Your practical, day-bettering, go-to guide for the happiest, healthiest and best quality of life with your pets.
Health & Nutrition
Learn what causes diabetes in cats and how to spot the symptoms early.
What Is Ringworm in Cats? What Are the Signs?
You come home from a long day at work so excited to see your loyal, dedicated, unfaltering best fur baby friend that has been waiting patiently all day to see you.
Ear mites are particularly pesky—and so uncomfortable.
The short answer is yes, but there’s more to know.
Editor's Choice
How cold is too cold for pets to be outdoors?
Because you love cats—even if your sinuses don’t.
Learn the ins and outs of pet dander and tips for reducing its presence in your home.
No one wants to see their dog bullying other dogs.
When was the last time you and your feline friend had an epic playdate?
Article of the Week
Most cat cries sound like yowls, loud meows, or in some cases a faint whimpering.
Behold, the ultimate new puppy planner.
Is your dog acting sad after the passing of a beloved human or pet sibling? If so, your dog may be grieving. This guide can help you understand how to help your pup.
Dealing with the passing of a pet? You aren't alone. We help you better understand how to cope with the loss of a beloved companion.
For starters, keep those lilies far, far away from your kitty.
On Halloween, you may find yourself wondering, can dogs eat candy? Before you treat your pup, read this guide to poisonous Halloween foods for dogs.
A step-by-step guide to the lifesaving procedure of administering CPR for your dog.
Here's exactly what you need in your pet's first aid kit.
Do you think your dog has been poisoned? This step-by-step guide could save their life.