Saturday, November 16, 2024

Colton at Clackamas

 This will be a post in progress - updated as events unfold.

  • The NWAC (NorthWest Athletic Conference) oversees thirty-six (36) community colleges located in Oregon, Washington and British Columbia. They have a website full of information on the basketball season; schedule, standings, stats, regions, results... 
  • The NWAC Sports Network provides streaming for the games, so check that out for live action!
  • Colton decided to attend Clackamas Community College. Here's the game schedule, and there are additional pages with stats, box scores, play by play, etc ...
  • To follow the family social media, there will posts on Facebook and Instagram, and Twitter ... there is a YouTube playlist/highlights for these college games and I'll update with links here as well. 

There were some early scrimmages. Short "games" ... 20min matchups. Then pre-season games from around the region, then the season, home and away against region teams. 

As 2024 ends ... out of all the players in all the schools in the NWAC, Colton is the assist leader. Keeping control of the ball until he finds the open man. The magic touch as he passes and they make the shot. He set the school record for assists at West Jordan and is continuing in college play ...

Highlight Videos ...
 A collage from the Jan15 Linn-Benton game - Credit ManicMedia

Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Colton at Clackamas (Preseason Scrimmages)


At the end of August, Colton moved to Oregon to attend Clackamas Community College and play on their men's basketball team in the NWAC (NorthWestAthleticConference). The first few weeks of September they had a camp, and then practices every Monday-Friday. School started at the end of September. The official season is still a little ways away ... you can check out the schedule on the Clackamas Athletics website (schedule), first official (still pre-season) game will be November 15. There are a few "jamboree" round robin events before that. Here's the full schedule (although there's already been an update on the website) ...

The first Juco Jamboree was October 13 in Centralia. There was a live stream available with a subscription to BallerTV, which I paid, so that I could see the action. The video wasn't the best quality, but it was better than missing out!  The set-up was interesting. Round robin, four teams, three games. The games were a single period (26 minutes?), no quarters/halves or even switching sides. A shooting foul got one point, then a single second shot. The Clackamas crew was playing in their pink practice jerseys as the team hasn't been finalized yet. Colton started all three games, scored each game (and had quite a few assists) and got good playing time (considering there were three full teams and the reduced clock). I was able to make highlights ...


Next up, was another jamboree, this time hosted by Clackamas.

There wasn't live streaming, but Colton was able to get me some video after the fact, so there are highlights! These were quick matchups, just 20min/running clock games. Clackamas had five games, they won two, lost three. Colton wrote "South Puget Sound and Tacoma are possibly two of the better teams in the NWAC so we weren't too upset with those losses. Blue Mountain was rough, we did not play well. I was happy with how many assists I was getting, especially for how short the games were.  The game against Tacoma was awesome, it was the last game of the night and we had some of the other teams watching too."

Off the court - refueling!

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Cal (&Colton) Men's League 2024

Basketball Brothers
Cal and his crew have been playing in the Taylorsville Men's Semi-Competitive League for a few years now. Wednesday nights, a league for each season. Guys from the old Copper Hills basketball team along with whoever else they add (Colton comes during the summer season). This is a Semi-Competitive league (they once accidentally signed up for a rec league ... they need the higher level!)

Winter season was January - March. Colton had his high school games going, and Wednesday nights are book club, so I only made it to one of the games this season. You can see the highlights HERE. Cooper went through the clips for me and laughed, as Cal had an open layup that didn't finish. Cal's face reflected the feeling, and Landon and Colton thought it was pretty hilarious too (Landon even made a little GIF of it). I asked Cal about the team name ... They are Ben and Jerrys (as Ben and Jared are two of their players). 


Semi-Finals/Championship June 19
They lost in the semi-finals by five ... so no Spring T-shirt. I guess I never got around to making a video of that final game. I was there watching and got video. It is so fun to see both Cal and Colton playing together (for the May game, Colton was available, but Cal had a full team. Other times they struggled to field five players!) 


For some reason Cal couldn't sign up as Ben&Jerrys, so they were Hoopers Only for this season. I was able to attend all but week 6, which of course was their double header (so I missed two games). Colton was available for all the summer games, and won an award at the end of the season for being the leading scorer in the league.  He was off to college for the playoff though ... Cal was gone for the semi-finals, but the team got the win ... and it was on to the championship game!

September 18, 2024 

They got the T-Shirt!

Callahan (he's kind of the "coach" or at least the one in charge of getting them signed up) got the team registered for the Fall season ... but the rec center didn't get enough teams for the semi-comp Wednesday night league. There is also a Monday option, but by the time Cal found out the Wednesday night league wasn't happening, the Monday league was filled. No Fall Ball :(   We joked that they'd scared all the other teams away, and Colton chimed in that they really didn't want to play without him anyway. 

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Clackamas Colton ~ Signing Day

 As Colton progressed through this high school seasons, he knew he wanted to continue to play at the next level. We worked with a recruiter, and Colton was talking to about four colleges with real possibilities. Many video calls and discussions, and a trip to visit several colleges in the Pacific NorthWest. 
Ultimately, Colton decided to commit to Clackamas Community College in Oregon City. The official "signing day" was Friday, May 17, 2024 at the high school. It was a combo signing, with Colton's buddy Q committing to Centralia (also in Oregon).  Lots of friends and family, coaches and school staff came out to support and celebrate the boys. 

