations Or The Spawn Of Greed And War
    by Evangelion
  18. Repent, Sinners!
    by Excruciation
  19. Altered States
  20. Bearer of Many Names
    by EREMIT