


Bay Area Firearms Training Group was founded in 2002  by NRA and multi-agency certified instructors with over 20 years of experience in order to provide quality firearms education,  to promote responsible civilian and law enforcement firearms ownership, management and marksmanship, and to give an opportunity for people to empower themselves and take charge of their lives. We cannot teach anyone who does not have a green card, or a US citizen. You must be 18 years of age to enroll in any firearms training. It is a federal felony to teach anyone who does not have these requirements. We are approved to teach Calif CCW classes for San Mateo Sheriffs Office, so sign up for your CCW class today.

Whether you are a total beginner, or desire to become a precision tactical shooter, defend yourself in a life threatening encounter, we have the right instructor for you. If you are a FBI / CIA / SECRET SERVICE Candidate we can get you there. Our group of professional educators have taught at police academy’s and large combat schools. We train law enforcement, military, and tactical teams.

If you need to become proficient in marksmanship, learn rapidly to protect yourself with a firearm, or just a quick intro then can get you there.   We offer family courses 7 days a week. Nothing substitutes for good practice, and repetition is what you will have in all our courses. You will experience an increase in marksmanship ability by the end of your class.

You will meet people,  get tips on how to shoot better, and have a lot of fun in a group setting, and make new friends. You will be a person with us, not a number. Once a month tournaments are available for anyone who would like to increase their skills. Remember

“You do not have to be great to start, but you must start in order to become great”.

Ranges & Classrooms

We have three separate classrooms, that are not under limited time constraints like most gun ranges.  We take the time to make sure you are ready to go to your live fire exercises. We train much more in-depth than anyone else in the industry.

The ranges we use depend on the discipline you are enrolled in: pistol, rifle, or shotgun.  The travel time to the ranges can be anywhere from 5 mins-20 depending on which range allows the weapons you are training on. Specialized weapons such as AR-15 HIGH POWER RIFLES are not allowed at indoor ranges.


Home Defense Courses

One of the reasons we offer training

If you need a Home Defense course to stop a Home Invasion, we are the people. We teach 7 days a week smashing people’s anxiety, and fear of handling firearms through so many repetitions they are relaxed within 21 minutes of beginning.

Is your life at risk, or you suddenly have  the blinders removed off your eyes, and realize that only you can protect yourself, and your family?  Do you need an instant course starting now? Call us and we will immediately have you up and shooting excellently in a short period of time.

Don’t wait until they smash in your door and pull your teeth out with pliers as had happened to one of our clients, then they raped his wife in front of him for hours. No one is truly safe anymore.  It can happen anywhere  HILLSBOROUGH  had one of the most violent murders of the peninsula.   Prepare today by taking one of our classes at your convenience.




Chief Instructor Bay Area Firearms Training Group

Scott Jackson


  • NRA Certified Instructor
  • CCW Instructor State of California

Front Sight Diamond Member Graduate Top 5% in his courses

  • Combat Instructor
  • Adjunct Instructor Mustang Range Fernley Nevada
  • Home Defense Instructor
  • Personal Protection in the Home Instructor
  • Shotgun Instructor
  • Rifle Instructor
  • AR-15 Instructor
  • Tactical Instructor
  • Tactical Pistol Instructor
  • Tactical Rifle Instructor
  • Tactical Shotgun Instructor
  • Handcuffing Instructor
  • California Department of Justice Instructor
  • Long Range Precision Rifle Instructor