Colton will be leaving at the end of August, for a pre-season basketball camp with the school, and school starts September 30. I'll be sure to update here when we have more info on games and such. There is a college page that I'll be watching for updates on ... ClackamasCougars

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Allstar Game


The season was done, and several boys across all teams at all levels had made themselves known. In 5A the championship had come down to Alta and Olympus (Olympus took the crown). As the "Allstars" were selected, both Alta and Olympus had three stand-outs each. Colton was pleased to represent West Jordan in the traditional 6A vs 5A game.  It took place March 29, 2024 and was held at Olympus High School. It wasn't the only activity the school was hosting that night, so parking was packed.

The boys hadn't played or practiced together, this was a little more of a "fun" game, similar to the NBA Allstar showcase. As 5A was the underdogs (coming from the smaller schools) they were "away" and each wore their own school jersey. It was much more apparent (and fun) for 5A I thought, as 6A all had shades of white, not as distinct. 

Here's a listing of the 5A Allstars  ...

Highlights ...

6A got the win, but Colton had a pretty good game.

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Colton ~ Varsity (Senior Year) 2023-2024

It's Colton's (#5) senior year! Once again, he'll be starting Varsity for the West Jordan Jaguars.  Game highlights will be uploaded to the BlackhamBall YouTube - check that out HERE. Follow the BlackhamBall Instagram for #mycoltonclips and new photos. BlackhamBall has a Facebook page as well. Stats can be seen on the DeseretNews and MaxPreps websites.

Here's the schedule ... check the WJ Youtube for live streams of home games. I'll try to see if away games offer a live stream and will post on FB if I find them. While I plan on attending all the games in person, I really appreciate the live streams, so family&friends can peek in on games too. I'll update these game with links to the game highlights. 

HOME - (Friday, November 17) Intro to the team ... WJ Black & Blue game

HOME (Tuesday, November 21) WJ vs Davis
AWAY (Thursday, November 30) WJ vs ArborView/NV at Corner Canyon (4:40)
AWAY (Saturday, December 2) WJ vs Layton Christian at Corner Canyon (12:20)
HOME (Tuesday, December 5) WJ vs Mountain Ridge
AWAY (Friday, December 8) WJ at Bingham
HOME (Tuesday, December 12) WJ vs Alta
HOME (Friday, December 15) WJ vs Skyridge
AWAY (Tuesday, December 19) WJ at CopperHills
AWAY (Thursday, December 28) WJ at Riverton
AWAY (Friday, December 29) WJ vs Syracuse at Riverton (1:45)
AWAY (Friday, December 30) WJ vs Snow Canyon at Riverton (1:30)
***  (Region Begins)
HOME (Wednesday, January 3) WJ vs Cyprus
HOME (Friday, January 5) WJ vs Juan Diego
AWAY (Tuesday, January 9) WJ at Hunter
HOME (Friday, January 12) WJ vs Granger
AWAY (Tuesday, January 16) WJ at Kearns
HOME (Friday, January 19) WJ vs Taylorsville
AWAY (Friday, January 26) WJ at Cyprus
AWAY (Tuesday, January 30) WJ at Juan Diego
HOME (Friday, February 2) WJ vs Hunter
AWAY (Tuesday, February 6) WJ at Granger
HOME (Friday, February 9) WJ vs Kearns
AWAY (Tuesday, February 13) WJ at Taylorsville

State Playoffs
HOME (Tuesday, February 20) WJ vs Hunter
AWAY (Wednesday, February 21) WJ @ Orem

Here's a peek at the highlights of the highlights ...

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Colton Collages - Senior Season

Getting good pictures of basketball games is a challenge! The action, the low light, the distance ... I'm always busy behind a video camera for live highlights anyway. I can't even express the joy I felt when I found out that a professional photographer had been contracted to cover a majority of the games (Nicci Dean Photography). Because of this, we have priceless pictures from Colton's senior season. 

The season opener was an intro to the team, with the boys divided up and playing against each other. Sophomore girls faced JV girls in the 1st quarter, Sophomore boys challenged the JV boys in the second. Girls again, Varsity (pulling a couple up to get 10 players) for the 3rd, then (who I was excited to see) the Boys Varsity. Black and Blue.  This game was played on Friday, November 17, 2023.

Pictures from the first game  (WJ vs Davis) 11/21/2023

Game #4 (West Jordan vs Mountain Ridge)  Tuesday, December 8, 2023

Game #8 (WJ vs CHHS) Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Game #9 (WJ vs Riverton) December 28, 2023

Game #15/Region Game #4 (WJ vs Granger) Friday, January 12, 2024

Game #17/Region Game #6 (WJ vs Taylorsville) Friday, January 19, 2024

Game #18/Region Game #7 (WJ vs Cyprus) Friday, January 26, 2024

Game #20/Region Game #9 (WJ vs Hunter) Friday, February 2, 2024

Game #21/Region Game #10 (WJ vs Granger) Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Game #22/Region Game #11 (WJ vs Kearns) Friday, February 9, 2024
This was also the Senior Night celebration, and the game that guaranteed the Region win.

