Under the Violent Crimes Reduction Act 2006 (“VCR”), changes were introduced to make the sale and use of BB Guns also known as Airsoft Guns safer to the public.
Due to the changes in legislation, BB Guns must be coloured so that they do not resemble an actual fire arm.
It is therefore illegal to sell guns that resemble actual firearms (imitation firearms) without a licence (UKARA Membership).
All our products are fully compliant with the VCR 2006 and do not resemble actual firearms due to the colour modifications.
Due to VCR, you must be aged 18 or over to buy or sell an airsoft gun. You must therefore be over the aged of 18 to buy a BB Gun from our store.
If you are 18 years of age or over you can buy a two tone Airsoft BB Gun, one principal colour of which is significantly different from that of a real firearm i.e. bright orange, green, blue etc.
You can buy a two tone Airsoft BB Guns and either gift it to someone else, or allow them to use it.
There is no legal limit on the age you have to be to use an airsoft gun. As parents, you are therefore strongly recommended to use your own common sense and assessment on whether it is suitable to allow your children under the age of 18 to use an airsoft gun. If you do so, it is strongly recommended that you supervise their use and also purchase protective equipment.
Under the VCR 2006, altering the appearance of a BB Gun from its original colour to that of a realistic firearm is illegal and in doing so you can be criminally prosecuted.
The BB guns we sell are intended to be for target practice, skirmishes, and general enjoyment.
You should never point or fire guns at other human beings as BB guns are powerful enough to cause serious injury and would constitute a criminal offence of assault if fired without their consent.
You should always use protective gear such as goggles, face masks and other forms of protective clothing.
You should never fire a BB gun at someoneelse’s property or belongings. If you shoot someone else’s property, car or belongings and it causes damage, you will be liable for criminal damage and prosecution.
BB guns look like real guns all but the colour contrast. Flashes of it may therefore cause undue alarm to members of the public. You should therefore avoid carrying your gun in public spaces and you should certainly not use it in public spaces. Even in vehicles, you should ensure the gun is concealed and out of view to avoid causing any undue alarm.
When transporting your BB Gun, it should be concealed and out of sight so as to not cause undue alarm and declared as appropriate to authorities as and when required (e.g. airports).
This is not intended to be a comprehensive guide to the laws around the manufacture, sale and use of BB Guns in the UK.
If you are not from the UK you should check your local laws and travel restrictions before planning to purchase and take abroad.