715-537-3881 | HOURS: Mon.-Th. 9a-7p | Fri: 9a-5p | Sat: 9a-12p | Sun. Closed [email protected]

About the Library

Library Board

Heidi Hong, President

Kathee Yamada, Secretary

Maureen Tollman, V.P., City Representative

Gary Nelson, County Representative

Teri Massie, School Representative

Janet Espeseth

Megan Janz

Andy Rick


Agendas and Minutes are available
upon request.

Barron Public Library History

After the turn of the century, the Men’s Club, an organization of leading business and professional leaders, took the task of organizing a library. By 1912 they had outgrown their second location and obtained $6,500 grant from the Carnegie Foundation, purchased a lot for $500 and hired Claude & Starck. According to Visser, the catalog-order frieze is of staff, a molded gypsum/fiber material. An addition of the left and rear, the work of Potter Design Group, Inc., was dedicated on 22 March 1998. “Frank Lloyd Wright & the Prairie School in Wisconsin,” Visser 1992, Pages 217-19.