While I captured almost all the games on video, and the highlights are fun to watch, there's something special about photos. I'm so grateful for these pictures! There were occasionally other professional photographs at the games, and there were some pictures available for a price (MaxPrepsPictures). I bought a couple, but didn't feel like I needed to grab as many as I had all these ones already. 

Nicci Dean Photography also covered the team photos/pictures for the program ...

Check out Cal's collages from his senior/Varsity year.

Saturday, February 10, 2024

Colton ~ Senior Night

 In every high school player's life ... there's a senior night. It's usually the last home game on the region schedule. For Colton, it was February 9, 2024. While everyone had hit games throughout the season, we hadn't had EVERYONE at a single game ... except for senior night. It was great to have all the family out to support Colton. 

Parents had been asked to create a posterboard showcasing the student athlete.  Prepping the pictures, reliving all the games and teams ... it was a walk down memory lane for sure! It was fun to see all the different pictures of the boys through the years.  You can see Colton's board HERE, and I'll make another post with all the boy's boards.

While the start of the season had been a little rough, as 2023 changed to 2024, and Region play began ... the boys couldn't have asked for a better way to remember their senior year. Undefeated in region, a fact that was cinched on senior night (even with one game left to play). It was quite the celebration!

There was the traditional walk with the parents and a little write up of the boy's plans. 
The cutting of the net - Undefeated. Region champs! 
Colton set a new assists record at the school. 
Leis. Photos. Smiles. Celebration. 

Go Jags!

Friday, February 9, 2024

West Jordan Jags Seniors - 2024

Each family of a senior was given a tri-fold board to showcase their  player.

I'm the queen of photo collages, to that's the route I took.
It was fun to take a walk down memory lane!

You can see a closer look on the family blog.
Also, check out more pictures from Senior Night/Region Champs ♥

Here's a look at the posters for the other players ...

Saturday, November 11, 2023

Cal (and Colton) and the Tville Men's League 2023

Cal and Company have continued to play ball when and where they can. They found a fairly competitive men's league at the Taylorsville Rec Center, so that has been the go-to for games. Colton can't play during the high school season, but filled in during the summer. Cal even got Keaton out once!   

This year the Taylorsville Men's League replaced the curtain between courts from a white sheet to a bright red divider. Makes for a distinct backdrop for all the T-ville Rec Center games.  And the team name, Ben & Jerry's? The two boys (left, front and back) are Jared and Ben. Also pictured are Cal, Colton, Charlie, Trevor and Austin.

I attended one game in the first tournament of the year. Busy season, with Colton's Junior year in full swing. I never got around to making a highlight video from it ... but maybe I'll still get to it! I was able to snag the stats, and got a couple pictures. Cal had got a pretty good floor burn on his knee, and I took a picture of it after the game. A few days later (while Cal was off on a work job at Bear Lake) that knee swelled up something terrible and Cal couldn't walk on it at all. 

The Ben and Jerry's started off the year claiming the championship!
It wouldn't be their only one!

I went to several games over the summer season, a few into fall ...

This championship game finished up right before high school basketball started up for Colton. Another injury (elbow to the eye) for Cal. Pictured here, Jared, Colton, Stockton, Charlie, Cal, Big D and Austin. Ben was busy with school this session. 

Coach Cal and Crew ...
Staying busy with basketball!

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Colton ~ Top50

For a few years now, a Utah Top50 Elite League was set-up for high school basketball. This is an invitation only league (you can apply to request an invite) and the top boys from across the state are selected and put onto teams to compete together at a higher level. It's a great way for the boys to get some additional coaching and play, and to get to know other players personally. 

Colton was happy to get an invite this year, and get in a little pre-season play and exposure.

... a list of the teams.
Interesting to see the spread between schools and across the state.
Some boys traveled FAR for games.
This was close - at the SLCC campus. 
Final games played downtown at the Delta Center!

One thing ... 10 players, SIX teams ... that doesn't = 50 
I think originally it was just 50, but the demand is so high they allowed a few more.

Colton has gotten a bit used to being "the best" on his teams, the core player ... here? Not quite as much. When you bring in the best of the best, it's harder to stand out. The Coaches didn't really know the players, just going off a glance and stats ... Colton didn't even start the first few games, spent more time on the bench than is usual for him. But then he started getting more playing time, more opportunities in game. One memorable moment was hitting a half-court buzzer beater.  You can see the team highlight reels in a TOP50 playlist of all six games. There are #mycoltonclips of all six games too. These games were played in September and October 2023. 

Buzzer Beater!

... unfortunately Colton's Lightening wasn't able to get a win during this tournament. Several close games. These teams were stacked with the best players! KSL streamed all the TOP50 games, and even though I was there in person, I would listen to the stream on my headphones (which could be a bit strange, as the timing was off by 30-60 seconds). I like to hear the commentary, especially when it's compliments about my kid. Fun to "get to know" the other boys a little, and then to recognize them later on in the season as they played for their high school teams.